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ASA L. SMITH'S ESTÁTE.- Tho undorsigncd, having heen appointed by the J-Jon. George Sedgewick, Judge of Probate, of Washtenaw County, Commissionera to examine and allow claims againsi the Estáte of AsaL. Smith. deceased ; saídestaie havingbeen represcntcd insolvent- and six months are allowcd to creditor8 to bring in and prove theircraíms. We therefore give notico thai we will meet for ihe purpose aforesaid at the ofllce ofWm.R. Perry, in the village of Aíln Arbor, on the 13th day ot June, 13th day ofJuly, 13th day of August and the 13th day of September riext, at tea of the clock in tlí e forenoon of each day. WM. R. PERRY, ) R. ?. SrNCLAÍR, Commissioncre. JAMES G1BSON, Dated, Ann Arbor, April 19, 1841. 6'52 .1WOOl,.! WOOI, ! ! THHE undersigned, having been repeatedly solieiied to make some ananec■- ments by vvhich the Wool Growers óf Washlenaw, and the mrruund ng country, couid dispose of thcir wool in a manner that would be mutuually beneficial o ihe Grower and the Buyer, would" beg leave lo eay, Uiat ve have just received a tvell si-lecled and valuable slock of Domesiíc and' Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, ïeah frora New York and Boston, which we purpose to exchange for s$0 or Wool, on the most reasonable terms. To our old cuetoners, and as many more as choose (o give us a cali, we ?ive the asstirance that wc can fUpply you wiih everv articJe necessary r '!l-!f as lovv as can be boilSht this sidc of Lak Erie, and receive fonr WOOL in payment at a prlce perfectly satisfacfory. In addmon lo our usual stock of Fiiil Cloths, Satinett-", Flannels, &c, we av? Broadclotlis, (varying m price A om two to ten dollars,) Cassimeree, ati ciiids oí Nummer Clothi, &c. which we propose to exchange as above rJo ÜI who forrichgoudi, great harguins and high prieel or WOOL, we vould say give vb a call before purchasing elsewhere. A A , r m BECK1.EY & HICKS. Ann Arbor. Lower Town. May 14, 1844. 4„sw SOMETmBfO NEwFt WAMES GIBSON tak es tbis method of informinr his friends and old customers that he has again enered the Mercantile busiress, and is now opening a general and splendid ssortment of DRY GOOD8, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SHELF HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C. of wliich will he offerred to the public as cheap as the cheapest, fof ash or Bar ter. Wool and most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in exchange for Goods. $& Take no man's word, but examine for vourselves at No. 4, Hurón Block, Lower Vlllagc,. Ann Arbor, May 15, 1814. 4-6m.NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHEK ANN AEBOR, LOWER TOWN. S ?r?rLCÍIJmS r0ved his establishment from the Upper (o the LoweT VilTage,No. 4, Huron Block.wheie he hoids himself in readiness to 'dress the "understandings" of every Man, Woman, and Chiíd who will give hiití a cali, in ihe neatest., cheapest, and best manner that can be done in MichLÊATHER and FINDINGS of all kinds constanfly on hand. WANTSD, CASH and HÏDËS, ra any quantitie?, for which the hïghest prices tviíf be given. 1 ''Let none purebase until ihey have called at Felch's, Ño. L HurónBlock. Ann Arbor, May 4, 1844, 3.jys & i-lftff r ïfiw l 2 I rtttíi t ás ss. Kffir = - - g. w S - 2. íS fpiíl s s& jt w w sai.SiifiTïH 3ÏE-S s; 2 il ril LgO g = S ff f:11 teSqgK w if l pil aW2 g .lililí f hO I Í . 2 ■ fe - r 5 eai


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