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WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTMS, rwiil exfiariixe wuolen cloilis of every wulili and qunlity for wool. 10 be clelivcrcd in Mnj orJune. or nfter shcnring titre. My siock of clothis complote, quality goo', prices low, &c. !'. DENISON. Ann Arhor, Februnry let. l84'.ï. 41. ÍS". B. It is important th.-it wool bo done np n jood order, and n'v :nforuiation will bc irivcn wlren aekerl F I). Attachment Nfotico. State ot Mictiiaii, ) Washtenaw Coumy, s ss" Msitthew Rider. )'"DFFORE S. Abel. Jueva. , J3 lice of the Peace ín and D.-iniel Scully. ) tur fuid county. ■ Noticc is hereby friven, (niif a wri( of at'achmont hns bofln issiied in tbeabove cntitled cnuse by the said Jusiice, and tlint the said cpuse etnudF fadjourned umi I tlio 27ih rl.iy of July ncxt, at ten o'lock of tliat day at the oííice oí said Justicc in the Tow.isliip of Ann Arbor. in said couny. MATTHEW RIDOl, í'húiuiñ'. Datcd nt Ann Aibor, April 27, I844P ' 5w CA ME into he enclosurecof the subscriber. the first of September last, an OX. nppn ■ rcntly about etght yenrs old, epotted red and white, witb a bell on bis neck. The owner is requested to prove propcrty pay chnrge and takc liim away. S, JENNINGS. Ann Arbor, MaylOth. 3-8w BOOK BIBJDER Y. AT TUK PAP'KR M1I.L (l.OWÜK TOW) ANN ARBOR. EBOüTH would respecifully inlbm the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity thot he continúes the businespof BOOK BINDmG, at the old (and, in the Paper Mili. Old Books will be nently rebou.nrl on short notice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken ín payment. April li), 1S-13, 5C-tf.ABBOTT BEKCHER. DETROIT WHOLESALE AM) KE.TAÏ& BAS.ERS IW DOMEST1C STÁfLTE AND FANCY DRY GOODSTTJST receivécl a largéí SiooJÜ tbnn ever ol el Moavy Jirown Sliueii.-igy. íSliiltings and Drillín:'s. Ilcnrlic(] G'óoqs, Calicóes, Apron Checks, Baggings. Bnrlaps, Dtapcrs, Crath. Mus)ia, Fuetians, Mole Skms. Sáttmets, Shcep's Gray Cloth, Buckskin Cloth, Faney C.#issiniero3, VVolvorine Coatings, Alnpnca Lustre. ChangoableStripc Do. Fanc.v Arpiñes, Crnpe Delaines. Judia Cloth. JVTousIín De L.)in'S. Parisinus, Chusans. Shawls. Rob Roya, Cardináls, Damaak Shawls. Bine!;. Bino Black. Brown, and Blue Broad Cloths. Feit and Pilot Over Coaiines, Blankets, Flaanêls. nnd Superio BGATRR Cï.OTHS, Leather, Cotton Yarn, Tea., Sugar, CofTee, Rice and Tobacco. All o( 'which Goods will bo sold at the LOWEST PRTCES that they can bc bought for West of New York Cifv. and we wish our Frichds to give us a Cali before JJuving. VVANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For which we will priv the highest pnces cither in CASH or GOODS. at the CHEAPEST CASH PZICES, .No. 144, JeOerson Avenue, Corner Bates Snect, Detroit. Detroit, Nov. 13. 1843. 29-tf. PETÉRSILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LEB. PETERS' Vüotablc Pilis have now been tei years btToru thopniilic. During that perioc they have olnaiiicda celebnty linpatnlleled in tlu hisiory of ilití most popular medicines whichhave preceded ibera or have íollowedin their track. - The happy com'bination of vegetable ingrediënt" to which these pills owe their efficacy. is the re suh ofyeorsof earnc'et study and experiment, di rected by long pieviotis experjence in the prop ertiesOl' medical sulístances, the pathology oidisease. the nature and modus-operandi of the various fluids which minister to tlie support anc sustenance of the human body, and orgaii'atioi by vvhich those fluids are preparct). inodifierl anr distribuU'd. 'J'lu limniph of skill, nnd pntient exiennicn.t has lieen complete. Throiiyhout the ren'gtfi aria breacítlí bt our land, m Biinsli America and the West Tndies. and on the continent of Europe, the carative vinues of Peter's Vege' table Pills. are graiefully acknow!e((gcd. They may be SnlffeÖ the medicine par K.vcia.r.K.vcK, ö1 the. Southern State?. Their consumption somh of the Potomac, is enormous, and cominuully on the increase. Noptherpill ' ' down" there, however sugared over Vitli hired pulïs and home mnnuncttired ccrtiücates. Peters' Vegetable Pills may be termed a universa i medicine, for fliere is scarcely anv derangement or Sostruciion of the organs and funcuons of the hum in machine which they will not alleviate or eniove wheti adminisiered in the early stages ol congestión of (he stomach or bowels, they speedily relax those organs. reduce the nttendant fever. and restore the suriorerto health. Containing no íniiaiing or drastic substances. heir exliibuion is never followed hy thnt pro? tration ol: the bodily powers which chnracterize the opuration of most other cailiarticR, and thcy may be administered without the slighiest fear of producing local inflammation, so frequeutlv caused by the purgent compositions vended by the quacksand charlatans oí the dáy. ín almost all stages of díscase. Peters' Vegetál)le Pilis will be found of benericial effecí, bui they should ahvays be resorted to when the fust symptom mak os i t s appearance. The conques! of the complaint will taen be'easy and imnicdinte. ín billious djordérs reniiUant or intermit. lant fever. dispepsia, dysetüery. cholera, cholic. dinrhcea, dropsy. sour or fcá'tea eruciaiions, enlargemeut trf lh spleen, sick headnche. all cmnplauitsgrowing out of imperfect or too rapid dig'estíoñ'. torporof the bowels. (emale obstructions. habiiual co'stivencss. nnd all other discases m which a pni'aative medicine is proper, Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be fonnd unrivalled in thu speed, certaimy and gentleness of' tbeir opéraiton. It is asked upon what principie those extraordinary effecis are produeed? VVe repjy that Pelers Vegetable Pili acs as a püriner of the blood. by pnrifying the cliyle and other fluids oí which blood is composed. Chyle is a milky fiiiid dépoèitéd by'the disfestive matter on the coats of the intcstinesr and which when conibined with thc billiary sccrction, is conveysd inio the veins an 3 becqmes the principie of life. This medicino acts djrectly nunn the chylcl Iroin which it ?pVfs al! acrid partióles,' and 'ñl, humors detrifwentir) to a healthy cir'c'ijtation li leatises the juicos nnd ílnids before the chemical Lihange takes placo which fus them fo iheimnieJiate 'pur'poses ol vítaluy. Fhis is boinning ai the beginning. To embue the streams oí life wjUh he:lth, it is necessary to purify them ai [heir sourecs. Such is the radical mode in whicli tliie medi2ne periorms íts cures. Testimoniáis wl.ich woiild fil! volurnues (nmny of them from high jcif-niific' authority) aro iis vouchers, and it is iised in the practico oí' the first Physicians Jiertind nbcoad. F,.rsn!ehy F. J. B. Grane. W. S. J. W. Maynard, J. II. Lund. Hairis. Pnrlridges & (-o S P. 4& J. C. Jcwotr. Dav.dsnn &. Becker, Ií. Bccker, CInistian Eberbaeh. G. Grenvtlle. D [■). Wnterman. O. .7. Gaihmd. K. T. AVilliams. Ann Arhor; George Warner &■ Co.. D: C. Whitwood, .7. Miilard & Son. N. II. Wine. Dr'fír; M. Jacksftn, Lmvi; Paul R.aymond. Jncksnn; Brothorson & Kief, Miincli ester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood. Saline; Stone. Babcock & Co., Ypnil.anii; ScatterLro.od&Co. Plymoitk; Pierre T eller and T. H. Eaton &, Co T)ttroi1; also in Adrián. Tocumseh. Broóklyn, Pomiac, ChicaLfo. and almos' evjr where else, AnnArboi. Jan. 15 1844; 27-1 yC E L E B ïi AT E D '.CHE.MIA1' PIASTER. THE following is one Iroiu aniong ineroos iMm:oiii;i!s fioni persons of t!.highest respectnbiüty, which the proprietors hnvr IL'CC'lVlid. -LETTER EROM JOHN S. CARTER. Druggist and AtnJicmnj Kric. Pa. daled Ju lij 2-. l;510. Messrs. II. Hahtus & Co. - Gentlemen: In reply (o your invor ói the Ist instnm, it aflTórds Mie pIcuBUie (o.süi.ic. lh;ii I h;ive during the lust ihree yeius old hia'fiy dozene of E. Dcan's Cliemicnl, Piaster, ond it hasalmost nniversnlly ijivcn s.-aisliiction to ilie It li;is done wonders to my certain knowledije hoth in Ohronic ;ind Jnflnininntoiy Rhemnatism. An old genlleman who had heen afflicted vviih it for y.Ciarö reniiirked to nieihat iie had expended itiditihan ihiriy ddünrs With doctors w'ithóut benefit, .when he wns directed to try the pl;istc;r, hrom one box of whicli lio says Be receivea more reüef thnn f rom all his physieians. The piaster lias nlso given good sntisfaction in Fever Sores and Infiiuimiaiion of ihe Eyes. I could say more, but the beaierof this is wniting. yonrs, JCiJN $. CARTER. IEFFor the diseases in which this Piaster is ap plicable. sce adyeriisement in anoiher column o thispapfr. E. Dean'sChemical Piaster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lowcr Tnwn. ) by J. 1!. LUND. ontl W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. ? Upper CHRISTIAN EBK11HACH. S Town 1'J-ly J AHÍ E SBIRIVEYr A T T O II N E V AND C O U iV 8 E LLOR A T LA W. SAGANAW C1TV, MICOICÍADí. JG. B. wül also act as Land Agent in (lic Land District in which ibis (Saganaw) County is; he will make investments for o.tliers jands. pay Over for rion-rosidents their toxes, and give inforitiation gcncrally to pereons interested in ttiis part of thecountry, or desirousof bccoming immigraflts to it.TO THE VÍCTOR ÜlÖN? ALTHOUGM niany pioparations in .1 , of "POPULA R MEDicSW [Ofm been before the public, claiming, toj' } and oven cure the most in veterde diseñl ll0 none have sg woll answerod [],o ,,„,,,„ s' yet Dr. Shermnn's -IVGEs. "COUGH L02ENGES" cure the most obstinate cases off hom s. They havo cured a larL m!!?? '" " few ,on, whö have been given up jf f. f" "lbe.r of Pernnd friends. and niany who h;,v0 I }'S'ciaD8 10 the verge of' the grave bv eT reuced Consvipsljpn and Hectic Fever 1 ig blood' havo had the rose ofheáTih raiiLY )elr ll8e gardcheek. nnd now live lo lOftliel1 praisesofthieinvaluable medicine r "le inftn's ' r. ShcrJFOBM L0ZENGE8" have boen provecí 111 more. thail 4ü(1 nnft bc mlnllible, in fhet. the only ccminW ■ to stroying medicine ever discovered An?,áe' will eat them when they ennnot be ín Vhlllrci any othcr medicine, and the benefit,) '? (nko the administration of nwdiciae „T'Vedirom form is grent bcyond -conceptivo -. "lhi neverbeen kiown i0 fail. Dr Sliern vs "CAMPHOR LO2ENGF?-"8 relieve Headache. Nervo8 Sick UoU, 1 „ pitation of ,ho Heart. .-,nd s c neS t a' lew minutes. Dr. Shcrinau's " Very . "POORMAN'SPLASTER" is ncknowledsed by all who ,nvp , „ be he best.sírengthéning pÏÏ.erT.k"11' to jointB. rheiunatism, lumb f p' lmb' to procure the nbove and all otW. r Careful M3Vnars, and yo„ w.llbo l ' Jj J mistake in quaniity or clinre en AnnArbor, Sbru.rf ' S J EXTEACTOR SATir-r T .? . ii re or water, and everv 1 qad t-y PAJN, lAPXAMM ATIoV AÍlJEo fící ' ING ever yet found upon the humnn faníly ,0 il has been appUetí, must nlwaysbeaoSrht genuino from Comstock and Co., of New YoïÜ or their aülhor..ed ngents. All are coudonfd agnmst any Bpur.ou.articles, whicf, may ahvaV8 bc avouled by knowmy the one you buy comü fn.n, Comstock .V t .,, . w,„ arc now he f8 proprictni-s and manufacturera. Inquiro for Co . nel s, vvhich is warrnnied to do n!l v ever would when cullod by any oihcr nane; or the pricbsholl be refundcd ín any case il it does not picase To place it wiihin rcach of nll, the pnce L been ■ rcduced moie than Cour fold, nnd is now sol.d lor 25 cents, the fprmerprice being too ex ofbitant. The 50 cent sïze now conmins fonr tunes 119 mnch as the tonner, and the 1 si7e near ten times as nnuh. No tainily thai hns any title to humanity, wil] fai! to have Connih.'s Pain Extractor Oiniment alwnye at hnnd, to snve Jife, all scars. and reduce all ngony. fro niany burn in live miiuues, provided ihey have scen it used, or will beüeve thOï8 who have sed it. CCLMS.TOCK&CO., 21. Couriland Street. ET Bo suro. therefnre. and ask foi Corneis, !b -p-latc with Dalley's name 011 it hh been stolen, and tho epnrious may nppear wiih thnt nnme en it. Know. therefore, 1 lint it comes directly from Comstork & Co., or shun it WM.S. &. J. W. MAYNÁRU, 36 ■ , A '.'int for Ann Arbor. CLO C-KsTc ÏTÖCK S ! ! THE subscriber hnving just received several Cjisesof JiJRASSand WOOD CLOCKS, of various deseripiipns, is prepared to sell them Chcaj) for Ciisii: AIpo. n nnra! nssortment of 5 :IE WELB.Y, coniisring in part of Gold Finger Rings, nnd Pi ns.. Ueartsand Crosses. Silver and Com'rnoii Tnimblès, Watch Chaina and Keyp, Pensil Gneé'; also, Spoons, Suirar Bowls, Eutier Knives, 'i'ooih nnd flair P.mslies, Pocket J'ookp. Violin Strings. Needies, Pms. liooks, and byès, SpcfcfJicies Fine Coiribs,DrcB6Íngr Comb?, . - Side Combs, Back Contli.;. Pocket Combs, "Yater Paiins. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens. nnd Tweasers. -Snuif & Tobacco Elnstics, &C. All of which will be sold as cheaj-, as at any othr er cstalilishnient this sidc of New York. N. B. The subscriber thankful for so larg f] share of ])oblG patronaee. stilt solicitsa continuonce of the sniiie. CLOCKS AND WATCIIES of cvery dèscriptidn repaired nnd wnrrnntèdl Also, JI''.WE1.RY repaired on short notice.- Shop at lus old stand directly opposite the Conri House. C. BLISS. Ann.Arhor, Nov 6, 1.P43. . 2fi-ly. THE followinp indispensable fninily remedie rpjay be iound at Myxakd's Drusrgist Store, n Ana Albor, where none will be sold imless ki'owr. to be of the best kind nnd nó counterfeit article ever ofiered. patent medicine invariubly prbeured ot the originl inventor or his regular siícéessóV: O Ño fnnul'i sfioiil-dhc a xnck without ihtst remedies. rj BALDNESS. Ihilin oí Có'umjia, for Llic Huir, wliichwil slop it il íHlin: oiíí, or restore iton huid places; ■iikI un childirii make it grow rnpidly, or on tliosf who h'jvo t'ist thehfiir iVotn ny caiioö. AIL V., i; &ÍTN that infest tiic JienJs of cfiilderi )n söhfSolev are prevented or killed by it nt once. Find he name ol COMSTOCK on it or neyer try it. Peniewhef Ois ulicinjs. PILES, &c. are wholly preventec'. or governed if tlie attack lias como on. il you ec the only true H"vs' Lwimkst, (rom Comstock & Co , All SORES, nñd every (hing reÜeved by it that admits of an outwardapplicaiion. ít acts like a cliwm. Use ' 'rHEÜMATISM AND LAMENESSroiLtively cured; all shriveíled imísclcs and limbsare restored, in the old nr young, by 1 he Judian Vtg' i ihlf llliiir avd fierre and Bont Lhii ment- bul íievt r without the name of Com.stock & Co. on ' 'kOLMSTOCK-'S VERMirUGE -.vill erndicatt; all VVOK.MSin childreii or aduli with a certniirty quite nsfoiiishing. TOOTH DROPS. KmÑks- cures cfleclually. Ann Arbcr. Fel 5, 1 H4-1 ________iL 5Ö0T000 Feet PIN E LUMBER. THE subscrÜjers offer or sale. Five hundred Thoii-nndFect SEASONED . FINE LUMBER, which has been put up in the best possible mnnTer. and is óf every quaiity and thickness. ier iuns wishing to pinchase Luinber ih.i is ni m imwctüatc „se, will do well to give usa cali, lefore pürcíi'ásing efsèwnere. „NVi H A Z E LTON & PAT F.RSON. F. merly A gents for Beach & to. Flint, .Tnniinrv Y?. 1H14 JO-bm DR. OSGOOD'S"" INDIA CHOLAGOGÜE. AMÜiNG the most valuable quahties ol tni. . medicine, is its restoring vnfluence upo :onstitutions tr.païred and injured by previo ittacksol biilionsicver, or fcver and aguc; or y a long residence in those cümates wnicn p Juce them. There arc niany constitutionfl wnic )écönic grndually undermined by a masmai u luence. without even n day's actual confincmem. n H.ic-h cases, the Cholagogue acts ükoa cliarm - the'anliow complexión, loss of appetito, inn juor, weniiness and depression of spirits, )ther unpleasant symptoms which rendcrN' jurden. nll yield to this romedy when faitn"' iesi according to the directions of the a0"1?"" ïying pamphlct. Jt is emirely a vegetable prop ifatiorr, and may be taken w'th perfect stfety u Ier all cirninnstances of the system. iè FürSalys..tJ.W.MAYNARr), solo Agent, for Ann Arbor andjvicimtyFHIST rate Tea. Sugnr and Coi'rec, at lbe Iowcst morkRt prire?, at .,1 RAYMOND'S CASF STORE. M8 JeflV Avenue, Detro. May 20.


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