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Estímate of JYorthern Congressmen. - A friend who generally judges correct ly wit regard lo public men, writes in a late let ter: 'I have no confidenee in any 'of the men in Congresa to do ony tljing for the slave. No they dare not. Eacii man is lerrified wit] the on!y word of any use - Abolition.' Each man must enter a protest, yee, a cowardl; protest. I. I nm not an abolitionisl,' and lest it should be forg-otten by bis haughty masters, he representa at every angle onc corner of his speech, 'I ain not a modern nbo [itionist.' 'Wli at are you, Sir? are you a .lavehoider? 'Í do not believe in Slavery, nor in Abolilinn.' Well then, what do you believe? Why, I believe- 1 believe Tm a cowardly foo!.' So do I. And this is tbe case of all tbe Northern metnbers, excopt Adams and Giddings.' ' Good Society. - The morbid distinctions in our community. got up under the name of 'Good Society,' hnve reached our prisons. - The elegantly dreised forger and swindler is chocked at being compeüed to encounter the vulgar Ihief, or the loafer a housebreaker, or the petty larceny villain with a seedy coat and sliocking bad hat. The London Punch tokes off these distinctions admirably. 'It is, we believe, intended to introduce the prisoners to euch other formally, not by name, but by the offence with which they ore charged. Tbus the Governor of Newgate wonld sa to Felony, 'allow me to introduce you to Aggravaled Larceny. You ought to know each other - indeed you ought. Aggravatec Larceny, Felony: Felony, Aggravated Larceny.' By a nice adjustment and pioper app'ication of the rules of etiquette, a very admirable system of social intercourse might be cstablished in all our prison?, and the presen compliint of a want of 'good society' whicl falls so severely on superior scoundrels, woulc at once be got rid of. Financiering Elphant - 'That's a werry knowing hanimul of yours, is he?' said a cockney gentlemon to the keeper of the ulephant in question. Very' wos the cool rejoineder. He perfonns strange tricks and hantic does heV inquired the cockney, eying the ani mal through his glass. ( Surprisin'! replied the keeper- we!ve learnt hiin to put money in tliat box yon ?ce way up there. Try him with a dollar,' - [The cockney handed the elephant a dolía and sure enough he took it in his trunk am placed it in a box higli up out of reuen] "Well, that is werry hextraordinary - hastonis-hing,' trulyl'said the green one open ing his eye. 'Now lel's eee him take it ou and hand it back.' 'fVenever learns him Ihai tricky retortet the keeper with a roguish leer, and then turned away to stir up the uionkeys and punch the nyenas. . . Extract of a letter from'a friend in Albany: 'The Whigs had a grex celebration in Al" bany, on Friday, whe they heared of H Clay's nomination; they fireil one hundred gunsin front of the Capítol; marched tlirough the streets, led by two men, carrying a lurge coon, lashed on a rail; and followed by boys and dogs.' 'Frdinghuy&en cigars - have appeared n New York. It was bad enough to be sung in such rhymes as are going the rounds. To be puffed is a little ioo bad. Eighteen montlia ngo, Wapello in Iowa, belonged to the Indiana. Now there are six hundred vot.ers there. Iowa goe9 for a State government, by 3000 mnjorily.To Members of Congress and otliers - RafJle. - 'The Splendid Zebra wood Piano Forte made for the late LAMENTED PRESIDENT HARRÏSON. by that Prince of Piano Porte manufacturers, Joseph Hiskey, Esq. of Baltimore, will be put up at Rattlk, and dipposed of so soon as all the chances are taken. It is valiied at O600; eixty chances at $10each. 'Persons disposed tö examine it before the Ruffle cnn do so by ai ConcerL Hall, over Lodd's hat store, Pennsylvania Avenue, near Brown's Hotel. A gentlpman wil] cali on the members of Congress and the ci'izens generally, for iheir nnmes.' - [National Intelligencer of March 26, 1841.A Colorea gentleman al the bar. - We lenrn from the Poitland American that Gen. Fossenden, a day or two since, appeared before the district court and inoved that a colored gentlemen frori Boelnn who was then wiih him he admitted to practice as an attorney and counsellor nt law ir. the courts of Maine. The motion was made under the new ]aw, wlilch mukes oll citizens of g-ood moral character eligible to ndmission. The necessary certifícate, was produced, but the court refused the motion because the candidate wijs not in fact a citizen. A Fiiccessful opplication wül probably be made at the Oclober term, adds the American. JYotbad to take- The Duke of Wellington has.received L2,258,869 of the public mney, calculat'ing the interest on Parliament grants of L760,000 besides prize money in Spain and France, estimated at L4,800,000 more. Complimcntary.-A. man not a thousand mles from Lowell, once asket' a nother who he Hked best to hear preach . Why snid he, I like to hear Mr. C. best because I don't like any prenching, and his comes the nearesi to nothing of any that lever heard.A meeting of the citizens of New Orleans, without distinction of party, wae held on the Sd instant, the day after Mr. Clay's lettei was received, at which a reso]utio in favor of theimmediate annexation of Texas, was passed.


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