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HAULOCK & RAYRIOND, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Deanoyrrs1 Bloclc, 127 J-fferson Anrnue. Coras Extracfed. J tnke this method to inform thecilizens of Ann Ubornnd vicinity. ihnt ! nm nrepared to cure nll ïose who are ifflicted with corns, or w -rts, who nny favor me with a oail. 1 can be found ai he JBarber Shop of T. Freeman in the upper illnge. ALONZO WHEELER. Ann Albor, May 30, 1841. CERTIFICATES. I do hereby certify that Alon70 Whetler exrncis corns without pnin. and I am inclined to link will be nn effectual cure, and is worth the noney he exacts. W. A. BUCKBEE. I do heieby certify that Alonzo Wheeler took ut four corns which hnve been standing five ears, and very troublejome without producing ny pain. DEWITT C. GOODAINS. Ypsilanti, May 24. 1844. Clothing! Clothing Clothing HALLOCK & RA Y MOND have just received a very lnrge assortment of Ready ITIade Clothingr, I'onsisting in part of Coats. Pantaloons and of all deBcriptione. suitablo for the season. ,8O, a large and well seclected assortment of road Cloihs, Cassimercs, Vëstings, Tweeds. nd everv other article suitable for gentlemen's onring apparel. which they are prepnrad to manufacture in the best and most fashionable lanner, and at the shortest notice. Having dermined lo eell nt the loWesi caslï prices. they onfidently urgo all in want of Ready Made lothing, or garmenta manufiictnred to order, cali and examine fheir stock, at the Fashion)le Clothing Emporium, corner of Jeflferson nd Woodward AvenueB, Deiioit. 5AT TE NT I O Ni CLOTHIE3RS! JUST receivedat the General Depot, lor the saJe of Clothicrs Stock, Mnchmery, Dye Stuff,, &c. &c, No. 139, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, the following large, well ussorted, and carefully selecied stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " n Stick 150 bbla. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tona " " in Stick 50 bbls. Nic. Wood. Chipned. 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, '; 12) Ground Catnwood, 10 " Qucrcítron Bark, 5)0 Iba. Nutgolla, 10 Cnsee Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish índigo, 300 Ibs. Sumac Sicily, 3 Casks Mddder. 3 Cnsks Blue Vuriol, 5 Casks AluiTis 2 Bárrela Red Tartar. 2 linrrels Creatn Tartar, 3 Carboys A qua Furl6, 5 '; Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 5) '; Block Tin, Teasels. Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Parson's Shearin Machines, Curtis' (i ;Screws and Press Plates, Cranks, Press Poper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tcnter Uooks, Emery, al] No's.. Olive Oil, Cloiliicrs' Jacks, Snttineit Warp, Clothiers' Brushea, Shmtles, - Pickers. Card Clcaners, &c. &c. The above. with a variely of other nrticles belonging to the trade, have heen purchased this summer by the subscribers from Manufacturerand First Hands n thu New York, i hilodelphin. find Boston Murketu, and evcry thing hnving ree ceived his personal inspeciion. he can with the utmost conh'dence offer theni to purchasers as the best and mos. co-njLte stockin the country; and is it is his fixed determinntion (by the low rates V. whith he will sell) to Drevent the necessity oí ur Clothiers and Mnnnfaturcre leavmg the State to make their purchases, h! would meretv soy to the trade, CALL, examine th, sjoods and iscertnin prices before you say you can buy chenper tny rchere else. He is also prepnred to contract for CARDlNG MACHINES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jeffereon Avenue, C-tf.] Detroit. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies of Ann Arbor and viemky. that sho hus ust reeeived the laiest fushiónable PArrEKNS. for Lndies HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, CAPES for Dresses snd the í'rench Mantilla. These Patterns wero selected by Mrs. Hill of Ann Arbor, with the utmost care, from the most fashionablfc Shops Ín the city of New York. She also inlorms the Ladtes of Aun Ar1or and vicinity, that slie will furnish them with Patterns ■:ut with i he uimnst care. She will likewise keep n good assortment of Hais, Caps and Bonnets, on hand. Ladies will do well to cali and examine for tbernselve8 bebre purchasing elsewhere. Ann Arbor. May 12. 1844. 3tf BUOCfIA, Silk, MosljJQ de Laine and other Summer Shawls, may be found at RAYMOND'SCASH STORE; 148 Jefl". Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 LINEN SfJ EETING, two yards and a quar ter, and three yards wide. at RAYMOND S CÁSH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 Feathers & Paper Hangings THK snbscriber will keep a supply of Geese Feathers constantly on hand. Also an assort of Paper llaugings. Borders, board Papers. &c W. A. RAYMOND, 148 JefF. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 Military Tacïics, JUST reeeived the Citizen Soldier s Assistan at Pprry's Book Store. Mny 93. 1844. 3,v5 DRY GOODS, DRY aROCERXZSS, Feathers, Paper Hangings, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesi cash yrices. at Raymond's Cash ötorü, 143 Jeflerson Avenue. Dcroit. The undf-rsig-npd haa just recoived a full stock of SPRING GOODS, of the moat desirable styles und patterns, suitable for city or country trade. AMOSO WaitH AFX: French Lawns, Gingham Mualins, Muslin de Laines, Bulzarineá. Balzarrne Muslins. Siriped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, of' all qualities, colors and patterns. Pantaloo and Coai stuils, snch as Gambroons. Swedes Cassimeres, Fnncy Drillings, Linp-n Checka, Plaid Swedes. Fancy English Cassimeres, Broud Clothi, Kentucky Jeans, &c. -ALSO -Blue Drill?, do Linens, Fusiians, Tickings, Checks, Linseys, Burlnps, Bngginga, Padding, Ganvas8, Brown ylieetings nnd Drillings, Blencbed Oot'.ons, SwÍ8s, J.tekonet. Book & Barred Mualins, Wide Laces and Lace Edgings, oí every description, Vestings, Bon neis, Ribbons. Linen Cambrie, Cambrics, Uankerchiefs, Cravnis, &c. Sc. Xrc. Persons trading in tbc city arn invired. ot least, to col! and look at ihis stock, nnd if thf pnces are not as low s elsewhere, patronage is not expecicd. W. A. RATMOND. 148 Jefterson Avenue. Detroit. Mny 20r 184J. 4 Gm ín Chancery, lst Circuit. Daniel Oakley, ") II Y virtue of a decretal vs. ( J3 order of tlie Court oi David Pnge anrt Chancery , made in tlie aCaleb N. Onnsby. J bove cause. ] shall expose to sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor. Washtenaw County, on the 5í5th day of June next. at one o'clock, P. M. of that day, the following described prentisee. to wit: ;A1I tht certain tract or p.ircel of land, sitúate, lying nd being in Brown & Fuller'a addition to the village of Ann Arbor, on lot number oue, in block numbereight, and being all that pari of the said lot on which stnnds the three north-east corner buildings of 'the Hu ron Block, together with said buildines and the appurienance ihereto belonging," bring ín the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, or fo much thereof as will be sufKcient to raise tho amount due to the complaitiaüt for tlie principal and interest duo in áaid cause. EÖ. DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Jot fePoRTEjí, JB0I9. for Compta. , May 10, 1544. tf3PROSPECTUS. The Magrnet-Third Volume, DEVOTED TO THE INVBSTIGATION OF Human Physiology, inclvding Vitali(y--Pa thetism, (or Physjcal Sympathy)-Phrenopathy, (or the application of Pathetism to the Mental Faculïfs) Physiognomy and Jturology, iogether tcilh HYDROPATHY, (the cure of Distase by Watn;) and MiiÊGJYMSTMSJfr. THE MAGÑET wili ba iasucd monthly, in Boston Mass., whnre all leucrs and paymcnts should be sent to the editor. Paymems to be made mvariobly in advance,free of fostaee, To Single Subacribers, $1,50.- Five copine, sent to oae address, 515,00. LA OY SUJfDERLAND, Editor aud Proprictor. Boston. April 23, 1844, OAmong the mnny striking proofs of the ex cttemertt of Brisiol'a Sarsapanlla. not ihe kast is mriushed in the fact that euch' a multituiie ol spu ious otid counterfcit preparations have been put forth. and some of thein hy men that profess a high business standing. Uniese this medicine hnd been ofsovereign value, and its great success beyond ai! question. it would have found no imitntions. People never counierfeit thnt whicb is alucless. "VVhoever heard of a single cou.iterfeit of the wild-cat currency ot the West? Sierüng coin nnd snfety-íund bilis aro counterleiied constanily. The faet thnt a thins is extensively countrrfcited, is proof of its value. Tho snceess of Brisíol's Sarsnparüla has caused it to be countt-rfeiied in nlmost all the cities and towns in ihe Uuion. Spurious money is universally rejected. so sbould spurious medicines be. No sensible person will take the false vhcn he cnn gel the true. People who do not wish to be imposed upon, should obtatn the genuine article. Atteniion to ihis is of ihe fiist importance. Caution.- Asl for Brisiyl's Sarsaparilla, and eee that ihe written signatuie of C. C. Brisiol s over the cork oftheboiile, none oiier is genuine For sale by W. S. & J. VV. MAVNARD. WOOZi! WOOLÍ CJLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE Siib3cnbers wonld inform the Publ c that they will continue to manufacture good at iheir Manufnctory, two and a half' miles weft ol Ann Arbor, on ihe Hurón, oti the iollowiug TERMS. Until the first dny oí January. A. D 1845 ihe pnce will be 2?i cent per yard. or half ih. eloth the .vool will „mke. From the Ist of Januurv to the 15th of May, 1845. ihe pnce will be 3) ceñís per yard. or nine iwenlieths of the cloih ihe wou! will mnke, that is. 4f yards out oT 11)0 niünufiietured. The wool will be mánufactured in turn s ii may come into the lactory, ns near as may be wíth reference to the different qimlities. Any person who will furnish one or more parcele of wool from 80 lo J00 pounds of oue qunlity can have it r;i a u ü fn cl u red by itsclf. Wool will be received at Sci ). Wool aent by Railroad will be attended loin the sime ín inner aa iftheowner were to come wUh it it ahould be carelully marked. We have nwnufactured cloth during the pnst year for n very Inrge number of customers. to whom ve believe we have givea very genernl satisfaciion Wnh these faets and the advamages oíTered by the low priceat which we ofTer to manufacture cloth, ve hope ibr a large shnre ol pmröa;igfi. SAMUEL W. FOSTER A, CO. ïio, Washtenaw Co., April 25: I844. 3-tf RAISIIT I1STITVTIOj. ri"1HK public nre hereby notified, that the JL RAJSÏN ÍNSTITUTION, in Lenawee County, Michjgan, is now in operation, and will be conducied ne a MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, f.r Colorod People.. 3nd all others wíshing lo avail themselves of its advantages. Abaut twenty-five scholars can now be acccimmodnted at the Institution. Our intention is toenlarge ihe Colony as fasi as we can, so as lo have Mechante Shops oídifíérent kinds established in the Colony. so tíist young men may learn rnechauical arts and scieaees while pursuing their siudies. BIBB, Agcitt frr ihe"'Raisin Instituiion. Franklin. May 7, ltiU. 4 ti; - - kMrf r-i - tt ÏZ - ( 's a . r-= si " ü -as ?t "2. g = w ö a E ipill s " H g lf: M 's iliiltl # H p film 2 9 fe Sfi a llfi üH e Uílíf 1 S5 ba ï b af lili 3.Q 93 O 3f flln-lo A M 3C n 5' ja ililt S.? te fi U 55 o I IJ J M O l fifí!} f P1 S tía D t9I $ sfffl g S Om S i S cNew Establishment. THRESHÏÏtfO MACHINES. KNAPP. HAV1LAND & CO. wnuld rpectfuliy iuforni th ïiinncrs of Waehtenaw and the surrour.ding couniics ilmi ihey hovo established themselveê in Lower Town. Ann Arbor: for ihe purpose of itianufaeturing ThreshiritfMachines. Ilavingbeen for msny yoars engnged n thi business in Ohio. ihey feel tht they can wiib confidence reconnnend their worh. They are making the Burrall & Cacüz Macbine and? Fiorse power; aiso Enstman'a plnnqtary powerr different from any oiher made in this country and generally preferred to ny oiher Machines, which they intend to sell at stich prices and on snch terms as cannot faif 10 give sauefaction thoy aro detertnined not t be outdone by any similar establishment ehlier in price, etyle or qnnliiy of work. "C.iinpetition is the life of rrnde" nnd all they nsk of the Farnaing commnniiy is o patronizo 'hem so far as to give thern an opportunity ■I snpplping a part of the Mnchines that niay be wantod. They are prepared to repair old Mnchines. Their shop is. in the basement story of II. &. R. Patridge fe Co's Machine shop, whure ej niay be found to answer all call&. KfSAPP, HAV'ILAND & CO. W. W. KNAPT, T. A. HAV1LA.VD, J. K. MC LAIN. Ann Arbor, April 29, 1844. 6mí HORSES, WAGONS, CUGGIES AND HARNÈSS FOR SALE. ' I HE Subscriber offers for sale rive good horJ_ ees. one two horse wngon, two buggie8,ttco seus duble harness. one single humeas and two 8addle. The wagon, bngcies and harnesg were new last faH,and will be sold chnap for cash or on short credit. H. PAUTR1DGE. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, April J l. 1844. 5lif BASKET WARE. TRAVELLING BASXETS. &c- at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue. Detroit. May 20. 4TO CLOTKIERS MAJYU FACTURE RS JiJYD MERC0Ü3VT8. THE subscribers are now receiving, at their stores, 188 JefFerson Avenue, and corner ot Etandolph and Woodbridge streeis, Detroit, a .nrge nncl srenera! stock" of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood. Tustic. Limewood, Nicwragua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, Í30 bbla. eround Camwood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Aluin, G hhds Copperas, 4 do P.lue Vitiiol, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, primo, 500 ibs. Exirnct Logwood, Ud() do Beneal, Madras ind Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue'Nutgalls. (AIlcppo,) 2óO do Powdeicd Cúrcuma, 2)0 do Verdigris. 10 Cart.oys OU Vi'rio). 0' do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sen Sahe, 4 do Nitrie Acid, ü cases Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin. 50. do Cream Tartar, 500 tlo Q;ierccir'on Bnrk. Together wiih a complete aseortmentaf all th minor anieles in tlie irade. to wit: Pi-e8S Papers. Tenzlesr Tirushes, Jacks, Tent Hook8. Dye Kculez. Pickers, Burüng Jrons. Ñippera, Prussíaie of otash. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaners. MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shenrs, &c. Tbis entt'rr stock has been purchased wilhin thd Iaat rwo weeks, and se! ected pc-rsonally by one of the concern, who bas been in the business Tor the last eleven years, and they have no hewtation in sayinff rhat llie quality of these goodsis unexceptionable. They wiíl positivly be sold at th lowest New York jobbing prices, with the addition of transportntio)] only. The subscribers have the sole, Agency in thi State fnr the siile ot' "t'ARSON'S SHEARTNG MACHINES," ind the celebra ted "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDSt" docidcdly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 51tf


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