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Young Ladies' Seminary

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MISS E. PAGE, AND MISS L. MOORE Assocmtc Teurhes. MISS. G. WEST. Teachtr in Music, MRS. HUGHS.. Teacher in Druwing and Pavit MR. F. MARSH, Teac'erin Mathemati cui Latm. -.oTeE-!ÍA1S r-Ttion in tho Engliah branches from S.5J to $y,00 per fjuaner of twelve weeks- Lessons n the Pmno, wiih the use of the instrument f lU.Oü-Fnncy wwfc, $3.00-Drmvin2 Sftií $H fó, $3.00_Frencb; $.?00- Board, 1,50- Washing and ironin 37A cents per dozen. No pupil will be reccived for less ilian one quarter. and no deduction (br nbsence wi.l be made, except in cuses of fickness. iliauhieseminary moy possess every advantage for obtaining nthorough, pra;ticaJ aod rchned cdutïation, nnd tlrat tenchors mny here bc tully propured fm the fuifilmeot of their duties. Miss P. hus cpplied for aid to Miss Lyon, of ihe distmeuisbed Semmnry in Souh Hadly, Mnsp.. nnd she is happy toannounce to the public, thnt íhe neice oí its Prinoipnl and sister to tts Vier l rincipat. educated onder their inrTuences, will, in future be ossociaied wiih Miss Pnge, in an attempt ro rearan instimtion in this Península, on a footing with the best nt t?;e enst. Miss Moore bnngs with her theexporience of four years tenchmgin a Southern Seminnry, which she Ims elevated nenrly n a New Englnnd bcIiooI. h is ex pected that a Library nnd Philosophical apparanis vill belong n this insiitution. -Al! who are interested in the education of vouth, aro Tcquested to visit the school nnd from personnj observation, bcconie acquainted with its orgnnization and its ndvantages. Oompositions willberead o Thursdays. The Superintendent of Public I.tstruction. Dr. Oomstock, :be Profensors of the Universitv' and the Clergy of Ann Arbor will act a visiting commitiee to the School, to whom reference is made; nlso to Mr. J. Welles, Cnpt. J. Perkins, Col. T. Moseley, Mr. W. S. Maynard, Mr. J. Sinclair,.Hon. K. Mundy, Hon." R. S. Wilson and E. Lawnence, Esq., of Ann Arbor: F. P. Hasting8, Esq., Hon. J. M. Howard, Hon. C. G. Hammond, Detroit; Rev. H. Hammond, Homer, Rev. L. S. Hobart, Union Cuy; Hon. E P. ChnmDÜn, Jonesville; Rev. Wm. Pafte, Monroe: C. T Gorham, Marshall, Rev. A. Fitch, Jackson. 7


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