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AT THE CASH SÍ O&JE.OF. _ ' ■ ■ Inñ drbör9' VUlaqe. - - , : . ... _ , , . rmm JUST rccuivod at e ubove cstablMimrnf, a comnlcte iis?ortincnt. of ... ■- ■''".. Crocerics, Croc-kcrv, Shf-lf Hnrchv.-ire, BolIs ;üu1 Shocs, Tcscüii anl Si ruw Bonnets, FJowcr-, &} Szr, all o!' ivfijch will be so'd asxcheap as ihey canbe bo;;g!it at any oihr siorc ni Michigan. The above 's vverc select(jd MrgVèiU c;ire, and wc icol assured thiit vv. oafi c nvirtcé nnr-h-isor of ihe truih.f wlitit we say. The highestpufce will l)e pUid for Woul. Wc wili also recciv all kirids-öf produce ti exdiati.o i'ur C;ods ;.t(he liihes.t m'arket price. Pínchasela aio invitcd o (-all and examine íbr ihemsclvcs. Ann Arbor, May f, 1844. 3-ifHjPHE unfíer&ignea, liaving Dreii i c & liriírd (o make s "uno anan■ ímnt.s by whidi the, YVooi, -Gkoyvki; p bu.-naw, and ijie suiruuti'l ing country, could dispose o'" ibeir wool m a inanner tliat woulcl fie raututnully l)fiicíioal lo ilu! Groner and tho Buycr, would befí leav; (o sayj tiiát liavcjusí rcccivcd a well s lected and' valuublc btock oí Dcmusfic and j Funcy DRY GOODS AND GROCERÏES, fresli froinNeiv Vorlc ahí] Bosíon, Avi.idi vc píi'rposc lo excfián-o Tor Ca;h or Wool, on ihe poet .oasonahlc It-rms. To our od Clinton .c:s, and us müny n;orc as cliocsc lo givn us a cal), vc give tlic a.-stirancc lltal wo con upjity yon vTitti e.vely ;nlirlc niccssary í'ov fiimily use a.jovv as cqJq b'è boiVght thi5 s(3e o!' La!,.' Éj;L ani recóive your W GOL in g,ymen1 ..t a ,rco p,ríoc,]y .a(isr;icto,y. " ' ín addiiion lo onr usual stock oí Full Clotlis, Satineft-f, FláñiifeTs, &c, we [ have Broadcloths, (varying pric" fiom Uvo tu ten doüars,} Cassiini-reí, all : kmds.of Slimmer ( 'lotlis, Ote. niiich ive (UMposc 10 excmiig as above 'Jo i al! vyho wish íorndi-ordv, {zrcat baigains and high pricete ive would say giye i. c.m.l. beíbre purcha-=ng Iscwherc. - { Aun Arbur. I.ower Town, May 14, 1844. 4-Sv ;'■ jff'AIES'GlBSOiV takes tiiis method of informim bis , w íriends and oíd customers thaí he lias aain eti,. tered (he Mercantüe buii ess, and is now opening a general and splendid assorunciit oí' GROCERÏES, CRÖCKERY, HEEf HARDWARE all of which uill hr. oíicrred to lle public as cheap as the cheapest, for Cash Jiartcr. Vv'uoJ ;nd most kinds of will he (akcn in cxcli'tnge Póí Gocds. { Take no man's word, büt examiac for yorrrselve's at No. 4, Hurón B!oclc, Lower Villaje.. 'l1 % &ii m Aun Arbor, Muy 15, 1814. -é&dví: 4_Gm. NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND. LE.ATHER ANN ARBOM, LOW E-M TOWN. Q FELCII lia removed Lis establishment frnm ffie Ujtpcr lo (he Lowei YiilagcNo. 4? ííuron Biockwhcio he hold.s hiinscifin readmess lo Mres.the "umler standing of every Man, Woman, and Child wlio ílí''íve HÍm a cali, ín tlie neatesl, cheapest, ;m.l b(st manner that can bo done in Mrciiigan. LEATHER cmd FINDINGS of ail XáúU constantly on hand. CASÏÏ an.l ÍI1DES, in any quautilic. for -vltich ihc biirhesi prices will be giren. ftLet none pnrebae until ihcy have callcd at Fek]i, No. 4, Hurón Moca. Aun Albor, May 4, 1844, ,Myboox -Bmomtsr.ATTHK l'M'Ml MII.I. iln.M:;, ' o ', ; ) ,;.n .J!BoR. EBOOTU woulil respecüuüy irifójm Uh nhiihiüüiipof A'lui Arbor and vicinhy liai he cominiKT' -In' !:i:ni'í!= nf' JiOOK lilNDttG, ni !': ui ! ..;;:i:. i. ,: q Paper HyiL üld J3ooke will ic.uf'.'iilv r.! 'ou n-i on Uori i;nticc. All kinds óf I;:"I. pm u, O:Ju.- Country ii.k1i,it taken ïn p#yiK.ep't. Arr,l g; i-:.:. ' r,2-,r GAME iiÚO tll(.' elii:!oall-t; of the Mli'-uni t T. ilie Hrs1, of i [)tè rflier (aöt, an (■?%', ap .- n-ntly ulioiu cuht yé'nrs olí), .s;o! lerl red "anti wliitc. w'uli á btíll oil l nr::k. Tilt.: ownnr is re-, qiiostiïi] to prove proporty pay cfiargc niïd take liim :iw;iy. S, JENNUVGS. Aun Arbor,, M;iy lOlh. 3-liv IVoticc to fflercbanfs. THE Síibécribers éncguragfed by the patronnge thcy hav.e htíherto reccived n (he wholosnle clèw'f;Wnéni of tlioir busïjicsa. will tbe frst doy ol'Mny nrxt. open tlrt; store noyv oceupied by Geo. Cfrenyijie, fr6iuífi"g mi IJnrou streel, and eonnectiní witli their present store in tliñ renr. exr.!ii-s vdv TJr n 7H0LB SÁLSS E0OH? where tbey will keep at all times a 'í'ull ílssüiiment of Dn Goodit. Boots, fy Shoes ■ Car patinar Hnts, Caps, Paper flangings, Bomiel,.r,Crockcrb lite Crale, Hardware avd Goceries, $c. Síc. all of which wíll be sold' on as good terjnB as at any pouit this side of New York Cuy. G. D. HlLL fc CO. Ann Arlor. March 26, 134}. 4tf.WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iw:ï exclinnse woolcn doihs of every viiltli and quoliiy for wool, lo be. delivored in Mny or June, or afier shcnring 'time. fljy stoch of élothis complütc; quality gooi', prieegjow &c r. óexisón. Ann Arbor. Frl,rnny J.-.t. rcA'.l. 4 , A". 15. it is unponnni that wuo] bo none Bp in g-ood oidr-r. :uid nformauon wil! -r,VCI1 ivlien aeked p J) - . Attachment. Hotice. Rinic I ".Micliii;i!i, ) Was.htfiinw Cyunty, iiïktfWc}, fiffibjÊ Ë Ah,]. .!„,- : . vs. ■JLJ tico of (he Peace m aii.J Usnjel bciilly. ) for Füid county. NotieO is horeby i'ivoii. (i;n ;i writ of ;ifficliv.-.n.t (.ios hen s.'Hicd in ihe nbvo cnliiled ca.URQ l)y 'lic win! .!n i :e md. tlinl lije nid cause sián ris ..-.:;,,„..! i;nlil „. 9?1fi dïïy oC.Tuly m-.t. nt (Pil o'clii-k olihnt dny t tbc oflico offsiid in the Towiishij) f Ann Aihor. in sni.i counv MATTJIRW liWFAl, FlaintnT. lMo( ai Ann Arlior, April í7, ÍB44. 3 5w F AU.lJAlvrslvo!s „ O,-,.,,,,. do !o 00 Cl.-ilifornin, Ilistory of Texns nnd n grent vnrirty of Cheap Publicaiions just received nnd lor saté ju Perry' Hok Siore. Choop for Ctish. The puhlic OS "csppcifu'Jy requested to cali and cxnmine bis Öqxik. jtg. Mk. M.-.y2r?;i84 4. 3w5 TAKEIV TJF BY the Pühscrihor on tho fifteenth of Dtc, n BLACK STAG. three or four yeare id, witb a smalL square -mark on the end ofllie sft cnr. Önid Estravhns been enterodon Town Book, according to law. DANIEL DWIGHT. Scio, April 3, 1844. SwoOtIPETEKS' P1LLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Ve2ct;ib]u Pilishnvo now been téti y pare befare the public. During thai p.-iiou abtainod a .celfcbrity.unuaialluled in the hisiury öT'ilfe most pi)pulir metliui me wliicli liav.e jvrèëeded ihem or hnve fofhnved in thcir n;ack: - 'ïh& happy cot.ilinoiiqn oí' V(jyelJibJo.n){ír.edients 10 wliicli ilit-sü jjills uwc i hoi r oilicacy, isiiic vru'iitt ofyeais ofeai noyi study and i-xpcriniént. difocted by long previews expert'ence i u thu pttip(i! 'medical ubstanci's. :Iiu prnl1( i! oj liscnée. tlie nnture and tno(lus,iucrand(i ui ;hc arious iluids whicli miniatev 10 the support and susiennnciï i'tln: Ihhiiüii boily, ;nd oryanizniiori bv whichtKocO iluids are prrpaii (j. uiodnio'i :iik; liriti ibutcd. xhè (fnnnpTí oí' skili, ;nd pnifciVi cxiierinietit has hcén coinplcic 'J'liriMiuiKnn ihe [ leiigth.iind br cu! th ot our lanii. ;p Jiriiisli Anicr1 ica and the '.sl liulies. and nn tho . oniitH'in of l'lurope, the cara'tivc viriÜ'i s or PfJl'c'i 's Vee' tablc Filis-, nre gra't'cfuHy at;k"now!e'2()d. rI'tjL-. mny be callr.l vki, i!;dicm. v. u i.: c.';i.i.knck, ol the Sp.utFern Stato,-." Thcir coiusumpiion south ot' tlio Potoinac, is enormoue, and eommually on ■ the inercasc. No otlitír-pill ':goes -down'1 iln-ic. ihosvoveruniiJii.oxs.c.jvjjJj.Jiirpd.puÜs-aiK] home [i,iiHHac!iu'd cortiilQotca. : PSférs' Vo!icia!..oPil!? may be termed n univergn i medici iiuj tor is scvircely any di;nrigofhênt o'r onsíructíon of ;hc org-fins and lunciious of [lie h.uur-ui niarhine whicl; iiie.y wil! iipt iillevin'.è or remove wlicji'ed in ihc enrly stnires ol congi'SiíoK:"óí'tlie''sTorTfácÍírtíi bowuls, tJi ey spfi'jdily )t-l;i ihose oirans. ]-ii-(ïuce ihc uteiivlinl fevcr. and re.-uoie ibe suíleier lo heakh. Ccmtaiiiinr: nu ïrriiatinir or diastic siil).stanc(;á. theu" exhibition ' is by )ii"i?iratiun ol ipe bodily powers ifnch yiatncteti?e ñié np'.ratio!] of tnc-M oatliaiiicK. anrl v mr.v bi; adiii:ioicred wuiiout tho yühlcsr. l'cnr (,l producihg Incal iuflamniaticj), so hroqucutK o'iiised by the pnrciit e(i;iii(:sPi.;-s vondcd by the quacksand ciwilatans 't ÜCj liay. Jn aunosf all stages of (Jisease, l'o'er.s' Vegetable Pilis vi'ill SS found Sf benviicia! cücc:. bui iliuy sbould lic icsprled tu v. !;■;. i!hj ftrsf tjy h) jjt jn tnukés lts npijen ronde, The conqúosi of the -coniplaiurwdl thnn bo'onsy and nincdiHii. In lnliious (ii-ojilois. u-oiiuant ot fêver, dispepsia, riysenteryj cfioiorii, 'kKuVic, .li,-nliiJ',!. dio:iv. sour or l!tr.d ome!... ;;.,;.;. ,-i,_ largement of the spleen, sick headnche, all . ilninis üvowinir om of imperfect or too rapid dileiii'jn. lorpo! oï il,c huw-els, femnleobstruetions, iiil:iiul cpstiyents, ut id ai! eihcr disiiascs in ■vhicli a purea:.' merlicino is proper, l'ut'ors' '. ■;■■(■:. ihlc Pilis wijl bc íiHii unrivalfcil in :.t!u xn.'d certain!; Illi). [t is '."-ktMi npfin wliat : i nci ;Ie tluo _r.!raoriüi;ir' ( i'l'i.-is ni1 iii(iurc;r.' VVe roply tl.:: !',■. .'IS 'i(Malp PlÜ JICIS üs ,) puil ((JT (! I hl I ■lood. by )Mrilviüí ihe eliylo anl on'n-r (tdgf vhich bloml is C;iii)os('d. (.:iy!o s ;. ! mlky fliiiif deposiird 1 fhe'disresri'vè íñVitíi m í he coais uf tkl ..intesuüos; and wincii wlun i onibtuod wi;h tho biiliary seeieiifin. is convr; d into the veins an.; b.eeoines the priiicinlij oí i fe. This medicino acfíi dincílv iif,on !c cl'lcl o;n whieli ü ex-pels ai! íícrid im uc! s-, and 'a!, f umors detriuieutal to a Jieáltliy oirculaiiori. lí t leanses tliojuices uriji'flui.cfs befoie the j(icm'iciil f ttiïiigé takes place whic-íi Kf4 i'o ihe inime((lióte iiiirposès.ol vitnlily. Diis is. iminii]i)g n begin nin;. . To emhua tb sue.ini o 'lift. .v:h iiealtli. it is iicccary io purify Hieni ai ilioir souiív.--. 'ttki'i V v Jicjj a iíio indiral modo n wind, 'i,jP ,,n'dicine pcrTorms ti ciíi-cíj. 'restinifíñi'als wbieh u-oiili! fiil Vofiifiiés' 'fiiinriy of thom ftom Msh fóitnsifis .-J'lthoj i! y ) piSpvlW vont.-liers. n:n! ii ? SmiT"""""'" ' llu' WiMi'íto liy F: J. J5. Crffn'-ftl W. -:,?: I-A J. W. Mnynanl. J, II. Liind. lííinis. l'ar: i d-a-.s L ( „ S. P. & J. C. Jeweri. Davidscui Hcckor li Bcclrer, Christian Ebcrbacb. G. Grenvilló. 1; 'J:-VVatei-!rinn. C. J. (í.-ulnncl. K. '1'. Wilünms. 4n :''o;-; Gcorac Wanr &, Co . 1"). C. Whiiwood, J. ?,Ií];kI & Son. X. H. Vt'intr. Dr.::(,;r:' 3J. JnckíS'.n, L&?; tWr] ílnfñSSiffli Jttcksc7); Ijroiljcisiin A-, Kief, Mijn,-hvt,r: 1) Keys, Clinton; D ,S Hayuod. t'uln c: Sioi:e Habco"fe'"&lCo.. Yp'mqnfi; F?cattergoo'd t'Í.Oo". Pierre T cili.T niirl 'í'. Ií.lviion A" Co iiirni!; ;i!so ju Adrián. Twiiniv h. Iliuoklyn. Poniiqc, ChicagOj an . I alnipst ovcry wlierá else. Ann Arhor. Jjíñ. 15 ÏSM4. = íi?_lv 1 , __, SI''I:A'í'L:D n ihj tüwii vi Jii.ha). Inrl;mi Conmy. Michigan'. Said 'Funn chiitiíh: alie luinurcc! nt,'i í:;:y :n:ris h;i !!■'■;(;)];(■! ;i'i:;:um! ín tho. niidst ot. ;i .!!:ivi;,;; ;;,; enu-nt. - Tlie.liCl.J S vvlirf, js ll.SIlllly . Cíll'-'d [.lii-í'lCt'i UHna, ín .Mír!:iiííii. i i i c t'iúVfier Béfiíg si:y;ír' inap!?,. w'iiv.-v.-uo-.!. l'C-ae'n. asli. o:tk. tx-e.nll kinds oí" peculiar . u ibe-.tiinbei;ci and in .Michigíin. Tb.ei-3 son ii:i;; lamí aboui Íuüv ■icres of gftña npi-nvemont: ;í good pnrt oí lilis is F'no'lisb ftTí?adov. :Altf. i írrvui, I.OG IIOÜSE AND NE W B A RN, , fratnecl, :)Hn' 4' fcoi. vcil linialicd. 'I'Ik'k: are nlso on i!ie placo tnrmiiiií ífteháus. stícli ;fCiiaii'is. Plotí!?!; Dru2, Cnrt.' Fannmy Mi!l: &-c. whicli wíl) bjft-.u!d wiili t!ic jiliicc, TKÜMS OF SALE. Ono qu-'.ríor of purfimso inoncy divri; ilitoui.-iiiulcr in ton yiwrs. if necesíiuy. with irmiiil inicrost l'or inn.ic:ilar3 c.jiijuirc o) Üie I ácriber in Dcxicr vilüge. " JULÍÜS RANr.Y. ' .March 20, .184-1. if. Bristol's. íSarssparilla. TH iS váluhble medicino soju'stly ó'èle!)r7i'é(! ;is a cörtnin cure íür SoroíUlrv Kir;g: '.vil. or any diaense arieing IVom i nipu ri ty oí th blood. [ías.become so well kiiown as io need n' ptibl ont ion ui íhc niuiiflreu's certifidaic'S nnw in our posscssion. n!' tlie oxirnordn;iiy toti&bs latc! performcil by il. bul le;ini:rr tliete juay )c soiui persons ufibcted who have beeii gulfed by iíípg ilie iiüimtions p)t tip !y otbcrs. we wotild reí)ecifully reqiicsr ihi-m tu cali on us nnd saiisi'y tljcmselvGs oí i:s inany cures in similar case. - By'p"uVena"síng'of lüVtíiecán refy upen thn non uinoness of tire aríiclc. whicb Uiey shonld lié c;uc!i;! to do. (j-e wc nrc tol:i ihcre i.s ;i spuri')us 'irtic'n: t f the sumo p.ame for saic in ihis vicinityl?u c-;ircfu! to observe that 'Rri.stol'.sK.x!r:!c[ írí Sarjsapnnlla. Bu!i;ilo," ipstnmpol ipon the bot-' (les, ;i,d '-C..C. lijistol" writlcn in Lií-s own band over tlic Cnrk. W fí. J. W. MAYNARD. ; Ann Arbor, Dec. "25. 3 843. :56


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