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D1SSOLUTIOÑ. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing under i he fiitn of Beiiley & üorrance ís this cJjy dissolved by mu-tual consent. The husiness will hereafter be óbWductetl by K. Dorrance who is nuthorized to settle all demanda due the above íirm. JOH N HENLEY, DORRANCE. Ann Arbor, June 5. 1813. E, DORRANCE wÜT keep conswstly on hand nnd for sale, Domestic Dry Goods West India Goods, Boots, Simes. Nails. Glass. Paints i J Sn,e Ware' Dried hrüU Cheeses' Butter! Linrd, Pork. Fish Síc.. 3wq MRS. C, BUFFItfCÏÏON, . TESPEGTFULLY mnounees to the Ladies X oí Ann Arbor and viein?ty. that she has just recetvea ihe htest fashionable Patterks, for Lndies HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, CAPES for Dresses snd the French Mantilla. These Pattern warc by Mrs. Hill oí Ann Arbor, with the utmost tare, from the most [ rashionable Shops in the city of New York. She also inlorms the Ladtes of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that she will furnish thern wixh Patterns int wnh the utmost care. " She will Hkewise keep a good assortment of Bat?, Cap? and Bontiets, on hand. Ladies will do well to cali and examine for themselve8 befare purchasing elaewhere. Ann Arbor, May ]2, 1844. tf HAKX0CK & :&Ain?IOIVD, FAShlONABLE CÉOTHING EMPORIUJÍ, Desnoyen' Block, m Jefferstm AvenutA ' : TAKEN UP Tl Y the Subcriber in Webeter on the aixii A# .nsunt, a stud Colt, supposed to be three ITa r ' S, whlte in the ace nd white town boeóic. i3aideatIay has been "nd on the _Jan.,'ï84 JACQflBLANDEN. AT TENTION CLOTHIERS! JÜST received at the General Depot, for the sale of Clothiers Stock, iMachtüery, Dye luffs, &c. &c, No. I3J. Jefferson Avenue, üetroit, the following larce, well aaaorted, and carefully selected stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons li t in Stick 150 bbU. Cuba Fuatic, Cut, , ,7'on8 " ' in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chinped, 50 Lima Wood, 30 Red Wood, 120 l Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark. 5J0 Ibs. Nutgallö, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood. 300 lbs. Lac Dye, 2 Coroone Spanish Indigo, 300 !bs. Sutnac Sicily, 3 Cnsks Mudder, , 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, , 5 Casks Alum, 2 Barrels Red Tartar. i 2 Barrels Cream Tartar, : 3 Carboys Aqua Fortis, I 5 i Oil Vitriol, i 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris, i 50 " Block Tin, i Teasfels, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizeB, 3 rarson's Shearing Machines, ' Curtía' ♦ Screws and Presa Platee, I Cranks, Press Paper, Sieel Reeds. l Worsted Harneas, Temer Hooks, Emery, all No's.. Olive Oil, B Clothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleaners. &c. &c.i no above, with n vanety of other orticlcs belonging to the trade, have been purehused this urnmer by the subscribers from Manufacturerand Fim Hands in the New York, rhitadelphio, and Boston Markets, and every thing having res ceived his personal inspeciion. he con with the utmost contidence offerthein to purchasers as the best and viosl complete stockn the country; and as n is his fixed determination (by the Jow rates a; which he will sell) to prevent the neceesity ot our Clothiers and ManiifV-urers leaving the State to make their purchoses. h would merelv say to the trade, CALL, examine the ifoods and ascertain pnces before you say you can buv cheaper any where else. M?AÍ?,"Srepared to confract for CARD1NG MACHliJt.b made in this Stnte or Enst PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avenue, C)7-tf] Detroit. "DRY G00DS7 " DRY GROCERIES, Feathers, Paper Hangins, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesl cash prtces, at Ravmond's Cash ötork, 148 Jetierson Avenue. De'roit. Tile undírrsigned hns ju?t received a full stock of SPRING GOODS, of the moat desirable styles and patterna, suitable for city or country trade. AMOSC. WHICH ARK: French Lnwns. Gingham Aíuaíins, Mu8lin de Laines, Balzarines, Balzarine JVIuslins. Siriped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, of all qualhieff, cohr and patterns. r PantaJoo and Coat stuffs, such na Gambroons, Swedei Cassimerês, Fancy Drillings, I-inen Cbeckir, Plaid Swedes. Fancy Englisfa Caasimeréff. Broad Clothe, Kemucky Jeans, &c. - ALSO'-=. Ülue Drills, do Linens, Fusiians, TicUinga, Checks, Linseys, Burlnp, Baggingff, Padding, Canvass, Brown Sheeting ancTDrtHingi, Blencbed Cot'ons, Sviss, Jackonet. Book & Barred JYÍuaíinB, Wide Lacee and Lace Edgins, of eefy description, Vestinga, Bonneia, Ribbons,Linen Cam&Te, Cambrics, Hankerchiefg, i Cravnts, &c. &e. êeó. l Persons trading n ihc dty are invircd, ai , least, tócall and fook at thiff' alfid if tht prices are not as low is elsewhete, patronage is not expectcd. "W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefierson Avenue, Detroit. May 2t), 1844. 4 emYcPiiffg fracties' Sëittiiiary. MISS E. PAGE, AND MláS L. MOOitE, Associate Tdiche s. MISS. G, WEST, Teacferin Music, MRS'. HÜGHS, TeacJier in Dratcing and Patat ing. MR. F. MARSH, Tcac'trin Mathtmaíús and Latirte Tekms - -Tuition in the Engüsh branches frorn $2.50 to $5,00 per (juarter of twelve weeks. - Lessons on the with the use oF the instrument. $10;,WFaney work, $3.00- Dra wing and Painting $5:00- Luiin. $3,00-French, ifï3,00- =fioard, 1,50 - VVasliingand ironing 37 een te pér dozen. No pupil will be received for lesa tlvnn one quarter, and no deduction lor absence will be made, éxcept in cases of eickness. That this seminary may possess every advantage for obtaining prujtical and refined education, and thai teaclirrs may here be iulJy prepared for the fulfilmeftt of their duties. Miss P. has .pplied ibr aid to Miss Lyon, of the distingui8hed Seminary in Som'Ii Jtladly, Mass.. and she is happy to announce to tho public, that the neice o is PrinoipaF. and sister to ts Vici Principal. pdcated untJer iFieir influences, will. in (uture b associated with Miss Page, in an attempt to rearan insiiiution in this Península, on afooting with the btet at ifte eaot. Miss Moore brings wiih her the experierrce oí four years teaching in a Southern which alie has elevated nearly irvaNew England school. It is ex pecied that a iLibrary and Philosophical apparatus míII belbng to this institufioA.ají who are in the educntion o( youib, aru rcqiiosted ta visit the school nnd l'ron personal observntion, becoine acqitainted with its organization" and its ndvantagés. Cumpositions will be read on Thnrsdiiys. The Superintendent of Public ïnsfruction, Dr. Comstock, tftfc Profeasora of fhé' Universitv and the Clergy of' Ann Arbor will act a visiting committee to thé School, to whom reference is made; íleo to Mr. J. Welles, Cnpt. J. Pérkin, Col. T, Mo8eley,Mr. W. S. Waynnrd, Mr. J. Sinclair, Hon. É. Itfundy, Ho.' R. S. Wilson and E. Lawrence. Eoq1.. of Ann Arbor; F. P. Hostings, Esq., Hon. J. M. Howard, Hon. C. G. Hammond, Dcfroit; B'ev. H. Hnmmdnd, fíomer. Rev. L. S. Hobart, Union City; Hon. P. Champlin, Jonesvillo: Win. Paprey Monroe: C.T. 6orhoni, Marshall, Rev. A. M. Fitch, Jackson. 7 BR.OCWA, Silk, Muelin de Lain artd! other ' Sumnier Shawls, may be found at RAYMONiyS CASH STORE, 146 Jeíf. Avonue, Detroit. May 2fc 4In Chancery, It Circuit. Daniel Oakley, } Tr Y virtue of a dccrei. n ,1 8" j i -- order of the Court o Caleb N. Onnby. J bove cauae.. j .hall exposé t sale, at public aucuoa, to the higheat bidder, a the Court House, in the vilkge of Ann Arbor Washtenaw County, on the óth day of Jun next, at one o'clock. P. M. of thut day, ihe fol lowing desenbed premises. to 'All thn certain tract or parecí of land, sitúate, lyin and benig in Brown & Fuller's addition to ihe villnot Ann Arbor, on lot number one, in block nu m oerc.ght, and being all ihnt pan of the said lo on vinch stands the three nortli-east corner build ing pi the Huron Block, together with said buildings and the appunenancee thereto belong?!'. f m? .'" the County of Wnshlennw and btaie of _ Michigan, or eo much tliereof as wil be suflic.ent to raise the amount due to the con. plninant for the principal and interestdue nsaid cause' GEO. DANPORTH, Tw.n _ , Master in Chancery. Jor &P0KTER. Sols. for Conipia. May 10, 1844. tf3 TTAmoixg the many stnkinprools of the exciiemeni of Bnstol's Sarsaparilln, not the least is urnished m the fact that such a nniltitude of punous and counterfeit preparations have been put fonh, and some of them by men that profesa a high business standing Unless this medicino had been of sovereign value, and its great suc:ess beyond all question, it would liave íuund no muntiona. rconle liever counierfeit fliot which is völueless. Whoever heard of a single cou.i_erfeu of the wild-cat currency ot the West- sterling coin and snfety-fund bilis are counierened constantly. The fact that a thinr s cx ensirely countr rfeited. is prooi of its value Ine successof Brisíol's Sarsaparilla has caused t io be cöuntcrfeited in alniost all the cities and ownsm the Uuion. Spurioua money is uni'ersally rejected, eo shoul.J spurious medicines e. No sensible person wiü take the false when e can get the true. People who do not wish to ie impoeod upon, should obtatn the gennine ar. iele. Attention to this is of the first importance. Cautïon.- Ask for Bristol's Snrsaparilla, and ee that ihe wrmen signatuie of C. C. Bristol is verihecork oftheboitle, none other is eenuine For sale hy W. S. &. J. W. MAYNARDWOOZ.! WOOX.! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ rpHE Subscribe would inform the Publ.c that they wtll continue to manufacture good at iheir Manufactory two andl half miles Sert of Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the foUowine TERMS. Until the first day of January, A. D. 184r the pnce W1I1 be 37J cents per yard or half the cloth the ro will make. Fro.n the fat of Jan! uarv to the ]5th of Ma,, 1845, the prica ÍS be 3") cents per yard, or nine iwemieihs of the c o.h the wool will make, that is. 45 vnrdaouioT HjO inanufactured. Tbe wool will be manu.actured in turn as n may come inio the actory, aa nenr as may be with reference to the different qualmes. Any person Who will finish one or more parcele of wool from 80 fo 100 poanda of one quahty cart have it .nianufnctured by iteelf. .oorviH be received at Sci. Wool sent : by Rmhead will be attended to in the same mannerDíifiheontt were to come with it- it Bhould be carelully marked. We have n.anufactured cloth dunng the past year for a very Inrge number of cuitomers, to wfiom we believe we have given very general satisfaclioiï With these facts and the advantages offered by tfre low pnce at which we offer to manufacture cïoth, we hope lor a iarge share of patronage SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. 121-,, Washtctfaw Co., April 25; 1844. 3-tf RAISIït IIVSÏÏXUTIONr THR public are heFoby notified, that the RAiSIN INSTITUT1ON. in Lenawee County. Michigan, is now in operation, and will be conducted as a MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, Lr Co,lorod People, and all others wishing to avatl themselves of ita advantages. About twen ty-fiva schotars can now be accommodnted at the InsütutröT)'. Our intentiön is ttfenlarge the Colony a ,ast, rs we can, po asr to hve Wechanïc Shopa of different kinds established in the Colony. ao thát young men may learn mechanical arts and scteacea while pursuiifg tfieir siudies. H. BIBB, Ageift fir tho'.Raisin Institution. Frankitn, May f. 1844. 4 t #■ - 0 = 0,53 q A w rT, ; filïfi il ö ; vTS - c 5 ra (ra HBÍ VüS' ! í ?Ssgi CO -_ S O-g.! 7 k-J í 1 liffffll -j. 4 S f]flI ?S g S I S fifí}! 1 L O Sr ES tljlll a 2, O ti fifí Iggs S CS llííplo fe. 38 2 "' ili?i """SM Sb ffl H 05 pJ! liiff?'! 1= s S ) ö iftiti. i.i s.!BS s = !■!!■■ os ?- 2 M w ílií - S ó2 . tí 2? m JS H ■ a 5 I 5 % PINew Establishment. TKRESHING MACHIMES KNAPP, HA VIL AND Jk CO. wouïd repectfully infoini ilm farmers of Wnshieiiuw and thesurrounding counties ilmi ihey have established themselves in Lower Tówn, Ann Arbor. for the purpose of nianufacturing Threslüne Machines. . Having been for msny yenre engsged in ihis business in Ohio, ihey feel that thcy can wiih.' confidence recommend thtir work. Thcy aro moking the Bnrrwli & Cndiü , Maöbiiiew m,d Horse power; alsó Êasimnri's pJanatary power, different from nny other mnde in tliis country and generally preferred to any other Machines, which they intend 10 sell at sucL piicca and on such terms na cannot fail to gíve satisfíiciian - they or determined not to be ontdone by any similar establishment eiiher in priee, sivle or quality of work. "Competition is the life of tradc"and all ihey 'sk of rhe Farniing communrry is o patronizd hem so far as tot give them nn opportunity ' supplping a part of the Machinea that moy; e wanfed. They are preparcd to repair old Vlncrnnes, Their shop is in the basement story of Ff. & R-. Patridge & Co's Machine" shop, wliere thcy nay be iound to answer all calis. KNAPP, UAVILAND & CO. W. W. KR API', T. A. HAVILAKD, J. K. MC LAllt. Ann Arbor, April 29, 1344. 6mlMWUFdCTUREJIS AJYD MERCHJiJYTS. ' I lFJE subscribers are now reccivinrr, nt thoir J. stores, 188 Jcffer'son Avenue, and corner ut landolph and Woodbridge streeis, Detroit, a arge and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood, l'ustic, Límewoocí, Nicarragua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, 130 bbls. eround Camwood, 150 do Fusfic 12U do Logwood, 100 do Uedwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 lïhdsCopperas, 4 do Blue Vitiiol. 4 pipes Ombre nnd Crop Madders. prime, 500 Ib8. Extract Logwood, 600 dp Bengal, M-idras and Cnraccas Indig0r 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Ailcpr.o,) 250 do PuwdWed Cúrcuma, 20CT do Verdigris, 10 Catboys Oil Vrtriol. 6 do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salle, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 case Lac Dye, 300 Ibe. Banquo Tin. 250 do Cream Tanar, 500 do Quereciron Bark. Together whh u complete.assortmentof all th mor anieles in ihe trade. io wit: Prees Papers, Teazles, Brufibes,'jncks. Tent Hooks, Dye Ketiles, Pickers. Burling lrons, Nippers. Prussinte of otnsh, Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Su_gar of Lea), Steel Reeds. CardCleanere. MACHINE CARDS, Satirteu farns. Shenrs. &e. Tbis entire stock has been purcliased wiihin tbe ast two weeks, and selected personally by one t tbe concern, who has been in the business for he last eleven years, and they hnve no bcMtation n sayins tlrnt tlie quality of these goods is unxcept.onable. They wil! posiuvly be sold at the owest ]Sew York jobbing prices, wiffi the adKroö of trarisponatioi) only. Theaiihscribra hftve the sole Agency in thistate for the sale of "FARSON'SSHEARfNG MACIIhVFS " dAÍe}?brteá "Z&WESTER MACHINE iAKlJü, dficidedly the best in use Aprim, í8TLLa H' EATOÏf' c,HORSES, WAGONS. P.UGGIES AND HARPÍES8 FÖR SÁE. ' MrfE Subacnber offers forsale five ood horX ses. one wo horse tfago, tvvo bugciee.t hro seus difblc harnes-s, one sing Imrness and two mddles. The wagon, bngaics and hnrneis werenewlastfall.and will be sold clienp for cash oron short credit. II. PARTRIDGE. Ann Arbor. LowerTown, April IJ. 1844. 51tf TRAVELLING BASKETS. &.- at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 14SJeif. Avenue, Detroit.


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