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The Tariff Again

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Our readers will ccrtainly bear with ug in our attempts to enüghtcn (hem all' on "iheother great nterests," especiaily the Tariff They are a ware hu we have been unab!e to discover ony essen iol difference between the two parties on this subject. Their respective Presidential candi dates ore now in the field, ond what aay tbcy? In a speech at Jackson, Tenn. April 3, 1843, Gov. Polk auid: "He was opposed to direct taxep, and prohibtory and protective duties, and in favor of such nodernte dutiesRa would not cut offitriportotiona. n ober words fie icas in favor of reducing tk dtties to the ratas of t e Cuai-RoaisE Act, where lie whig Cougress found them on the SO h of lune, 1Ö42." In a speech in the Senate, Jan. 21 et, I842 Mr. Clay aid, as reponed in ihe National Intel geneer: ''Carry out fien, said f e the spirit of üu Compromis!-: Act. Look to Kevenue alone for he support of the Government. Do not raise he quesiion uï Protectior;, which I had hoped hnd bpen put to rest. Thero is no necessity of Preiection for Protection." Now we ahould like to hnva some one teil us what ewential pracucnl diff urenen there is baween "carrying out thefprit qfthe Compromse Act." to which Mr. Cl.y hoïds.and "reduanf kc duit; to the rotts rf he. Ccwpromise Act," as ïdvocated by Col. Polk? [f there e no eienial difièrence, how absurd is it to support or oppose either party because of its Tariff crcedlCD The Nonh Star, a New York paper devoted to ihe interest of the colored people, and edited by Dr. J. M. Smiib, is publishing a series of anieles against the Liberty party, wiih the design of prejudicing thefree people of color agninit t. There are sevcral thousand voters among ihe colored people of the Free States, and the will vote for somt party. Would Mr. Smith recommend to them to vote the Democratio party, whose motto is "Opposition to Abolition"T Or would the Whigs appear "more favorable" to hira. vho9e "gnat embodiment" "rejoices ihat neitherof th two great panies o? our coan- try have any design or aim at Aboliuon"T


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