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THRL$IIII MACHINES. nnHE Sub8crber8 nre now manufacturin? HORSE POWERS and THRESHING ACHINES, constructed in the best and most urablc manner. The power is a four horse )ower, but is aUo a first rate power for tvM horses when wanted for that purpose. Jt a entirey unlike any tliai have ever been offered to ihe public in this State or elsewhere; and is believed to possess important advaiuages over any other power. It will work easier, (that ip, with leas streng-.h o) power) ihnn other powers ; r more compact and convenient :o move ; occupying only three feet by scven, and con be louded into a common wagon box with ihe thresher and drawn by one pairof horses. Economy, strength of material, and durabiíity, are uuited ín The constructioit of these Machines ; henee they can and will be sold VERÏ" LOW , lower than any Machi ne& have ever been sold in this State. We are aiwious to sell them for CASH, and those who can pay CASH are especially invited tocall on us. Thd cylinders to the Threshers are all iion. Tina is the best power in exLsfence for Farmers to use, for threshing their own grain, and has been got up with a view to their special aeeommodation. The facility with whích ít can be moved from one place to anoiher renders it very convenient for several joint ownere. Whenever a power is wanted for two horses, a thresher of suitable size will be constructed at very short notice. Two or three Farmers, having large crops to thresh can purchase one of these Machines jointly, at less cost to each than the expense o job threshing ior one year. The establishment is 2 miles wes from Ann Arbor, on the Raii Road, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER & CO Scio. June 17, 1844. 9?tf THE M1SSES CLARKS' Young Iadies' 8eminary, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. B . -' iV.. &L. I .MARY IL CLARK, Principal, CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MISS WEST, Teacher in Mu8ic. H. 1 SCHOFF, do of Classics, do do in French. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica. RHOBY E. CLAHK, Teacher of Juvenile Dept. THIS lnstitution has been in operation aince November 18, 1839. The scholastic year embracing forty-eight weeks, two termj. compring twoquarters-each - tvrelveweeeks in a quarter - a general examination at ihe close of each erni - in Febrtfary and Augurf:. "he second quarter of the present term commences Novernbei 27. Tïi.M3 of Tuition.- For the English branch es, 2,50 to $5 per quarter. No reduction made for absence, except in case of sicknesa. and no pupil taken for less than a quarter. Extra charges are made for nmaic o the Pkno, with the use o' the instrument, $8,00 French, 3,00 Latín 3,00 Drawing nnd Painting, 5,00 Fancv Work, 3,00 Board, iricluding wasking, lights, &c, $1,75 er week if yaid in advance, or $2,00 per week f paid at the close of the quarter. Parent8 and gtrardians are invited to visit the chooí every Friday, when the studies of the week are reviewed - a!so mi-monthly on Wedesday afiernoon, at readingof tlte weekly compositions. Young ladies desirous of entering the school nd pursuing ihe regular course of study, would 0 welf to commencff at the begjning of the errii. Having purchased a healthy and 'commodious uildingin a pfeasam artd convenient part of ihe illage, no pains or expense shall be spared to tcilitate the studies and reiider the shuation ot he young profitable and agreeable. Belonging to the sehool are a Library of beween three and four hundred volumes, and Phisophical Apparatw, Electricaí Globes, c Scientific lectures are delivered before the chool at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endenvor, nut only to )romoie the intellectusl culture of their pupils ut wilf atlend éfrictly to their moral deportnent. With a deep sense of religious responsibiliiy. ïey would give such a torre to chaTacter, assiiall ender it practically fitted for every station - yieldng todutybut firm to principie. Among the books used in the school are, Abrcrombie on the Intellectual and Moral Powers - Kane's Elernents of Criticism--Wayland's Woral Science- 'NeWman'sr Rhetoric - Hedge's jOgic - Paley's Naiural Theology and Evidenccs f Christianity - Comstock's Chemistry and iatural Philosophy - Combe's Physiology - Mrs. incoln's Botany - Eaton's Manual of Botany - Burritt'sGeographyofthe Heavens- First, Sand and Third Books of History - Mrs. Wil ard-8 Republic of America - Phelps' Legal Cíasics - Playlair'8 Euclid, and Davie's Algebra and Arithmetic - Parker's Natural Plnlosophy. The Misse8 Clark have taught n Young Lnies School for several yearsin the Cily of New rork, and are furnished with testimoniáis from tt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D., and John VI. Griscon, M. D., of New Ycrk, Rev. J L. ïlake, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emma Willard, of ""roy. N. Y. ; also, reference is made, by permission, to the following gentlemen : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry. D. D., Robert Rumsey nnd j. B. Misner, Esqis., Detroit ; Rev. Isaac S. ietcham. Centreville ; Rev. J. Hudson, White geon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Ketch m, Marshall ; Hon. Wm. R. Deland, Jackson; Piul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan, Adrián: Daniel Hixson, Clinton: Gardiner Wheeler. M, D.? Howell; Rev. F. H. Cuming, ïrand Rapids; Rev. H. Coklazer, Rev. A. M. 'tch.. S. Demon, M. D., P. Bngham, M. D.. Hon. Wm. A. Fletchor, Hon. Win. R. Thompon, E. Mundy, Esq., John AHen. Esq., Geo. V. Jewett, Esq., Col. Thomas Mosely, Capt. 1 Perkins. Thomas M. Ladd, F. Sawyer, Jr., isq-, late Superintendent of Public Instruciion, Professor Wh-iting. Williamnnd Houghton, oí ie University ot Michignn. Ann Arbor : James Jirdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amos Vlead, Esq., Farmington. The following gemlemen, Rev H. Colclazer, lev. O. C. Comatock, Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiting and Wiíliams, f th University of Michigan, and F. Sawyer. r.. late Superintendent of PabKc Instruction. ave consenred toact asa visiting committee oí lie school to be present when the weekly srdies re reviewed; but especially to attend during ihe emi-annual examinations. Septembr 4, 184 ' 9d lrvoTiCE. ; RAN away froin the subscriber, the forcpar of March last, Levi Wait, a bound boy- therefore forbid all persons harboring or trustin him on my account, as I shall pay no debts o his contracting. G1LBERT ALLEN. Lodl, May 20th, 1844. 9-tf. ATTENT ION CLOTHIERS! Jütí i' receivedat the General Depot, for the sale of Clothiers Stock, Machitiery, Dye tíiuffs, &c. &c, No. 139, Jefferson Avenue, Deiroit, the following lnrge, well assorted, and carefully selecied stock, viz: 100 bbis. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " fan Stick, 150 bbla. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons " " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. WoocL Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " J20 Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 500 Ibs. Nutgalls. 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ccroons Spanish Indigo, 300 Ibs. Sumac Sicily, 3 Casks Modder, 3 Casks Blue Viirioly 5 Casks Alum, 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Cretrm Tarrarf 3 Carboys Aqua Fortia, - 5 Oiï Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigri8, 50 " Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles, afll sizes, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtia' " " Screws and Press Pintes, Cranka, Press Paper, Steel Reed, Worstecï Harness, Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, Clothiera' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Clenners, &c. &c. The above, with n variety of other artides beonging to the trade, have been purchased this ummer by the subscriber from Manufacturornd First Hands in the New York, Thiladelphia, nd Boston Markets, and cvery thing having res eived his personal inspection. he can with the Umo8t con tidence offer them to purchasers as the est and most complete stoclcin the country; and as it is his fixed determination (by the low rates a1. which be will sell) to Drevent the necessity ol our Clothiers and Mannfn"urerB leavmg the State to make their purchases, hi would merel} say to the trade, CALL, examine the ijoods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper any wkere else. He is also prepared to cofltraet for CARD1NG MACHINES made in tlu State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avenue, [I7-tf.] Detroit.DRY GOODS, DRY CROCERIES Feathcrs, Paper llanïns. BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesi cash jricea, at Raymond's Cash Store, 148 Jefferso Avenue, De-roit. The undérsigned hos just received a full stoc of SPRING GOODS, of the most desirabl stylcs and pattcrns, suitable tbr city or eoumr trade. amono. wiiirH arx: French Lnwns, Gingham Muarin, Muslin de Laines, Balzarines, Balzarine Muslins. Striped Swiss Muslina, Rích Calicóes, of all qualities, colors and partera. Pantaloon and Coat stuffs, such a Gambroons, Swedes Cassimeres,Fancy Drilling, Linen Check?, Plaid Swedes. Fancy English Cassimeresy Broad Cloths, Ketitucky Jeans, &c. - ALSQ- Blue Diills, do Lineas, Fustians, Tiekingsy Checks, Linseys, Burlaps-, Baggingsy Padding,Canvassr Brown Sheetmge anrd Drilfings, BleachedCouon, Swiss, Jackonet. Book & Barred Muslins, Wide Lace and Lac Edgin-gs-, of every df6criptiori, Vesting, Bon. iets, Ribbons, Luien Cambricy Cambrics, Hankerchieff Cravata, &c. &c. &.C. Persons trading in the city are invired, ai cast, to cali and look at this stock, and if the prices are not aa low as elsewhere, patronage t not e.xpectcd. W. A. RATMOND. 748 Jefferion Avenue. Detroit. May 20, 1844. 4 6m Young Istdicüi' Semiiiary. MISS E. PAGE, AND MISS L. MOORE, AssocisUe TearJie sr. MISS. G. WEST, Teacher in Music, MRS. HLTGHS, Teadierin Drmcing and Paint ing. MR. F. MAÏISH, Tcac'tr in Muthemaiics and Latin. Tkbms - Tu-itkmin the Englisii branches from 2.5) to $5,00 per quarfer of twelve weeks. - essons on the Prano, Wilh the use of the instrument. $10.00- Fancy ork, $3,00-Draving and Painting $5.00- Lmin, $3,00- French. 1:3,00 - Board, 1,50 - Washmgand iro mg 37 J cents per dozen. No pupil will be received for ess than one quarter, and no deduction lor absence wil ba made, except in oses of nckness. That thiL3ininary ruay possess eyery advanage for obtaining athorough, piacticaf and reined education, and,(hat teacfiers rrray here be ully prepared for the falfilment of (beir duties, VÜ8S P. has (.pplíed for aid to Miss Lyon, of the distinguished Semmory in South Hadïy, Ma&e.. and sheis happy toaTmmrncre to tfre public, that he rreiceof it Principal, and sister lo tts Vicc Principal, educated under their influences, will, n future be nssociatedf Wnh Miss Page, in an atempt to rearan irístitution in this Península, on a footing with the best at the east. Miss Moor; )rings her theexperiencc of four yeara teachng ín a Southern Seminnry, which she has elevaled nearly in a New England school. It i expected that a Library and Philosophical apparaus will belong to this institution. All who are interested in the eduenrion of youth, are requested to visit the school and from lursonal observation, becomeacquainted with its rganization and its ndvan rages Con-Tpositioniwill beread on Thursdays. The Supcrintenden-ï of Public ïnsiruction, Dr. Comstock, the Profeaeors of the Universitv and he Clergy of Arrrr Arbor will act a viafting comnittee to theScIrod, tó whom reference ia made; also to Mr. J. Welles, Cnpt. J. Perkins, Col T. Moseley, Mr. W. S. Mnynnrd, Mr. J. Sinclair, Hoii. E. Mundy, llon." R. S. Wilson and E.-Lawrence. Esq.,of Ann Arbor; F. Hast ngs, Esq.. Hon. J. M. Howard, Hon. C. G. Hammond, Detroñ; Rev. H. Hammond, Homer, Rev. L. S. Hobart, Union C'fy; Hotj. PChnmplin, Jonesvillet Rer. Wm. Pape, Monoe: C. T. Gorharo, ñlarahall, Rev. A. M. Fitcb, iackson. IÍLÍSH. STEWART, ATTÖRNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOUCITOR IN CHANCERY. JEWERSON AVBKUE, BBTROfT.WOOL! WOOï,: CJLOTH! CLOTH!! npHE Sub8cribers would inform the Public JL that they will continue to manufacture guoc at heir Manufactory, two and n half miles vvept of Ann Arbor, on ihe Hurou, ou the iuilowing TER MS. Until the first day of Janiwry, A. D. 1845, the price will be 37 cents per yard, or half the cloih the vool will make. From the Ist of Januarv to the lóih of May. 1845. rhe price will be 3i cents per yard, or nine twcntieths of the cloih the wool will make, thnt is. 45 yard out ol 100 manufoctured. The wool will be mnnufactured in turn iid il may come into the Zaetory, a near as may be with reference to the different qualides. Any person who will furnish one or more pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 pounds of one quality can have it mnnufnetured by itself. Vool will be reciB)ved at Sci , Wool sent by Rnilroatl will be attendedtoin the snme mnnner as iftheowner were lo come with it - it should be carelully marked. We have manufactured cloth during the past year for a very large number of customers, to whom we believe we have grven very general satisfaciion With these facts and the advantages oflered by the low price at which we oíl'er to manufacture cloih, we bopefor a large ahare ot patroncge. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., April 25. 1844. 3-tf raisk inrsTiTiiTio THE public are hereby notih'ed, that the RAiSÏN INST1TUT1ON, in Lennwee Dounty, Michigan, ia now in operation, aud will e condueted ns a MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, pt Colorod People, and all others wishing to avail themselves of iis advantagee. About twen y-five scholars can now be accommodnted at the institution. Oor inlciuion is to enlarge the Coluny aa fasf as we can, so aa to have Mechanic Shopsofdiffereutkinda established in the Culony, 30 that young men may learn mechanical arts ind Sciences while pursuing their siudics. H. BIBB, Agent for the'Raisin Iustitution. PranWin, May 7, 1844. 4 tl CAmong the many striking proofs of the excitement of Bristol's Sarsapnrifía. not the least is lurnished in the fact that such a multitude of 8putious and counterfcit preparations have been put forih. and some of them by men that profess a high business standing. Unless thia medicino had been of sovereign vaiue. and its great success beyond all question, it would have found no imitationB. People wever eounterfeit that which is valuelws. Whoever lieard of a single counterfeit of the wild-cat currency of the Weet? Sierling coin and safety-íund bilis are counterleited con8tantly. The fact that a thingis extensively countrrfeiied, is prooi Í19 value, The 8ucces8of Bristol's Saxsapariila has caused it to be counterfeited in nlmost all the cities and towns in the Uuion. Spurious money i universally rejected. so should spurious medicines be. No sensible person will take the false when he enn get the true. People who do not wish tu be imposed upon, should obtatn the genuine ar ticle. Attention to this is of thv first importance. Caütion. - Ask for Brisiol's Snrsaparilla, and see that the written signamie of C. C. Bristol i over the cork of iheboule, none other ie genuine. For sale by W. S. &. J. W. MAYN ARD. Dl8Oi;i TIOIV. THE Co-píirtnership heretofore existir under the fiím of Henley fe Dorrance is this day dissolved by mutual' consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by E. Dorrance who isauthorized to settle all demando due the abo-ve ñrra, JOHN HENLEY, _ E. DORKANCE. Ann Arbor, vane 5, 1843. E. DORRANCE wiU constastly on hand and for sale, Domestic üry Goods. West India Goods, Boot, Shoes, Nails. Glass, Paints, OÜ8, Stone Warre. Dried Fruir, Cbeese, Birtter, Lard, Pork. Fish'&c.. 3w8 BROCHA, Silk, Muslin de Laine and other Summer Shawls, may be found at R,AYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 IIaLÏLOCK & K1ÏMOAÏ), PASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPOKrUM, Desnoyers' Block, 127 Jefferaoa Avmue.New Establishment. THRESHIPJa MACHINES KNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. would respectfuliy inform the farmers of Wnslitenaw and the surrounding counties that thcy have es- tablished themsePves in Lower Town. Ann Arbor. for the purpose of manufacturing Thresking Machine. Having been for msny years engaged in thia business in Ohio, they teel that thcy can wiifi confidence recomrrend their work. Thcy are tnaking the Burrall & Cadiz Machines and Horse power; a'eo Eastman's planatory power, different from a;iy otiier made in this country1 and generally preferred to any oiher Machines, which they intend to aell at tuch prices and on c.ich terma as cannot fail to give satisfaction- they aro deierrnined not to he outdone by any siinilnr esiablislunent ehlier in price, styJe or qunlity of work. "Competifion is (he life of frader' and all they ask of the Farming commu-nity ís o patronizt ihem so far as 10 give tnem an opportunity of eupplpingf a part of the Mochines that niay he wnntc-d. They are prepated to repair oíd! Machines. Their ehop is in the basement Btory of H. & Patridge & Co's VT.ichine ehop, where they may be iöxind'to ansveer all calis. KNAPP, HAVÍLAND & CO. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVir,ANI, J. E. MC LAIK. Ann Arbor, April 29, 184,4. 6mt TO CX.OTHIX3RS, MAJYUFJ1CTV RERS jiJVD MER CHJiJVTS. TH E subscribera are now at their stores, 188 Jeí&rson A venu -j, and corner o Randolph and Woodbridge atreets, Detroit, a large and'general stock of DYE-W00DS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood, Tustic. Limewood. NicaFragua, Hypernie VVood, ia the stu:kr 130 bbls. eround Camwood, 150 dó Fustic 120 do XrOgwoodj 100 da ReJwoodsT 20 do Aluin, 6 hhds Cópperas-, 4 do Blue Vitriol, 4 pipes Omhrr: and Crop Maddcrs, prime, 500 Ib8. Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal. Madrasand Caraccas Indigoy, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Alleppo,) 250 do Püwdered Cúrcuma,. 2WT do Verdigri. 10 Carboys Öil Vitriol;, 6 do Aqua Forti, 4 do Spíri6 Sea Salu,. 4 do NitricAcid, i 2 cases Lac T)y, 300 Ibs. Banquo Ti, 250 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Quereciron Bark. Together wïth a complete assortmentof all tB; minor articles in the trade, to wit: Pïess Papers, Teazles, Brushep, Jacks, Tent Hooit. Dye Kettles, Piekers, Burüng írons, Ñippers, Prussiateof oti ash. Sal Anioniac. Sal Soda, Sucar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaners. MACHINE CA.RDS, Satinett Warps, Shears, Stc. This entire stock has been purchased witnin thöflast t wo weeks, and selected personally by one of the concern, wbahas been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no hcMtation in sayine that the quality of these goods is un- exceprionabie. They will positivly be sold at the lowest New Yorfc jobbing prrces, with the addition of transporirition only. Th subsertbers have th sole Ageney in thi State or the snïe of "FARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," and the celebrsted "LEICESTER MACHINE: CARDSf" docidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April II, 1843. 51tf BASKET WARE. TRAVELLING BASKETS. &c- at RAYMOND'S CASH STOREr 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit 5Tay 20. ' 4 TAKEN UP BY the Subscriber in Webster on the sixth instant, a stud Cohrsupposed to be threo years old, somt white n the faee and whitehind feet. Said estray haa been entered oh tha town book. JACOB BLANDEA. June 9, 18 '4. tí-8w


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