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Dissolution Of The Union

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ThÍ8 hackiieycii phrase will yet becorne quite B'.ala and distasteful froin constant repretition. - Tlie South Carolinians área Hule the tallest at ihis busin. ss. Tbcy dissolve the Union in gentcel, dignified language.omitting all the bitter ex - pressioiis used by Garrlson and the otlier disunionists of the North. Here are four propositions which purport to be frorn thc organ of Democracy at Charleston, S. C. They read well. but we think they will notscare any body: "I. To culi pon our delegaiions in Congress, fsiri session. or otir Senntors, rf ihey be ui dfe eatof government. lo wnit on the Texian Minister, and remonstrate with him agrainst nny negotwtion wkh other power. uni, tlu Suu!hin States stitll hace fiad a reasoiuMc time to decide apon t'.cir conree. "2. The object secured. a Convention of the; pcople oí each Sinte shonhl be prompily called. to delibérate and decide u'pon the action tobe la. ken by the slave States on the queslion oí' annexution: and to appoint delega es to a conveniion oi. thc slave States, vith instructions to canyinio effect the behesisof the peojile. %0. That n convention oi'.the slavo States, by delegations from each, appolnted as aforefiaici. should be called, to meet at sume central position, to take into consideration t'w tpiestitn of unnexing Texns ttlte Union, if the Union wi I cctpt it; or, if fie Union ui'A n.ot it, tkca f anmxing Texas to the Southern States. "4. That the rresideiu of ihe United States he reqnested by the general convention of the slave States., to cali Congress together imniediatély: wheh the final issue ehall bc made lip, and thc ultcnialire dislínctfy presentid (o fie frve Stntts cttlicr to a.dmit 'iexas into the Union, or to pTocccdpcttfciblyandcalmlii to arrange lie tennis of a dissolïtttón of the Uniwi."


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