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In ihis villagc on the öd inst.. in ihe IGih ycar ofher nge. AUnv Catumuhe Schoon.makkr, eccrtnddaiirliterof Olivèr D. and MargarctAms Schoonmaker. Just two ycars ago. tlic drceased united wul, tlie Prefibytenan cliurch at Pinckney, Livingion Co., whore her párenla were tlien resident. "and by a moet truly consistent nnd exemphry tlle.ovei adorned tlie religión of Gotl her Sqvior, and now on the anniversary of that duy on which sheyielded her heart to Christ, her spirit passud. Of superior intelleciuul endowmenis, but of more than ordinary delicacy and rehnement of nund. hers was a cliaracter of ex-cceding 'gentleness and beaut}- a lovoiy visión of Jight which dawned apon us for a brief space and tlien vanished away. But for he Reveiations of the Gospel, liow hard to understand the dispensations ol Providence! "The blossoms of spring pérish as well as the leaves of Autumn"- Bigbed her friend os she atood over the bier of the youthrul deod.- BIe?sed in the rich afibctions of the heart- surrounded by fond rclatives of whom she was the : ornament and a good daughier- a kind sister tendcrly btloved is taken away, on irreparuble loss- a void ia made wbich Uuie cun never repair. But "Faith is the Chrisiian's evidence Of things unseen by mortal eye, lt passes all the bounds of sense, And penetrales the inmosi sky." Strong faith bids sorrowingfrienda look to God who cannot do wmn:, and who knowing all Tilinga must be the beiter disposer than we whos finite minds are never ahle to grasp the purposes of the Infinite. But faith- certain faith is given us, whereby we may take hold of the promises. and hope casis an anchor far- far within the vail, even fust by the thrune ot the Eternal. Com.


Signal of Liberty
Old News