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L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. THE Subscribers táke this rneïhod of infurmin till such as are engaged ín ihe Miilini: business in the State of Michignn, thnt they ure now manufaemring in Ann Arbor, VVashtejiaw C'ounty. Michigan. L. B. VVnlker's Patent Smul Machine. which they wouid reconunend to Vtkc Lhe Smui oli ol wheal as wel! or better tJiun any oïhe, machine. This machine is u horizental luachine - il reinins nll the l'riction oi Ihe'wheat. and ütiiuntf Hiniplicity wiih duraliility. it cmiointis tlie hearing, seourini,'. and ülowin principies, disclinrgmg the dnst and snuit as fast 8 separated Irum the wheat. Tliis macliinc 3 perfect I y se: curo ícoin fire, and raas inuch figfitêr ihan any othur maclinie in use. For forüwr informntion. sec large bilis. Shop in Lower Towti. Pficet to agree wiih the times. All orders for Ma' chinps will be prompily aitended to. Address. E. O. &. A. C RITTENDEN, t Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co.. Mich JulyS.1844. Jj6m ESTJRAYv " Cnine into the enclosifre uf ihe aubscriber on orabout the Ü7th of June, abrindle Cuiv, wiih a etar in the furehea.'i anti line back. supposed u be about se ven years old. The owner is requested 10 prove property, pay chaigcis. and tuke hei away. STLVANUS SIAP. Ann Arbor, ;J.uly 2, 1844. 1 1-8w Iiiberty AÏmaiiaik ibrï 845! TMEsnbscriberis prrparinr an Almanack foi i'ÓÓ; which will be made a general statistical and hiatoiical record on slavery and enianci pation. A reut variety of original urtieirs in piosc, and a choice seloction tí onrirely new music (,)r I iberiy Meetings, will beinserted, niakuiy it a valuable book. It will also contain soine excellent anieles on the subject of Temperance. it will be richiy emlwfliéhcd with platca.ainong which will be the liUonrss of Jam G. BirkkV, our Liberty candidaté for President, also a briei insiory of his life. We sha 11 be happy to receive orders from nny esiablish ment desirinr qiumtities. It will be piiliSshed in August. Pnblishrs who will give this notice inseriion for tltree momhs, shull receive 100 Almanacks, each. J. N. T. TUCKER.W HOL E S A lIT & II E T A I L , BQOKSELLERAN3STATIONER, SMART S JJLOCK, 137 JKKKKUSON AVKSÚR, DETROIT. Kceps constanily íor sale a rompletu assortnieni ofr Miscdlaneöus. School nul Cl;iss;wil Books; Letier;iiid Cap l'jipcr. jihiin ;iud ruled, Quijls. lnk, Sealin; VViix,-, ■ Cu;Iery, Wrappiirg Vtp6r. l'rinting l'aper. jt ;i!l sizcs; and. Bodk, NewsaiicJ Cnnisier Juk. ot va-non? KIihIs v BLAMZ SOOZSy. r uil nuil liail iiiiiiiHJ. til ever} vmieiy 01 Kulin" MEMORANDUM BOOKS. A.c To Mcrclinni?. 3'cnphers, and uthcrs, buying in quantTfles. n iiire discount 'nado. SABBATH S&HOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR .r)i-u. MAKRÍAGE' GERTIFICATES, OF bperior quality, just püuted and lor Sala nt iliis Ofíice. A mi Arbor. Nov. 2, 184..Wfïigs! Wliigsü DF.FENCE of the Wliigs. Whig Alrmnnoe. Wlug gongs, and Life ■(' Menry C'hiy ly Sargpant. Fur sale at Ferry's Iiuok StoreMay 2:i 1344. 5i!. A iï ii a í ioiï rTnas or not, P E II II Y has just receivetl a rirst rute lot o) BOOKS. whicli he will sell clieap lor Cash. May 23. 1844. (wO WOOL ANDWÖÖï7ENCLOtHS. Iwill exchange Woolen cloths of cvery vvidrli and quolity for wool, io be delrvered in May or June, or after shcnrhig titn. My stock of cloth is compíetc, quality gootf. low, &c. F. ÜEN1&ÖIJ. Ann ArUoti. February Ist. 1H4Í. 41. N. B. Tt is inipormiu thnt wool be rïone up in good order, unü anv 'nfonnatio will be gnVen when askcd F D.TUF. M1S6ES ChARKS' Young Ladics' Scminary, .íri'NN ARJiOft, MICHIGAN. MARY tí CLARK, Principal; "' CÍÍLOE A. CLARK, Vioe Principal. MISS WF.ST. Teacher in;. H. F. SCHOFF, dn bf-CfetSScè. do do in Krendi. F. MARSH, f flcliëf of SfattíérrtjífiAs: RHOIiY E: CLARK, Teucher uf Juvenile Dopt. ffHLS Inatiiution lins heen ín operntion since X November Je!. lt-:?i. Thes61iol;wtic yetir eiuhraciiiii fany-eialit tveeks. iwo tering compriamg !wa qnariers each - iwdvc weceks in a 'junrler - ;i trei)cral examiaation nt the close oí each term- u Februnry and Agti. hc lust uriner bf i'ne jíresent term cotnmenced Alay 'Oilv. Aficra inontli's víicni(jn. atibe close of ilimqnarier. whicii encJs i,lic Sfcbo lastic year, icliool will !: aynin rcSiiined the iirs! week i m Sepfcrnbor Tie;xt. 'J'bi.mí pi Tuinox - For the F.iiijlish brunch es, L-i,;jO to i$.rj per quurier. No reduorioii ina';c for ahBinne. except in case of sickaesa oiul no pupil tiikon (or leas itum n (unrier. Extra chnr se are tarada lor niusic on' the Piano, wjth the uíc o' the nistruinejit, kH.Olt Freiich, . 3,00 Latín. a(rt, JJrnwinc nnd Painting, 5,K) Fiincv Work, .Q ) Board, ncludiug wnshincr, light?. Ssc-. 1.75 f'er week if' j.aid in advnncé. or $-,0ü pur week if paifl nt the close of ihe quarter. Parents and euiirdians are jnvited to viit the school everv Fnday, whert the Studies of the week are reviewed - a'so derni-monthly on Wednes l;iy iificrnooii. at readingof the weekly compositions.Young: ladies desirons of entering the school and pursuing ihc rejaiifnr cours ofs'rüdjr, would do wcll tu coinmeiicc ut ihc 'begiiiíiix of the leni. Ha ving purchnseda heidihy and comrnodious bttum'ñgiñ n picasant nnd coiivrment part of the villagc, no puins or expense, s'iall bc sp.-irw! t( facilitan', the studies nn'l remier tlie siluatioa of the vountr ladies profitable and agrrenble. Belonging ui the school are fi Librarv o( herween three nnd four hundred volumes, áñd Phiosopliical Apparnrue. Elcctricnl Machine, Globes, &c Scieiiiific lecinres are deüvured before the' school nt proper intervnls. The Misseis Clark will endeivor. nuf nnly to promote the intelleenH culture of their pupila bu will attehd strictly to their niüial deportuient. With a (iiiep nense of reJigiotis rcsponsilíiliíj'. 'hev %-on!(J Live such n tone to chnmeter", as shnli reiulcrir practieally ihteJ forevery station- yieldlnï t0 djity but firui to principie. Among the books used in the school aro. Ahercronibio ■nn tlie Intellectual aud Moral Po wen - küue's Elementa of Critieisri)- Wnyland's Mornl Scifioce- Newmair's llhetoric- H.; Il'c's Logic- Paley's Nauirat Theology and KvhIcmwí ftf Chnstiantty- Com3trfck's Chemistry and Natural Phtlosophy-Cambe's Physioloay- Mis. Lincoln s Butany- Eatón's lanu.l of Bnmny- Bu-ntt's Geography ofthe' H.èavens-Firat, Spcond and Thnd ltooks of HtStory- Mrs. Wil tiurd's Itepuhlic of America- Phdps' fcfignl Classics- Playfair's Eitclid. nnd l)ayieJs Algebra and Anthniotie- Parker' s Natural Philosophy'. The Misses Clark Have tiimrht a Young Lad;es School for several yenrsin ihe Ci:y of New York, nnd are furnishfrii vhli lesiimonials from Rl Rcv. Büiijnmin D. D . and John M. Orfeón. M. D., of Tit-v Ycrk, Röv J L Jllake. of Brooklyn, anti Mr. Emma Wiliard, oT IVrtv. -N. Y. r also, rt-fcrefice is made, by permisstoK. to the following gentlemen : Rt. Itev S. A. McCoskry. D. D., Robert Rumsey nnd L. B. Misner. Esqrs-, Detrmt ; Rev. tsnnc S. Ivetchain. Centreville ; Rev, J. Iiudson, White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Ketch urn. Marshall ;' Hon. Wm. R. Üeland. Jackson?.ml B. Ring. Michigan Centre: E. IJ. Winnn, Adrían: Djniel IHxsdri. Girdine'i VVhefler. M. D.. Howdt: Rev. F. Ff. Cumine Grand Rap.irls: Rev. H. Cok-lniér. Rev. A M F.tch. S. Dentón. M. D., P. Rngham. M D Hon. Wm.. A. FJeichcr, Hon. Wm.H Thomp" son, E. Mundy, Eia.. John Allen. Esq.. Geo. W. Jewett. Ksn-. C!. Thomas Most-lv, Capt. .1. Perkih's. Thomas M: Lndrf, F. Sawver. Jr.. Rsq . late Superintendent of Public Inrflr'lictiori Profresors Whitiriir. Willianiff and Hourhton, oí ihe Univereiiy nl Mifhinran. Anti Arbor: James Hirdsnll and Rev. John Beactf, Flint; Anioi Mead. Farmirrton. Tlie follpwinir ouilenien. Rev TJ. ColcMer' Rev. O. C. Comstock. Rcv. A. M. Fitoh. Rev. Mr. Ctirtiss. Profe.ors Whitnig nnd Willi;nns. of the Uuiyersitv of Michigan, and F. Sawver Jr.. l.ite Superintendent of PuhHc Instruction. hfnve co'nsemed to act aS a visit'jn cnmmiuee of the school to be present when ihe u'eekly smiies are revLewed; but espcci.dly tó nïéud duriug the semi-anrunl e.aitiin;iti6ná. September 4. 84". 9tfSINCLAIR & CÍTASE, ATTOREYS JJVD COU.YSELLORij AT lAW, (OKFICE I.OWKft TOWK, ANS ARBOR.) Wifl tremí -o nll business ih their proíession u'iih alideliiy nml rJospaicli. .I'nrrcular atteiuion will be given lo collecting. UOHKHTP. Sl.VCr.AIR, EDWARD . CU VSE Mar.dv20, I.S-J4. -ls-ly. BÏNUnAm Sc GHAPMAW, FOIUVARDING MERCHA.'JS, DEALERS 7.V DRY GOODS, GROCElilES, f-c. AT TUK RAII.-KOAO Wol. GKASS I.AKK. ÍM1CH. 'I. H. JilNOIfAM. G. CIIAI'MAX, W-3rn. ' ITÏilitary Tactics, TUST received iw Cíiízt.n b'oldieuj Assísmd J ,at Pcriy's Buok Stoie. jVhiv:j. 1844. :ixr, - FARiSHA.M'S TjjivHs inOnon. do do do C'aliioniijr. History oí Texns nnd a grent vnrieiy o! Cbeap Publicaiiuns just receH-ed nutl Jbrsnlo ai Ferry's Book Store, Che;ii hr Ciish. 'J'lie public :ir' rcspeciitJy reqiVested lo cali and c.xauune hu Muy '23. 1844. 3wÓÍ)K. OSGOOD'S INDIA C3KOLAGCGÜS. AftlüNG" lin; most aLunlle qunlij_g o thifc . ïucilniiH'. is is rcstoiing influente npoi. Cüiistiluüuiis: iii.])i!Íied r.iul njured lífprcvroílí ;it(;icksol Iwllii us fever. Jïj fevcr um) niiic: 01 i)V a Iori0 léyiilc'iite in lliofc climaics uliicli produce them. TIn re .'ire in;my coiiTliiuiiöns whifch" iiecoinc gi-.-idnally undci imiu tl h a viinfinrl influencc. tfiihooi even n (hiv'smtunl cnuftiiciiieiit. In euch cuses, üio (Jltolnüeiic ;icis ükc pJinrn. - llie snllow coiiiplcxioii. luss cf nppfitiic, Innguor, weaiincss ;iml dèpresfiion of spirits, wiib other unp'c.isniii syjiipionis wfiicli rniriVr life l)urden. nl' yu;l(l i this remedy íi'hort fiiithfully usefl ncciiniinir lo ilie diipuiions oi lliöncconipan-ying pamplilef. It is oniich' jivcgcüihle piep ïrniinn. jiikI inay be frthen w"ln pörit'ci stiély uhder ail ciir::nif!i:inccs of l'ié sysiei'n. Ftir sü Ie ly' 3(5 W. S. J. Wi MAVXARI"). solt: Agent, for Ann Arlior Btul vicinity. FÍHST rié Ten. Sunr oud C'cilte, at tin lowesi niarket pripp, ;it JlAVMOiVDS CAS'íl STORK. 148 Juii'. Avoiiuu, Dttruit. Mny 4300,000 Feet PIN E LUMBER. TH K sub.scribers offer Sor s;ile. Five hundred Tfauand Feei SEASONEÜ PTNE LUMBER, wliieh has been put up in ilie test possible mnnuer. and iöofevery qiuiliiy and thickness. Persuna wisliinüf to pnrchnso Luinber ihui is fit for iinmed'uác use, will do well to give usa cali, belore purcliasinr elsewhere. 1ÍAZELTON & PATF.RSON. Fornierly Ajienis i'or Beieh & Co. Flint, Januaiy 2?, 1844. 4D-Cin.. a ttkntïon CXíOTHIERS! JU a i reeivedut ibe Gunernl Depot, íor iho salo 0Ï Cioílut-rs Stock, Mndiiuery, Dyo Öt.ufls, fcc. &c. io. (30!. Jefferaon Avenue, öetrOit, the fJiig Inrac, weil assuned, antí carcíiilly scleciecl stock, vu: loo libia, tít. Domingo Lügwood, Cut, 5 Tona 'i ;n Stij-.i, 151) W,l. Cuba Fu.iio, Cut, ' 5 Tona ' inStiokr' SO bilï: Nfc. VVxj,h,), Clúpped, f)Ü " Urna Waoú, '■ ■ÍD " Jletl Wood, '■ 12) ♦ Grouiiít Cuín wood, U) " Quèrcfïron iídik, 5)0 II)S. iuiuil, - 10 (;isc.í fZxliijct oí" L"woud,' 300 Ibs. L-.c D30, 2 CeroohH S;nníph Intljgoj 300 It.s. Sum.-.cSiciíy, 'S Casus Mfidder, 3 Caská Blue Vüiiu!, 5 Casks AÍÍt 2 Barrels Red Tí.rtar'. 2 B:irrels Cream '("artnr, 'i Carínjys Aqua Funis, 5 ' OI Vürjül, 3 " Muriatic Acid. 500 Ihs. Virdigríf; f .r. i -; JJluck 'J'ui; Tensc-ls. Twinc; Copper Kettles, all sizes Paraon's Shenring SfcrffíJnes! Curtís' tl " Screws and Pross Plateo, Cranks. Presa PaperT tiu-.el Reeda, Worsted Harness. Temer Hooka Emery, q] S'o's..' Olive Oi, Cloiliierá' Jnclís. b'attínett Warp,Clothiera' Brushes, Shuttles, Piükers. Gard Cleaners. A,c. &c. Tlio above. with n variely of other órneles heKtaging Io ihe tnide, have been purchnsed thia summer Ijy the subscriburs from AJanuaclurer Jrtd F.rst Bhndsíñ tl)t; New York, i biladelphio : iird'Boííton M.'ükeif, íhuI every ihing hoving res üciveit hi. përiappl ínápeciion. hè enn wiih tho utmost ronHdpnce o.iïer them to purehnsers as A 'eft and niffét to-iipiíc storkln tliecouiilr; and ís it is his Bxed cíeif-rnnnution (bv the low rntes i: NVhicb ho wil! sell) n urevent tbe necesshy of nir Clothiers, and Mnnufa"urers leaving the 5tote to make their purchnses, h! would nierelr say to thc tnide, CALL, examine tho oods anl isfeertaffi príces before you soy you can buy -hcaper ajuj tri(,re :}se. He is ais" prepared to contrnct for CARD1NG MACHINES made in thw State or Easr PIERRE TELLEft, Sign ofthe Gólíen Mortar, 139. JeAërsoit Aveirae,T'7-tf.] Öétroit,DRY GOODS, DRY GEOCHRIES, Feathers, Paper llaisgings, BASKETS, &c. MAY he found at the lowesi cash yricea. at Raymonu's Cash Csíorjí, 148 JeflTereon Avance. De'ioit. The und';rsigncí hn$ just received a fnll slcjefctf SPRING GOODS, of th mo4t deskabla siyles and pattenit-, 6uiulle lor city or ciuaiyttade. a muso wiiicii akk: French Luwns, Gingham Muslin, Jliislin de Lames, Balzarined, Bulzirine Moslins, Strijd Swiss Miislins, Rich Calicóes, of all qualities, coJ, and ofitterns. Paotalöou and Coat eiuffa, such a Gaintorooris, Swedes C.Tssinieres, Fnncy Drilfin;s, Linen Cbecks, l'laid ö%ved(;s. Fnncy Engüsh Cassimeres, Broad Clothe, Keutucky Jeans. &c. - ALSO - Blue Drill?, do Lineas, Fustians, Ticking, Checks, Linseya, Barlaps, Büggings, Padding, ï Can vaas, Brown heeiinga and DHUings, - Blenched Cot'.oiis, Swiss, Jackonef. Book &. Bnrred. Muelins,Wido Laces and Lace Edginys, o eveiy. 'Jccriptioi, Vcstings, Bon nel, Ril.biins, Luien Cambric, Caiiihrics, Hankerchiefs, Cravms, &c. &c. Sc. Persons iradiny „ ,)e city aré nvired;. least, lo cali und look at ibis stock, and ïf ' thö' pnces are not us low nsr elsewhere, uairüuage i not expecicd. W. A. RAYMOÑD.T43 Jeilercfon Avenue, DtírroitiMay 21 1814. 4.(5m,YoiiHg' íiadies' S sníitary Mjs k. page, and miss l. mookje; Associatt TuuJiC s. MISS. G. WEST, Teacksr in Musie. MUS. lïÜGlilS, Teacher ,n Drmoïng mid faïnL MR. F. MARSfl, Tatc'erin ISlatJumaH'c and Ludti. Tkhíis - l'uiiionin the Engliah branche from $2.o iu 5.00 per uaner ot' nvelve weeks.- Ltssous ui toe Piano, wiih the use of ih& jnstrumeni. $10.00- Fancy wnrk.' $;i,0(i)rawinr iiitl Paipüng ;5.U0- Lnijn, 3.00-Frencht ,.'0- Board, 1.Ö0- VVasliing and ironing 37 een ts per duzun. A'o pupil wiïil be receivctl Cor lBa ilinn one quartcr. and uu (ieduction lor absence wiii be made. cxwpi iu cises ot' sickness. That this seumiiij-y may possess every advantnge lor obiainnig a thorough. praatical nd rotined ecitiratiun, and ihnt teachf r$ niay liere bo iiilly prójitaréd ('or tho iultilmem of ilieir duiieef . Miss P. Jias f.píilied íor aid to Miss Lyu, of iho dislmguislied Séhinar:y m Sowh Uudly. Mas?., and Bbe'jtoappy tiyannöunce to ciic: pubiic, iliüt tlie neice'oi ns l'nnoipal. ünd sister to ts Vica Principni. cducated unilcr ii)ir influences, will, in lutü're be associated w:ilv Mísb IJat;e, n an at' tempt to rearan insiiiurioii' i'nthis Pe"uinsula. on nfooiing vvitli the boet ar' ilie óast. Miss Moora hrin-.s wiih liu-r ibeexpericnce oí four yeare twehnjfe in a Souihern Seniinary, wliich sho Jws elevaied nculy in a New England sclwoj. It 6 ejcpéciëcj that n Li!)iary and Philosophicalipparatus vill buloiiíT t this insiitution. All wlut ure iniercstüd in the educaiion of youdi. are requested to visit the school and frotn personal observntioi), bccotnuacquainted withita organizntion and i ts udvantages. Cuuiposinoiu will be riéad' 01V Fridiiyg. 'l'he Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Cotns)oíílt, tbt' Prol'e;,sors of the Universitv and thf: Clergy o( Ann Arbor will act 11 visiting com minee to' (he School, to whom reference is made; nis. to1 Mr, J. Welles. Capí. J. Perkins, CoL 'V. MóseU-y. Mr. VV. S. ftlnynnrd, Mr. J. Sinclair. IJon. K. iMiindy. Men. R. S. Wilson and E. Lawrence. Ksq.,of An Aibor; F. P. Haet ings, Es'q , Hon. J. M. JJowarcl. Hon. C. G. llummoii'i. Detroit; Jicv. H. HnmnVonjl, Homer, nev. L. S'. Wohari. Union Citj; Hon. E. P. Chanipün, Jonèswillè: Rev. Wnu Pape, Monroe: C.T. Gorhcra. Marshall, Rev. A. M. Fitch, Jacftspn. 7COTICE. RAN nwny from the snbscriber. the fnrepart ol'March last, Levi Waii, n bou iu] boy - [ liieicforc l'orbtil all persons harboring or (rusting hjm on my nccouut, as I shall pny no debte oí liia coniractlujj. G1LUERT ALLF.N. Loiii, M:.y 20ih, 1844. 9-tf. CHA RL CS I-i7STEWa"rT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANO S0LIC1TOR IN CHANCERY. JK1EUSO .'Ktfc UtTKOIT. 45.a.


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