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A T TE iT I O V CIiOTHIHHS! JLJrfT íekéiil'éÚ at the General Dcjiui, tur tlx. saíe oi' Clotlners Stock, Mnchuiery. Dyc&iuff, fcc. &c, No. I3y. Jiflfcraou Avenue. Detroit, the fóllowiiig large, well asaorted. nntl arefully sclecied stuck, viz: lüt) bbls. St. Domingo LogwoocJ, Cut, 5 Tons " " Stick, 150 bbla. Cuba Fubtic, Cut. 5 Tone u ' in Stick, 50 bhis. Nic. Wood, Cliipped, 50 " Limn Wood, -i 3 " Red VVooil. " 120 " Ground Camwood, 10 " Qucrcitron Burk, 600 ibs. Nuigalls, 10 Coses Extract óf Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish índigo, 300 lhs. Sumae Sicíly, 3 Cask8 Madder, 3 Caaks Blue Vitriol, 5 Caeks Alurn. 2 Bárrela Red Tartar. 2 Barréis Cream Tnrtar, 3 Carboys Aqua Fdriis, 5 ' Oil Vario!, 3 " Muriaiic Acid, 500 ibs. Vinligris, 5'J " Block Tin, Teasels, Twinc, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Par9on's Sheuring Machines, Curtís' " " Screws and Press Plates, Cranks, Press l'nper. Steel Reeds, Worsted Harnees, Temer IJooks, Emery, all No's.. Olive Oí!. Clothicrs' Jacks,. Saltinett Wnrp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shiutles, l'ickers, Card Clenncrs, &c. fec.The nbove. with n variety oí other 'arlicies belonging to the (fade, have bc-cn purchssed this BUmmer by the subscribers from Vlanufiicturerancl Firei Hands in the New York, i hitadclphia, nr.i Boston Markels, and cvery ihing having res ceived his personal inspeciion. hc ciin with ihe utmost conridenec offer them to piirchasers as s best and most 'complete stocklh the country; nnd es it is his fixed determination (by the low rates Bt which bo will scll) to Drev'ent the necessi'.y ol our Clothiers and Manu'V'urera' leaving the Btate to mnke their purchases, h-i would merely fciy to the trnde. CALI., examine th". ffóods nnd Biicertain prices before you eay you can buy cheaper anif wherr. clse. He is alao prepared (o contract for 0ARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jefler60n Avenue, [17-tf] Detroit.DRY GOODS, DEY GXLOCU3R1BS, Featlicrs, Paper Slangiiags, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesi cash prices, at Raymosd's Cash roiu;, I4S Jcfíhraon Avenue. De'roit. The undorsigned has jast received a full stock of "SPRING GOODS, of the moat desir-able Btyles and patlern?, suitable for ciiy or couutry trade.AJtOSO W.IKH AK2: French Lnwii8, Gingham Musling. Muslin de Lames, Bnfzarines, Balzarine Muslins. Striped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, oí' aJl quaütíes, colors ancl patlerns. Pnntalooíi and Coat siufía, sucii as Gambroons, Swedes Cassimeres, Fancy Drilling?, Unen Chccks, iMaid Swedcs. Faney Enlisli Cassimeres, Brond Cloths, Kentucky Jeans, &c. - ALSO-Blue Drill?, do Linens, Fustians, Tickings, Checks, Linseya, Burlnps, Baggings, Pudding, Canvass, Brown Sheetings and Drillings, Bleached Cot'.ons, Swiss, Jaekonet. Book & Barred Muslins, "VVide Laces and Lace Edgings, oí every dscription, Vestings, Bonneis, Ribbons, Linen Cambric, Cámbrica, Hnnkerchief8, Crnvnte, &c. &c. &c. Persons trading in the city are invired, ai least, to cali and look at ihis stock, and if the prices are not as low as elsewhere, patronage i? not expectcd. W. A. RAYMOPÏD. 1 -18 JeTerson Avenue. Detroit May 20, 1844. 4 6mYoung ILadies' Scminary MISS E: PAGE, AND MIS L. MüüRE, Ttnche-s. MISS. G. WEST, Teacher in Music, MRS. HUGHS, Teacher n Drujcivg and Puinl ing. MR. F. MARSH, Tcac'cr in Mallicmutics and Latm. .oTcEi"'S Tui[ion in lIie English branches from 5-5J 10 $a.00 per quarter of twelvc weeks.- Lessons on the Piano, with the use of ihe instrumetu. S10.ÜU- Faney work, 83,00-Drawinu ï", AnPonting. 6i- Laiin $3,00- Frenen"; .5,00- Board, 1,50- Washing and ironinc 374 cents per dozen. No pupil will be received (oí leas than one qunrter, and no deduction lor absence wul be made, except in cases of sickness. That ihis seminary may possess every advatitage for obiaining athorough. practical and rcfined edtieaüon, and thnt teachrrs mny here bo fully prepared for the fulfilment of their duties. Miss P. has tpplied for aid to Miss Lyon. of the distinguished Senunnry in Soiuh Hadly, 'Mas?., and she is happy toannounce to the public, that the nejceof its Prinoipa!. and sister to its' Vice Principal, educated under their influences, will in iuture be assoeiated w:th Miss Page, in an at tempt to renran instimtion in this Península, on a footing with the best at the enst. Wias Mooie bnngs with her the experience of four years teach ing in a Southern Seminary, which she has e!evated nearly in a New England school. It s expeeled that a Library and Philosophical opparatus hiII belong to this institutión. All who are inierested in the education of youth, aro requested to visit the school and from personal observation, becomeacquainted with its organizntion and its advantagee. Compositions will be read on Fndnye. The Superintendent of Public Iistruciion Dr Comstock. the Professors of the Universitv and the Clergy oí Ann Arbor will act a visiting com mmee to the School, to whom reference is madeatao to Mr. J. Welles, Capt. J. Perkins, Col! T. Moseley, Mr. W. S. ftinynard, Mr. J. Sinclnir, Hon. E. Mundy, Hon.' R. S. Wilson and E. Lawrence. Esq.,of Ann Arbor; F. P. Hastïngs, Esq., Hon. J. M. Howard. Hon. C G Hammond, Detroit; Rev. H. Hammond, Homer K6V. L. S. Hobart, Union City; Hon. E P Champlm, Jonesviüe: Rev. Wm. Page, Monroe; C. P. Gorham, Marshall, Rev. A. M. Fitch, Jackson. y 'IVOTICE. RA?mW"? ,fromrthe subscriben, the forepart ofMorch Insf, Levi Wair, a bound boy- I therefore forb.d all persons hnrboring or frusiin ïïcïsrntasi6lia!lpDy nodeb"-rf Lof;i,May20th,T84?JLJJERT p CHARLES II. STEWART ATTORNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHAMCERV. JEFFERSO.V AVK-MJK DETROIT. 49-tf.woox.: woox.! CLOTH! CLOTH!! npHE Subscribiré would inform the Public JL ihot they will continue to manu-facture good, ireibJVJsïD WihWáWv ■ at iheir Mnauinctoty, (wo and n half miles wet oi'Auu Arbor, on úf. Hurón, on tho following TER MS. Uniil the fírst day óí Jannary, A. D. 18-lf), ■ the price will be 374 cents per yard. or half the cloih the vool will make. Prora the fst ol'Jiinii.irv f) ilie löilr of May, 1845. ihe pricí will bc 3) cenis per yard. or nine iwomieths of the claih die wuul ïll makc, thnt is. 15 yimlsout of II 0 tnanufacLured. 'J'he Wool vil 1 !c niaimfncturéd in (urn m it may come into the iactory, ns nesr na may le vviih roleiiínce lo the different qunliiies. Any person wl;o will furnish ono or tuore pmcels of wool . li oin 80 to 100 pennctü of one quolity nnn have it mainifactured by itsolf. Vool will le ccejved at Sei"). Wool sent by Rnilrond wül be atiended toin the sanio m;innerns ifthouwuer wnre .lo come with it - it should be carelully . markcd: We have innnufacinred cloih duiïng the pnst ycar for u very !nrc( number of customers, lo wliom we believe we have given very general sálisfaction Wilí these faets and ihe ad van t ages ofibied by the low price at whicii we offer to monufuctiirc cloth, we hope for a laree shnre oí patronr'ce. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Stio, VVasbtenaw Co.. April 25. 1844. ?,-( CFAmcng tr.c ïii.iny strik:n proofs of the exciteinent of Bn'stol's Snis-'ip;iri!la. not the least is iiniishru in the fnct that such a inifltüuáe of spii'ious and cnnntiirfeii preparations have been put fonh. niul sntnc ot'tliem by. me.i t!. at profesa a high business sianding. Uniess ihis medicine had been bráovereign valué, and its great success beyond all quesrion. it would inve foundiio imitationa. People uever counierfeit iliat which is alue1es8. Whocver ho.-ird of a sing'c counerfeit of the vüd-cm et r ncy ot ihe U'est - Sierling coin and safeiyiund bilis ar counteriuiied cunstantiy. Tlie fact that a thimr s extcnsifely eoiintf iV ned, is prooi o its valuó. - The sueeessof BjÍsíuÜs 'S-ujsapftrillq has cnused it to l)Q countci fciied iu almöst all the eities and towns in ihe Uuion. Spun'ous money is j versally rejeeied. so should spuriottis medicines be. No sensible person wilí take the false.when he can get the truc. People who do not wish to be imposed upon. should obtatn the genuine orticle. Auepiion to this.isof (hefirst mporiance. Caütiox. - Ask ítir Brisiul's Sarsaparilla, and j see that ihe wrinen signatme of C. C ürisiol s ( jverlhccork of the boüle. noneoíier is enuine. I For sale hv. W & J. W. MAYNARD.TIÍRESHIira MACHINES. TJJ L S.u.IiscifÖers are now niiinufaciurinc HOR$E PO.WERS and THREtiÜNG Ii A CHINES, constmcted. in the best niid maat durable manner, The powtr isa four horse )owr, also q ïirstrato power for iwohorwa when wantqd for that purpose. Jt s entirey. unüke any thai havc everbcen offered to the )ublic in tliia State or elsewhere; nndJsbelieved to possess imparam advnmnges over any oihcr lowcr. ít v.-iil work easicr. (that íf, with )c6S streng'.h oí power) ihsn oiher powera i i in.ore compact and convenient ".o moye ; occtipying only ilirce leet by scvcn. and cns be Ioudi-d nto a coninon wagon box wiüi iho throsher and draiyjs byone pairof lwrees. Econpmy. strength of niaieriül. and durabiliiy,. are tiuited in the consiruction ot' tóese Mncljtnes ; henee they cfin and.will be sold Vlí.RíjíjOW , lower than any Machines have ever becu sold in r h ia State. We are anxjous to sell thein tor CA SH, and those who can py CASFI cspeci.-illy ínviicd tocal) on ua. 7'ho cyünders t-j. the tlireshers are ail ron. This is the best power in existence íot Farmers to u?c. or threshing theirown gniín, and has been got up with a view to tlieir specd accommo dation. Tlie facility wíth wiiich it can be moved from one "jilncc 10 anothcr renders it very convenient for severnl joint owners. Whenevc'r. a power is wanted for two horsea. n throsher of suitable sizc will bc construcied at very short nótice. Two or three FariT,er3.. having large crops :o thresh can parchase one of these Machines jointly, at less cost to each ihnn he expense of job thre8hing (or one yenr. The establishment is 1 miles wesi from Ana Albor, on the Rail Road, on the Huroa. S. VV. FOSTER & CO. Scio. June'7. 1S44. 9tf HAJLROCK Sc RAYMOIW), PASHIONAHLE CLOTHING . EMPORIÜM, [ Desiioytrs1 Block, 127 Jffirson Aotnue.s■- o = p- g o, - L. " - - ï cd tra f" p wís-S es - fea s oP _ Lk ge BH grrsïi fai i_2 Oï feiíllj OBH H ? tfíRí II H E ï f fff Ögo 73 o asL# ïlp-o L l b 3K n - C iPft q ' S 2 K W S: 5 iiftf Íhb ÖQ -i[r 2; 8 baS K K'-rfVa = 22. W # a . mil rNew Establishment. THRSSHIN6 MACHINES T7"NAPP, HAVILAND & CO.' would res JLV. pecifuliy inform the farmers of Wnshtenaw and tlie surrouiiding couniies thrit iliey have cstablisbed themsclves in Lower Town. Ann Arbor. for the purpose of nianufacturing Threshing Machines. Naving heen for muny yrars cngnged in mis business in Oljio. thcy lec'l thnt thcy can wnh contidence reeommcncl tlieir wotk. Thcy aro making ihe Bnrrnil & Cndiz Machines and Flo'se power; neo Eostman's plsnatnry power, ditlbrcnt irorn any other müde in this country and generally preierred to any oiher Machines, which they imend to sell at snch pnces nnd on : stich terms as connot fnil (o give sntisfnction- tli.y aro determined not tobe outdone by any sirnijar establishment either in pnce, siyle 01 : quality of work. 'Competition ÍS ihe Vik of trnde" nnd nll thcy ns!; of the Farming comniuniiy is ;o patronsze ihem so faraa io give them an opportunity Vsnpptping n pnrt of the Machines that may de wnntcd. Thcy are prepated to repair old Machines. . Their shop is ín the basement story of H. & R. Patridge & Cn's Machine shop, where they may be iound to answer all calis. KiNAl'P.. HAVILAND & CO. w. w. KNArr, T. A. HAVII.AND, J. E. MCT.AIN. Ann Arbor,. April 29.. 1844. Gml TO CtOTHIBRS, MJUYUFJCTU 'RËRS AjVD MERCHJ1NTS. TBV. subscribers nre now receivinir, nt their stores. 188 Jeflwrson Avenuo. and corner of tRandolph and Woodbridge etreets, Detroit, a larse and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STüFFS. 35 tons Logwood. J'ustic.. Limewood, JVicar ragua, Hypcrnic Woud. in the stick, ï30bbls. ground Camwood, ]-3() do F ust ie 120 do Logwood. 100 do Kedwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 lihds Copperns. 4 do H!ue Vitriol. 4-pipes Ombre and Grop Madders, primo, 500 Ibs Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal. Madras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Alleppo,) 250 do Powdered Ciircuma, 21)0 do Verdigris. ,10 Carboys Öil Vitriol. 6 do A qua Forris. 4 do Spirits Sea Snit?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cnses Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Bnnquo Tin, 2.",0 do Cream Tnnar. 500 do Qiicreciron Bnrk.Togeihor with a complete assortment of aü the minor nriicles in the (rade. o wie IVess Papers. Te.nv.les, Bruslics. Jiick?. Tent Hooks. Dve Kettles, Pickers. Burling Ñippers. Prussiateof "otnsh, Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Susfnr of Lenri, Steel Reeds. Card Cieaners. MACHINE CARDS, Sntinett Warps, Shears, &c. This entirs stock hns been pufchnsed wilhin the last two weeks, nnd sclected personnlly by one' of the concern, who has been in tlie business for tbc last eleven years, onl they have no hemation in sayinir that the quality of these goods is unexceptionnble. They will positivly be sold at the lowesi New York jobbing prices, with the addition of trnnsportation only. The snbpcribers hnvo the sole Agency in this Stnte for the sale of "l'ARSON'S SHEARÜiSTG MACHINES." nnd the eclebroted ''LFJOESTEJi MACHINE CAROS," decidedly the besi in nse. THEO. ï}. EATON, & CO. Aprill 1,1843. 51 tfBASKET WARE. TRAVELLING BASKETS. &c- at RAYMOND'S CASfl STORE, 148 JefT. Arcnuc. Detroit. May 20. 4 TAKEN UP BY thé Subscriber iu Websier on the six:h instnnt. a stud Coll, supposed to be hree ycars oíd, so 110 white in the fiice and white hind fept. Said estiay has been entered on tht town book. JACOB BLANDEN. June 9. 18 '4. y.SwAT THE CASH STORE OF R. & 3 L.. DAVIDSOnT, Jlnn Jlrhor, Lower Yillage i _ FUST received at the above establishment, a complete .assortment of Groeeries, Crockery, Shf-lf FInrdware, Boots -and Shoes, Tuscan and Straw Bonnets, Flowers, &c'&c, all of wl.ich will be so'd as cheap as they can be bor.glit at any oihf-r store in Michigan. Tlie above Goo-is were selected uith gre;it care, and we Ceel assured that we can convince puri-haserí of ihè truih !óf vvhat we say. The l.ighest price will be p,,id for Wool. We will also receive all kinds of produce in exchange for Goods tthe bighet market price. Purchasers are invitcd to cali and examine for themselves. Ann Arbor, May 6, 1844.WOÖii ! . 'W"ÓQÍL !! nPHE.undersiírned, frayuig bijen repeatedly soluiied to make some anange-- menfs by vvhich the Wool Ghoweüs ol Wa-hienaw, and (he surroumiing country, could dispose o' iheir wool in a manner iliat would be mututually beneficial lo ihe Grovver and ihe Buyer, would begleave to say, that we have just received a n;?ll stlected and valuable stock ol Domestle and Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROGERIES, fre.b from New York and Boston, wliich e purposo to exchange íbr Ca-h or Wool, on ihe niost reasonable terms. To our oíd custoniers, and asmany more as choose lo give us a cali, we give tbe assu ranee Ihat we can upply yon wiih every article necesary for family use as low as can be boughr mk side of Laké Erie, and receive yonr W'OOLin payment al a price perfectlv satisfaefory. In addilion lo our usual stock of Full Clotlis, Sntineit, Flannels, &c, we liave Broodclotlis, (varying m pricc. fiom two fo ten dollars,) Cassimere's, all kinds of Summer Cloihs, &c. wtircfí we [tropos lo exchange as above To all vvlio wih for richtio.'d, ereat haigains nd biíih pricesf or WOOL, we would say give us a call before purchasing elscwhcre. BECKL.ÉY & HICKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, May 14, 1844. 4-8wNEW!!. TAMES CIBSON takes this .'methad of informing hs friends and oíd customers that he lias again entered !he Mercamile buiress, and is now opening a general and splendid assortment of GROCERIES, CKOCKERY, 8HELx HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C. all cf which will he ofFcrred to the public as cheap as tho cheapest, for Cash or Barter. Wool and most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wil! be laken in exchange for Good?. Öd Take no man's word, but examine for yourselves at No. 5, Huron Block, Lower Vlllase,. Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4-6m.NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN. Q FELCH lias remover! his establishment from the Upper o the Lower m Vi!lage,No. 4, Hurón Biock,wheie he holds himself in readiness to 'dres the "understandings" of every Man, Woman, and Child who willgive him n cali, in the neatest, cheapesl, and best nianner tliat can be done in Michigan. LEATHER and FINDINGS of all kinds constantly on hand. CASfl and HIDES, in any quantitie?. for which the highest prices wil] be given. (aLet none purchase until they have called at Felch's, No. 4, Huron Block. Ann Albor, May 4, 1844, 3-iyBOOX BIXTDERir. ATTHK l'APf.R MII.L (l.O.VKK TO'.VN) ANÑ AR Bok. EBOÜTH would respectfiilly i,e inhabitanlsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the hnsinrsp of BOOR B INDIA G, at the oíd stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebound on short notice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April 1U, I94.Ï. 1 f. CME i'nto the ènclojsure of the subscriber. the first of September last, an OX, aiiph rently about cialu years oíd, spotted red and white, wiih a bol] on bis neck. The owner is requested to provo property pay charge and take liim away. S. JENNINGS. Ann Arbor, MnylOth. 3-8w IVoticc to McrcliaifiCs. THE Subscribers enconniged by the patronage they have hitherto received in the wholesiile depannient of tlieir business, will the rst day of May next. open the store nownccupied by Geo. Grenville, on IJ u ron streel, nnd conneciing witli their present store in the renr. exeluaively tor n ■WHOLH SALES ROOM, where ihey will keep at all times a iull a6sontnent of Dry Goods. Boots, & Sfioes Hala, Cnp.% Paper Hangings, Bnnnets, Crockerij by te Craïe, Hardware and Groceries) 8,'c. &fc. Sfc. all of which will be gold on as good terms as at any point this sida of New York City. G. D. HILL& CO. Ann Arbor. March S6, 1841. 48 1 f. 'WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill exchnnge woolen cloths of every width and quality for wool, 10 be delivered in May orJune, or after shcaring time. My stopk of clothis complete, quality goocf, prices Inw, &c. S'. DENISON. Ann Arbor, February lst, 1843. 41. N. B. It ia important that wool be r?one up in good order, ann anv :nformation will be given when osked p j) Clothing: i Clothing' Clothing HALLOCK& RAYMONÏ) have just received a verv Inríre nssoitment oí' Kcady Miule Clothiai, Consisting in part oí' Coais. Fanialoons nntl Vesis. ol all descnptions. sniínhlo. for (he eeason. Aiso, a large nnd well scclecied nssortment ol Broad Cloihs, Cassiiuercs: Vestings, Tweed?, and evervother article suknhle tor gentlemen' weaiing ajiparel. whicli thc.y are prepnred to m;inul'aoture in the bpst nnd most fnsliionablr maiiner, and at the shoriest notice; Having de termined to sell at the lowest cash priccs,thoy confidently urs;o nll in wout of Re.idy Made Clothing. or garments manufactnred to order, to cali nnd examine iheir stock, at the Fnshionable Clothing Emporiuni, corner of Jefferson nnd Woodward Avpnues. Detroit. 5 Feathers & Paper Ilaiiiiis THE subscriber will keep a supply ol' Gecse Feathers constnnily on hand. Aleo un ns sort of Paper Hangings. Borders. Fire-hnard Papers, feo. W. A. RAYMOND, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 LINEN SHEETING, two yards anda quar ter, and th ree yards vvide, at JRAYÍVIOND S CASH STORE, m 148 Jefl'. Avenue, Detroit. May ZO. PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis hiive now been ten years before the public. During thni period tliey liave obtnittedn celebrity unparalleled in the Uisiory of the most 'popular medicines which have preceded them or have f'ollowed in their track. - The happy combinntion of vegetnble ingredients to which these pillsowc their cfricncy, is the reault ofyenre of enrnest study and experiment, directod by long proviotis experience in the properties f medical snbstnnces. ihe pathologyol' disenso, the nature an.d ïiiodusoperandi ot the varioua fiuids which minister to the support and austenanee of t!ie humiin body, nnd organizaron by which thoso fluids are prepared, modified and distribnted. The triiimph of skill, nnd patiënt experiment has been complete. Thronghotit the length nnd breadth ot our land. in Brinsli Americn nnd the Wcsi Indies and on the continent of Enroñe, the curativo virmes of Pcter's Vegetable Pilis, are gwtefully ncknowledged. They may be called-rinc medicine pau kxckí.lknce, ol the Souihern State?. Their consumption south of the Potoinac, is enormous, and continunlly on the incrense. IS'o othcr pil! "goesdown" there, iipwever sugnred over vvitii hired pufls and home manufnetured certificates. Peters' Vegetnble Pilis mny be termed a universo ƒ medicine, for there is scnrcely vhy derangement or obstruction of the organs and functions of the huuun machine which they will iiot allovia'.e or remove when administered in the early stages of congestión of the stomnch orbowels. they speedily relax those organs. reduce the nttendnnt fever, and restore the snfiererto health. Containing no irritating or drnstic substances. their exhibition is never folló wed by that prostration of ihe bodily powers which chnrnctcrize the opcration of most other cutharricR. nnd thoy nifiy l)t? administered without the slightcst fear of prodiicing focal inflammation, so frequently cnused by the pureent composi'ions vended by the quacksflnd charlatans of the day. In almost all stages of disense. Poters' Vegetable Pilis willbefound of beneficial effect, bul they should alwnys'beTefiortad to when the iirst 8ympt m makes is nppearance. The conqnesi of the complaiiH will then be easy nnd iminedinte. In bitiious disorders, remiitant or intermitinnt fevcr. dispepsia, tiysentery, cholera, choli'c. diarheea, dropsy. sour or fceted ernetations, enlarpement of the spleen, siele hendnehe. all complaints growing out of imperfect or "too rnpid digestion. torporof the bowels. female ohstructions. hn!)iiua! costiveness, and oll oilicr disenses in which n purgntive medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Puls will be fo-.ind unrivnlled iri the peed, certninty nnd centleness of their opcraiton. It is osked npon whnt principie these extrnordinary effecis are produeed? We reply that Peters Vegetable acts os n purifier of the blood, by punfying the chyle and other fluids of which blood is composed. Chyle is a milky fluid depositcd by the diestive inntter on the cöalJS óf the ntesiines: and which when combnied with the billiary 9ecretim, is convey ed into the veins nn ' becomes the principie of life. This medicine acts directly upon the chylel from which it cxpels all acrid particles, and al. humors detriment! to.n henlthy cirrularion. li. deatises thejuices nnd fluids before the chernicnl ohange takes place which fits iheni fo' iheimmedinte purposes of vitnhty. fhis is beainningat the beginning. To embue the treams of'lifp with health. it necessary to purify them at their sourers. Such is the rarlicn! mode ín which ibis medicine perfoima iis cures. Testimoniáis which would hll volumes (many of them from high scieniific nuihority) are its vouchers, and it is used in the practice of the first Physicians herc nnd abrond. Forsnlcby F. .T. B. Crnne, W. S. iV J. W Maynnrd. J. H. Lund. Hnrris. Pnrtridgcs &, Cö' S. P. & J. C. Jewetr. Dav.dsnn & Becker, H. Bleker, Christian Êbeibaeh. G. Grenville. D D. Waterman. O. J. Garlnnd. E. T.. Williams. Ann 4rbor; Gcoro;e Warner fe Co.. D. C Whitwood. J! Mülnrcl & Sop. N. FT. Win?. Dexcr; M. .Tackson. Lsnni; Paul Rnymond. Jnck$ón; Brotherson & Kef, Mavchc'stcr; D Keys, ClbUan; D S Ifnywoofl. Salhic; Stonc. rUibcoclc fe Co., Ypsilanli; 8cattergood &■ Co. Plymouth; Pierre 1 eller and T. H. Eaton & Co Delroi!; also in Adrián. Tenimseh. Brooklyn. Pontiac, ChicaLro, and almost every whnre else. Ann Arbor, Jan. 15 1.44. 27-lyA Farm Sale, SfTUATED in the town of Jitírlinm, Inglinm County. Michigan. Said Farm contnin? one hundred nnd'fifiy acres handsomdy siiualed In the midst oj a tliriving seiiletnent. - The land is whnt is usunlly en I led timhered Land. in Mlchignn, 'he tnnher being sugnrmaple. whitewood. heach. asir. onk. &c. all kinds of tiinber peculinr to the limhered land in Micliiírnn. Thera is on (his íarm about fony ncres of cood improvement; a good pnr.t of ihis S Knírlisll Mprdnw. A'si. n] LOG HOUSE AN3D NEW BA RN, frarncd, 34 by 4 feet. well iinislied. 7'here are i!so on tlie place inrming utenails. such ne Chains. Plous-ha. Drag. Cnrf. Fanning Mili. &c. which will be sold with the place. TERMS OF SALE. One qüarfer of purchase money down; theomainder in ten years. if neces3ary. wiih nnunl interest For pnrticulnrs enquire of the subscriber in Dexter village. JULÍUS RANNEY. March 20, 1844. 48-tf.Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THIS valu.'ible medicine so justly celebra'ed as a certain cure for Sorofula or Kinge Kvil. or any disense arising from mpurity of ihblood, has bccome so well known as to need no publ ention of the numorcus certificates now in our possession. of the extraordinary cures latei) perfbrmed by it. but fennng there may be sornipersons affeeted who liavc been gulled by usirtg the mitations got up by others, we would respectfully request them to cali on us and satiVy heniselvea ol' s many cures in similar cases. - By purohiising of us they can rely upon the genui neness of the árdele, which they should be careful to do. as are told there is a spuriouK inicie of the snme name for snle in ihis vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract ol Sarsaparilla, Buffiilo," ïsstiimpe'l upon the botÖes, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over thé Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 36 , WHOLES Al7Ë&R E T A I L .jí. jinFjiitiiMïjr, 3G0KSELLER AN STATIONER, SMART 'S BLOCK, 137 J B FFRRS O n A VB N ü E, DETROIT. Keepa constantly lor sale a complete assorimeni of JVliscclIaneous, School nnd Classical Booka; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink. Sealing Wax, Cujlerv, Wrapping Piipfir. Printing Paper, oï ail stzes; and i3ok, News and Canisier ink. of va... rrmts Kinclp F1BLAWK BOOSS, Í uil umJ iwili [xuunU. o) ever) vünety ui KulingMEMORÁNDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchan's. Teachers, and others. buying in quantiiies, n lartre discount madn. SABBATH SGHOOL&BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51 -tl. 00.000 Feet PIN E LUMBER. TIJK subscrióers offer for sale. Five hun-, dred Thöiisnnd.Feej SEASONED PINE LUMBER, which has been put up in ihe best possibie mnnner. and is of every qunliiy nnd thickness. Per Sons wishing to pinchase Lumber tht.t is fit for imvi ediatc use, will do well to give usa cali, before purchasiner eleewhere. HAZELTON &. PATFRSON. Formerly Agenls for Beach & Co. Flint, Janunry 2?, 1844. 4')-6m. Annexatioii of Texas ornot, PERRY has just reeelved n first rato lot of BOOKS. which hc will sdl cheap for Cash. May 38, 1844. 6w5pro the victor1bÍloÑgthÍ SPOILS nT ALTHOUGH mony prepnrntion in ihefn. of "POPULAR MEDICINES," h. I been before ihe public, clniming to gi?e reli f i nnd even cure the most invetérate diaeoíeg none have eo well nnswered the piirposn ! tw ; SSKJss sar "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate copea of Coach i „ f u hours TheyhnvecurednlarcenAerofpf j n who have been glven up by ,heir phyaicE and fnencis, and rnany who have been leduêed to the verge of the grove by 8nin; ïï ? Consumptfon and Beïtie Fever ' by their í have. had the rose ofhcal.h w,',, gard check, nnd now live to speak forth k" praisesof tina ihvalunble medicine Dr vst, man's ' l' eatr' "WORM L0ZE1SGES" have been provedin more than 4ü( ' .. ♦ be inf.llible, in fret. the only eertnin W 'n dl stroying medicine ever discovered. ChildrV Avill ent thetn when they canno, be torced "o tlkï nny 01 her med.cme, and the benefit derived f on the ndm.nistrntion of n.ed.cine to them in S form is great beyond conception. 'J 'hev ncver been k.iown to fai). Dr. Sherman1 "CAMPHOR LOZENGES," relieve Headache, Nervoue Sick-headache p1 pitation of the Heart. and sickness in n yj-é few minu'es. Dr. Shern-nn'a PÖOR MAN'S PLASTER" is ncknowledgcd by all who have ever used 't tobe ihe best strengthening Plnster n the world' and n sovereign remedy for pains and wenkne. in the back. loins, side, breast. neck, hmb! joints, rhcumatism, lumbago, &c. Be corefull to procure the nbovc and all other medicineg of Maynard's, and you will be snre there wiü be no mistakein quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. Februnry 5, 1844. THE TRTJE PAIN " EXTRACTOR SALVA WHÏCH cureslikea chorm all BURNS by fire or water, and every e.xternsl SORF PAJN, IKFLAMMATÍON, ACH E or 1TCHING ever yet lound upon the human farnily. to w;hich n has been applied, must alwnys beso-ighi gonuine trom Comsiock aiH Co., of New Yoilc ortheir authonzed agente. AH n.-e cautioned against any. spurious anieles, whieh mny alwayt bc avoided by knowing the one you buy comn Trom Cometock & Co ," who are now i'he nnlr proprietors and manufacturera. Inquire for Con nel'a. which is warranicd to do áll il ever wonld when ealled ly any other name. or the prici? shnll be refunden1 in any case if it does not plrnso. To pliiffe it within reach of all, the price lm been reduced more ihnn four fold, and is now sold for 25 cents, the formerprice being too ex orbhant. The 60 cent size now contninu four times ii s n.uch ns the lormer, and the $] 8z. nenr ten times as murh. No Inmily rfiaf has any title to humnnity. x-i tnil to have CoxNKr.'s Pain Extractor Ointm.„t nlways at hand. to snve Iife, nMscars. nnd reduce nll agony frojn any bnrn in five minutes, prori dèd they have Feen it usud.-or will believe thoie ■who have used it. COMSTOCK & CO., ,-, t 21. Courtlnnd Street LT Be snre. thcreforc. and ask foi CowNri' as our plfite wnh Dailey's name o it hs héáí stoien. and'the spurio mny appenr wiih jnit nnmc on it. Know. therefore. thnt it comes lj. rcclly from Coinstock & Co., or shun it VVM. S. &. J. W. MAYNARD, 3C J Agent for Ann Arhor. ■■ . JBWELRY. &êc& rTlilE subscrifoer hnviug &51 JL jiist received a newadJT 5&L) diiion :o his Ibrmer stock of Ijl f9 v 'JiLr Goods s prepnrrd to ell 1 "Irire lliern P "r Círfii A(tèw 5H Tonf ,7hich niay be iüUnd Víé he lo]lowing: Gold Inniger Rinirs, nnd Bosom Pin, Hcarts aiid Crosses, Silver mul Com111011 Tliinibles, Wntch Chains anil Keys, Pendil Cnses; nlso. Spoong, Sngar Bovv8, Buiter Knivcs, Tooth and Hair Enishrs, Pocket Books, Violiu Slrings, Necdlea, Pms, Hooks, and Eyes. Spccfncles. Fine Co ir, bs, Dressing Conilip. Sule Combs, Bnck Coml.g. Pocket Combs. Water Painte. Mnrking Colton, Steel Prn?. and Twensers. SnufF& TobnccoBoxes. Elnstic. c. A!l of which vill he sold ns chenp 'ns at any otber estal.lishment this aide of New York. N. B. The snhscriber thankfiil for so Inrpe a shnre of pnblic pntronnce. still solicito .1 rontinuenc.c of the same. CLOCKS AND WATCIi. ES of eery droription repnircd nnd WRrrantl. Also. JEVVEI.RY repnired on short nnticc - .Shop at lus oíd slnnd direclly npposite the Coiirt House. Cashpiiid for old Gold and SiKer. C. BUSS. Ann Arbor, Jnly 1, 1844.THE following indispensable ínmily remr(u may be fouml at May.várd's Drupgist Store, in Ann Albor, where none wíll be soM tinless krown to be of the best kind iind no counterCeit nrtiele ever ofíered. pntent medicino invariably procured ot the originl inventor or his regular soccessor: ET Aro ftnn'ilj shonld be a recele icithovt thtst remedies, j BALDNESS. Balm ríf Co'umbiii, for the Huir, which wil stop it if fnlling out. or restore iton bnld places; and on child'en make it grow rapidly, or on those who hjvo lost thenaír from nny caupe. AI.L VujRMÍN thatinfest the h'cads of chifdren in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. Find ihe nnme o( COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Eemcmbtr tliis alicays. PILES, ice. are wholly prevented, or governed if the nMack has come on, ií yon use ihe onlij true Hats' Likimknt, (rom Comstock & Co All SORES, nnd every thing relieved by it that ndmits ofnn outward opplication. ít acts like a chojm. Usa it. RHËUMATISM AND LAMENESS poiitively cured: all shrivelled mtiscles and linibímreresiored, in the oíd or younp, by the Judian Veg dable Elirir and Ncrre and Boye Liniment - but never without the nome of Comstock & Co. or it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE -A-iUcnidi. cate all WORJV1S in children or odults with certainty quite asfonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kukks- cures eflectujiHy. Ann Arbor. Feb. 5, 1844. 41DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOGUE. AMONG the ni06t valuable qunlitis of tht'e . medicine, is its rcslviing vqjlucnee upo cüiisiittuions impnired and injured by {jrovious attacks ol bilüous fever, or fever and ague; or by n long resirlencè in those clfoiates whicli produce tliem. Tliere nre many constiintions whieh beconio gradu.'illy undermined by a vtieisv'"linfluence. withoul even ?■ dny'snrtunl confinement ín suc-h cases, the Cholagogue net liken chnTW - the sallow complexión. íhss of appetitc, lan guor, vearine88 oud depression of spirits, witU other unpleasnnt symptoms whieh render lift in burden. n!' yield to this remedy when foifbnilljr ii8hd accordirtg to the directions of thencrompn-t. nyinp pnmphl'et. It Í8 entirely a vegetable prep. arationr and may be taken w;th perfect stfcty uní , der all cirentristnnccs of the systeni. For sale by 36 W. S. J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for A nu Arbor and vicinitjf. FIRST rate 1'ea. Sugar and Cofleo, nt th lowest nuirkftt prirep, at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit, May2ö. 4 i - DRFENCE of the Whigs, Y hig AlmBnac, Whig Songs, and Life of Henry Clay bf Sargeant. For sale at Perry'i Book Store. May 33 1844. 8.


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