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Saturday June 21, 2014: 11:00am to 6:00pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar



For Whom

Grade 4 - Adult


AADL hosts the 2014 Kids Read Comics Celebration, bringing more than seventy cartoonists and writers to the Downtown Library for the entire weekend! This is the fifth annual KRCC, an event that promotes comics as a part of lifelong reading and as a means of creative expression for kids and teens. It is a two-day event, so be sure to also join us on Sunday, June 22 from 12:30 to 6:00 pm.

Our special guest artist is Matthew Holm, who is exactly one half of the brother/sister team behind the popular "Babymouse and Squish" series from Random House. Matt will be talking and doing art throughout the weekend.

Of course, there will be dozens of other comics and animation artists and writers as well, such as Rob Stenzinger, Jerzy Drozd, Ruth McNally Barshaw, Gregg Schigiel, Jacob Chabot and many more. You can see the full schedule of events and presenters on the Kids Read Comics website.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity!

Banner image for KIDS READ COMICS 2014  event