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"Who is it that is so clatnorous in the nortli jitst now agninst the annexation of Texns? The whigs- and why? to secure the north for Clay - tbat is all, and nothing more. Clay, ns is Folk and ncarly all the southern nabobs of boih parties, are ulikc in reference to this question; only he is not as independent as Polk in saying it 10 the norih- but his letter means a.nnexatiok to the soïiÜi, and it is wet) understood by many in ihe same light in ihe north. This i 11 to blind the people at the north; but will ii'i Let light be spread and there is no danger.- Let it be known that whigs and locos - that s. theknowing ones-are FOR ANNEXATION now; t)efore the election: and if ever Clay is elec ted to the presidency his acts on this question will prove whal is here said, for his Texas letter contains aoihing ihat will prevent his coming to sucli a conclusión - not a word.To read the whig papers of ihe norih. and t hcnr thcir spouters. one would ihink there was n bodyelse in ihe worldso much opposed to tlii ineasure as they are- and donbtless the litile fr are sincere, but of the big'ns who daré sny a much. But thry are behind üie times, for six geven' years ego. when they slept over it, an since, the Anti-slavery paper. published te times more on it than they ever will. It is thci big string to pull at to keep down Liberty an elévate a rampant slaveholder. A Iending south ern whig paper says, ''Mr. Clay's UiUr is perfcctiy sati'factory oh thispoiat," referring to hL Texas production. But approach a whig here, Iiow he wil! declaim on the horrors of spreading t-lavery by ihe anne.xaiion of Texos! O they will almost wring their hands and cry out Ioud if a man says he will voie for the Liberty tickei, and top out ihe ejiiculation by beseeching us to support one of the greaiesl slaveholders in the land to pvt doten slavery. Why, our Aiuislavery lecturers, veterans in the cause, can't shine in the pathos.and exclamalions wich them on the horrors of slavery.That Nashville paper spokc the truth. Clay's letter IS satisfactory to ihesouih. Now, who will be deceived by these wln'g ropresentations? Na one who understands southern trickery and political knavery, who Í3 not wiliulJy blind; and there ie neilher use nor excuse fox suffering euch deception. Tliii is the grand apology - Clay's pretended,, liypocritical oppoBiiion to ánnexation - that nuïneroua profossing Abolitionists have for vofing for him, "just this once;" and is it not a poor. sickly, meager thing? His acts are for annexation, and they speaklouder than dubieus words against it. The funniest part of tUe farce of these Clay-pathetic anti-Texas crying Abolkionists is ibis: - They teil us orthodox, Liberty-voting. uncornpromising Aboliti'onist such stuffas this. i;Nov your supporting Birny will be the cause of ihc annexaiion of Texas!!! and if slavery is spread over Texas, (hoo-hoo) ïou are acouniable for il!!!!!" uttering it with a porientous significa lion, geslure and voice ihat 25 exclamation poinls ■would fail to e.xpress. Who believes the logic? Any Abolitioiüst who is silly enough to go ii they are welcome to. Any prufesing Abolition ist or any who pogsesa sanity enough to keep out of the funatic asyl nm.knows a little too much to believè that they are not guiliy oa crime they never committed, Btcausc we vc-te for Liberty we are giKlty of slarery! Thal's the question Tn a nuishel!. It is een as absurd as the wolf's logic which accused the innocent lamb with ïnuddying the stream above when it was below him. and aboutas righteous.These things nre pkin - they are facts - and the principal aim in referrrng to them is 10 show the proslavites ihut we know ol their existence. and will do some'hing. be it ever eo small, to try


Signal of Liberty
Old News