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The following is an extract irom an article in the Pittsburgh Mercury, a Democratie paper. It is an enumeration of prominent Liberty men in the single county of Alleghany, and is in answer to ihe question, "Where are the Whig leaders of 1840?" How many prominent men have joined the Liberty party from the Democratie rnnks, the Mercury does not teil us: "Mr. Neville B. Craig, who is known ns one of the most eflective editors the federalists ever had in this county, has abandoned them altogether - he was the abohtion candidate for Congress at the recent special election, and is now toiling with nis accustomed industry, in the support of Birney and Morris. Dr. William Eider, who was a short time ago the dorling of the Whigs of this county - who was elected recorder by them, and contribnted more, by his excellent abilities forstump speaking, to their victory of 1840 than any man who labored in that field, has become disgusted with their blind devotion to the demagogue Clay, and now labors shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Craig for Birney and Morris, and the ticket throughout. Mr. Alfred Sutton, late prothonotary of the cotfnty, and a man to whom has been attributed (by his opponents, at least,) more political influence than ever any other man possessed in Alleghany county, cannot swallow Clay, but goes with all his might for the Liberty eandidates. Mayor Hay, (three times elected mayor of the city, and at present filling that station,) whom we have mentioned above, wasan industrious Whig partizan in 1840 - but now, we believe takes no part whatever in the campaign. William F. Austin, Esq., an especial favorite among the coons in 1840, because of his talents as a speaker, has ranged bimself among the supporters of the Liberty ticket. William Larimer, Jr., Esq., is anolher leader among Birney men, who was a devoted Harrisonite in 1840. Mr. L. spared neither means nor labor to advance the cause of Whiggery in 1840, and he is now more zealous and liberal, íf, possible, in the support of the Liberty cause. R. C. Fleeson, Editór of the Spirit of Liberty, the Liberty paper here, was a flaming Harrison man, and was appointed postmaster in Alleghany city, when the "change" carne about. Hewasvery happy m showing up the inconsistences of the Whigs, and of their veritable organ, the Gazette. David Gilleland, Esq., once register of the county, the abolition candidate for the Senate. (and a most worthy candidate" he is,) was an original anti-mason, but when they began to take up masons for ofififcer and finished with grand master Clay, he cried, -Hold, enough!" and came out from ;Fie foul amalgamation with whiggery, and united himself with the Liberty party-Russell Errett, Esq., the standing secretary of the Federal county conveníion, and an indomïtable partizan, in 1840, as well as before and since, has Icft the Whfgs, and goes for Birney. John Hannen, Esq., who, asa candidate for Congress, heads the abolition ticket iti this county, was a sfrong Harrison man in 1840 - his new position is a 3roof that he is sick of Clay and banksm. Dr. VVlíIíam A. Penniman, who was once a Whig representatíve and a very ïrominent federal partizan heretofore, has vholly cut loose frorn the "fotrl party," and was president of the convention which nominated the abolition county icket. "Who that ís at all conversant with the rise and progress of antimasonry in this country, has not heardí of H, L. Bollman and Andrew Watson, Esqs., the very embodiment of antimasonic princi)les, and the foremost Harrison men in 1840. These gentlemen have both sworn offfrom the demagogue Clay, andaré denouncing him every whère. These are aïl weean think of af the momentj when we can get hold of the abolition committees, we shall be able to joint out plenty more prominent men who acted with the Harrison party in 1840, who now go the Liberty ticket.


Signal of Liberty
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