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THE MiSSES CLA&KS' Ladies' Seininary, ANN ARBOR, MICUICAN. MARY II. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal MISS WEST. Teacher in Music. H. F. SCHOFF, do of Classics, do do n French. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica. RHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of JuVenilc Dept. f I ïHIS lnsiitV.inn h been in opéra tion si nee' X November tti, Wd. The scbolnstic year' embracirtir fony'-ei'yhl' weeks, two lërms". comprising two quaners each - twelve weeëks in a quarter - a general e.xatnínation at the close of eachf lerni - in February and August. 'rhe jiigt quaner of the preaent term com menced Mc y ÜUih. Afier a monih's vucation,ut ihe close of whith ends the achofustic year, school will be aáíñ resumed the firet week in September next. Temus of Tvrnós -Fór the English branches, $,50 to $5 per qönrtèï-. IS'o reduction mada' for abáance, except in case ofëicknew. and no' pupil lüken for lees tliah a quarter. Extra charges aie made for niusic on the with the ue o' the instrumenty $8,00' Fiench-, 3,00 Latin. 3,00 Drawinf nnd Pair.ting, 5,00 Funcv Work, 3,03 Board, incluifing wathing, lights, &c., $1.75 per Week if jnixl in advimce. or $00 per week ifpaid atthe élose of the qtiané'rParents and mtardians ore rnvited to visit the school every Friday. when the studies of the week are reviewed - ulso atemimonthly on Wed-' nesilay aftenoon, ar readingof the weeklycom-" posiüon; Yoiing Iadte8 4esirous of entering the schoor and pursuing ihe regular coiirsc ol'study, would do well to comuience at the begining of the ler n. Having purchased a healihy and commodious building in apiensant and converaient part of tho vtllnge, no pains or expense shall be spared to '. fücilitatt! the studies aml render the siiuation of the young latiies prufitable and ngieeable. Belonying to' the school are a Library of rweiïii thrée and four hundred volumes, and Phiosophical Apparatus, Electrical Machine, Globes,&,e Scienufic lectures are delirered before the school at proper inierv.-ils, The Misses Clark will eñdeavor, not only to ' promote the iiuellectu;4 culture of their pupila, b'it will attend strictly to their moral deportmentWnli a deepsen'se of religious responsibility. . tliey would give such a tone to charncter, as shall reader it praetieally fiited for every staiion - yield-'" ing todutybtn firin 10 principie. Amone tlie buoks used in fhe school are. Ab-' ercroinl i,; vn ihe lnielleclual and Moral Powers - Kane's Elements of Crkicism - Wnyland's Morftl Science- SNewman's Rhetoric- Hedge's Logic - Pnley's Natural Theology and Evidenccs of Chrstianity- Comstock's Chemistry and - Natural Philosophy - Conibe%8 Physiology - Mrs. Lincoln's Botany - Enton'e Manual uf Botany - Buriu's Gengraphy ofüie Ileavens- First, Second and Third IJooks of History - Mrs. Williard's Republic of America- Phelps' Legal Classics - Playliiir's Euclid, and Davie's Algebra and Aritutnetic - Purker's Natural Philosophy. Tbc Missés Clark have laught a Young Ln;dies School for several yeara in tho Gi.y of New York. and nre furnisbed with testimoniáis from Rt. Rfiv. Benj.auiinOjtiderdonk. D. D., and John ; M. Gricon, M. L., of New Ycrk, Rev. J. L. Blake. of'Biooklyn, and Mrs. Emnia Willard, of Troy. N. Y. ; aiso, rofeience is made, by perrnission. to the following gentlemtii : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry. D. D.. Robert Rumsey nnd L. B. Misner. EsüJtö., Detroit; Rev. Isoac S. Ketcham. Centreville ; Rev. J. ftudson. White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo.' Ketchum. Marshall ;: Hon. Wm. R. Delarid. Jackson, Paul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; E. H. Winon; Adrián: Daniel flixson, Clinton; Gardiner Wheeler. M. D.. Howell; Rev. F. H. Cuming, Grand Rapios; Rev. ft. CoMazer, Rev. A. M.F'tch. S. Demon. M. D., P. Bngham. M. D., l!on. Wm. A. Fletcher, Hon. Win. R. Thompson, L. Mundy, Esq.. John AHen, Esq., Geo.W. Jewett. Esq'., Col. Thomas Mosely, Capt. J. Perkins. Thomas F. Sáwyer, Jr.,Ksq . laie Superiatendeiu of Public InaiructioD,Professors Whitirfg. Witijahiá and Houghton, of rhe University of Michigan. Ann Arbor : James Birdsnll and Rey. John Beach, Flint; Arrio' Mead. Esq., Farmington. The Ibtfow'rng gentlemen, Rev H. Colclnzèr' Rev. O. C. Coinsiock, Rev. A. M. Filcli. Rev.Mr. Curtiss. Professors Whiting and Williams,of the University óf Michigan, and F. Sawyer,Jr.. late Suierintendent óf Public IrisYrUélión,-. have conseniéd toact asa visithig comriiitièe öf the school to be present vhéri the weókly studiën are reviewed; but espeeiiilly to attend during tho scmi-annunl examinations: Seiuember 4. 1843". 9tfDR. OSGOOD'S ÏMEIA CHOLAGOGUE, AAlÜiNG the musí valunbie qualities of tlif# mediciné, iá ná rcsloting rüflucncè üLo# onsiituuons irr.pniréd and injured b$ p'révróito attacks 01 billioiis fever, or féver ritf aLiié;: &r y a long restílence in thosé clímatéá whicn nr1duce thern. There aré many cpnstitutions wMch beconic graduaHy undermiried by o rtiia&maï influence. withoui even a day'á actual confinéityent. ín sncli enses', the Cliolagugue acis Iilí'6 a chsrm - the sallow cotnplexipn, loss of apppliië, Jnnguor,- wcari'neás and depréssion óf ápírTi with other uuple;isnnt syniptunia whiéh rértdér life a binden, ;iU yiid if ihis retnedy" he.A faithfully nscfl rtcc'ording to lbe difections of tlié aifooinpanying pamphlet. It is entirely a Vegetable prep firat'nin, and inay bé taken wuh péjTéct stiety under all circuinsiances of x1ié system. For sale by 36 . W. S. Á J. W. MAYNARD. eole Agent, ('.r Aun Arbor and vicinity FJRST rate Tea. tíuyar ünd Coffec, at th luwest majkéj pri.cef nt RAYMOiND'S CASRT; STORE, 148 Jefl: Avériue, Detroit! May 20. 4 L. B. WALKERS PATÉNt SMUT MACHINE, rPH E öübsciibérstiike this method of informJ_ in-j íiH enen as 'are öngaged n thé Miiling msinss in the StatO of Michignn, thnrfï)ey are ïow inahufaeiiiring iñ Arhi A'fbor, VVfishtenaw County. Michigan. L. B. Walker's Patent Símil üiacliinc, ■vhich they would recomniend to take the Stnut )1F ol wheat os wel! or befter than any othep nnchine. This mucliine is a horizsntal machine" - ii reiains aH ilie fnciiou of tlie wheat, und uni-ing simplicity wiih darnbihty, it; comftincs trtel' )e;ini)tr, sqourirrg, niid blowing principies, disrharging the dust md stnut as fast os sepafaïed k in the whéat. TJiis machine ia perfeoily se;i:io iroin firë, and runs much lighter ih'ari any ulier machiiie in For farther informntioniec largé bilis. Shop in Lower Town. írices o with the times. All orders for Mai hirips vvill be prompty attended to. Address. . E. O. & A. C RITEENDEN! Ánn Arbor, Co; Mich: Julv 8.1844. 1 1 6mWSiigs! Wïiigis!! DGFÉNCE of the Whigs. V hig Almnnncs, Whig Songs, and U(e of Clny by Surgeanf. For sale at PéTry's iJook Storo. May '3 1844. 5tf. SINCLAIR & CHASE,JTTORJfEYS WD COUNSELLQR& AT LAÍV, (office lower town. ann AitBóit,) Will ttcnd :o 11 II business ia their prufeseioit with otidclity nnd despnich. l'aricular aitöniion will' be giVérl to coHcct-ng. HOBERTP. 8ISCr.AIR, EDWARD . A5. March 20, I.S44. 4tíly.


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