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AT-TENTK C&OTHIERS ! JUtiX ieceivcii .n iIjc Geucrul Depot, tor die sale föjpio'.lnct's Stock, M:iclnuiy. Dye Muffs, &c.,';A e. , IN'o. I3Í). ' Jtfilison Avenue, Detroit, the Toilowing large, wcll u'ssonod, and carefully selcciecL.stuck, viz: 100. bbls.-St. 'Doiniiigo Logu'ood, Cui, 5 Tons ' " in Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cul. 5 Tons ': in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, 30 Rad Wond. " 12.) " Ground Cainwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 500 Ibs. Nutgalls, iü Cnsee Exiract of Logwood, 300 bs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 Kbs. Sumnc Sicily, - 3 CasKe Mndder, a OíisUs Blue Vitriol, ,fT disks AUnriv ' Barrels Red Tarta r. 2 Jiurrels Creani Tnrtar, : Carboye Aqua Fouis, f, ' 0:1 Viiriol. 3 '; Muriaiic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 50 'v Biock Tin, Teasels Twjne, Copper Kettles, all sizes, P-arsoti's Shearing Mar.hmes, Curtis' i; (i Sciéws and Press Plates, Crnnls, Press Paper. Steel Reeds, Worsted EJarness. Tcnter Uouks,Emery, all No's.. Olive Oil. Cloihicrs' Jacks, Sattinett VV'orp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The abovc, with n variety of oiher anieles be longing to the (rade, have -been piirchnsed this summer by the subseribors from Munuacnirer ond Firsl Handsin the New York, i bi.'adelphin nnd Boston Markety. anti every iliing hoving res ccived his personal insuecliori. he can wiih (he utmo8tconíi.fience offr them to purchasers as ih hcst and most complete stoclc'm the country: nnr as it s bis fixed determination (by the low ratcs ai which hc will sell) io nrevent the necessi'y ot our Cloihiers nnd M.Tnnt'n'urers leaving -the 0tatc to make their purchases. hi would merel} 6ay to ihe trade, CALL, examine tho L?oods and nscertaiu paces before you say you can buy cheaper any ulutrc else. He is also prepared to contract for CARDING MACHINES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of die Golden Mortnr, 139, Jefferson Avenue. p7-if] Detroit.DRY GOOBS, DBY GROCESRISS, Feathcrs, Fa per Hangiitgs, BASKETS, &c. MAY ba (buid i ilie lovyesl cash vricos. at Ray."jüM''s Cash Stokk, 14j Jfliièrsou Avenue, ücroi!. The uniJorsigiun] finí just received a ful! stock of SPRING GüOIÍJS, cl" the most desirabk styles and pacterns, , suiiaMc for city or country trade. AMOSG WH1CH ARE: Fronch Lnwns, Ginglüim .Musiing, Muslin de Laines, Baizni-iiies. Bulzarine Musüns. Striped Swiss Musüns. Rich Calicóes, ofiil qualities, colors and patternai S Pintiiloon and CoJT&iuils, Euch as GnnibroOns. Swcdes Cnssimeres, ' Fancy Drilünijs, I.inen Checks, Plaid S'wedes. F;i n cy E n gl ii . Cnssi tneres, Broad Cïolhs} Keiitucky Jeaivs.&c. - ALSO - Blue Dril!?, do Linens, Fustinns, Ti ck i nes, Checks, Liii6ey8, ' Builaps. Basgings, Padding, Canvas, Bruwn Sht-eiings and Drilüngs, Bleached (Jot'ous, S-.viss, Jackonet. Book & Barred. Muslins, ■Vide Laces and Lace Edgings, oi every'dcscriptiun, Vestings, Bonnet, Ribbons, Linen Cambrlc, Camlinc?. Hankorchiefs, Cravats, Sec. Sec. &c. Persons trading in the city are invired. ni least, to cal! and look at lhis stock, and f ' the prices are not as low as elsewhere, patronage i not expecicd. W. A. RAYMOND. ,r , 1 43 Jefièrsoo Avenue, Detroit. May 23, 1844. 4 6mToung Ladics' Seininarv MISS E. PAGE, AND MISS L. MÜORE Associate 1 tache; s. ■ MISS. G. WEST, Teacher in Music MRS. HUGI1S, Tcackerin-Drmcingind Patat, tng. MR. F. MARSÍI, 2Wir èt Matkematics and LtLtVR. ifëT!0 T;7]11,;1'0" in ''" Engiish branches from 3.5J 10 yo.OJ per quarfer of twelve weeks - Lessons uttthe l'mno, w'n.h the use of ihe insirn ment , SLO.OU-Fancy work, r,OoiSL and Painting $5.00- Lntin. $&O.Fren'ch $3,00- Boani, l,f- Washingand 371 cents per dozen. No pupil will be received fot 1-essihan onequaner. and nu deduc.ioii lor absence wijl be marie, excepi in cases of cknesa Ihatlhisseinrnary may possess every advantage lor obiaming athorough, praiiical and rcfined eduration, and that wacbrrs may here be fully prepared )or the tulfi,„ent of their, Miss P. bas i.pplied lor aid 10 Miss Lyojj, of ihe distinguished Seminary 111 Souh Hadly, Wass and she is happy to aquounce to the pubíic ih.r, tli94Mice of 10 Prinoip-nt; rtI,d sisier 10 its' Vier Principal, edtreated under iheir mfluences, wijl 111 luture be associated Wjfh Misa l'age, man at' tempt ro atan inatimtioo in ihis Península, on a fooiiiwuh ibe bes. at the east. Miss Moor bnnga ty her ibeexperience o fouryears teach ing in a Southern 1 Swninary, which she bas elevaied neariy in a NewEngland school. I, s expected üat q L.Ora.y and i'i.ilosophical apparatus vsill belong tD this riéiFfution All whu re interested in the education oí youth, are requested to visit the school and fron personal observaiion, becomeacquainted withita organization anti its ndvantoge. Comnosnmn will berend on Fridays. rapi"iU""li The Supenn-endent of Public L.atrnction, Dr. L P8 l )e4Pro'ff18 i;e Universüv and the CJergy of Ann Arbor wiil act a visilinrr Com mmeeto .heSelw-ol ,0 whom reference is.ade; ülso to Mr. J We es, Capt. J. pe,ki„s, Col T._Moscley , Mr. VV. S. Maynnrd, Mr. J Sincla.r, Hon. K. Mundy, Hort. R. S. Wilson aïd E. Lawrence. Esq., of Ann Arbor; F. P. Hastings, ksq Hon. J. M. Hownrd. Hon. C. G .mond, Detroit; Rev. H. Hani.nond, Homer.' Rev. ij. s. Holiart, Union Cty; Hon. E P Ohamplin, Jonesville; Rev Win 1-Wp r ' Grham' rSJ Ax nway from ihe subscriben the forenar. S of March ast fceyi Wairr a bon nd boy" therefote iorbnl all persons hn, boring or uZwl charleshTstêwart ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOfcICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFÏSaSOW dVBKró DETROIT. 49-tf.woes.! woox.: CLOTH! CLOTHH npHE Subscribcre would inform tlie Batètc JL tliat they wili continue ío manufacture gooil at heir Mnnufncuory. two and a hall miles wept oi'Ann Albor, on i lir Minon, on ïhc lollowing TER MS. Unnl the firnt cbiy ol Jannary, A. D. I a 1T). :lic pi we will be 37 cems per yard. or hnll ihe cloili the A'ool wilJ niüke. Fidiu ilie Jsi ofJnn n.irv to the lótli o' May, 185. jirice %vill be 3) cenis per yard. or nine tworrtieihs ot the cloih ilie Wool will in;ikc, ilint ia. 15 yuids ouio.' 10 maaufpetured. 'J'be wool will be iiianulacturecl in tuin ns il máyconic into the lav.lory, as nefir as m be wiih reference to the difl'erentquaüiies. Any person who will futnisli ooe or i more pareéis of wool trom HO i o ]{,Ü poundpofl onc q'j.nliiy cm have it ninmiínctared by iisclf. I V.'ool will le received at Sci .. Wool sent by Raihoad will be attendcd Loin thcsnine mui ner as fthe owner weré to come wítli it - it should becarelully marked. We hnve mnnujfactured clotli during the pnst. yenr lor a very largo number of custoniers. to whom we I'elieve we have given very general sapsfnetion With these faots and the advantnges of!er?d by ;hc !ov priceat which we offer (o manufaoiiire clotli, we bope for a large shnre ol panon ge. SAMUEL W. FOSTKR & CO. Scio? Wiishtenaw Co. , April i?5, iS-14. 3-tfETAmong the many strikintr prools o!' tóe ex citernent oí Brjstol's Srs-ipiriila. not the leasi 'ofurntslied in the fact that - sucU a niuliiuuie o spuiious and counterbit prepanuions have Ot-cr put forti), m-.d some of ihem by uien tliat pfe a high business standing Unless tliis medicina had been of sovereign value, ond iis creat suceess bevond ml qtiestion. it vvuuld have round no imitniions. People liever coun'iefftijt tint whieh is alut'less. Wteoèver lic.nd ol a single cóu.jerfeitof the wild-ent currency ot the. West- Sierling coin mul snfeiy-fund bilis are counierieited constantly. The fuct tli-it a tíuntr is extensively countf rftiied. is proo! o iis valiw. - The succes8of Ö's Sarsapariifa hns causeo it to he cotuiterfeiied ín bnost ali the citios niid towns in ihe Uuion. Spurious rnoney is universally rejected. so shouJJ sitirous nidicincs ie. No sensible person wiü.inke the f;!so when ie can get the tnie. People U do not wish l be iinposed iipon. shmild obíñín ihe genuino ar ticlo. Auention to thi is of the first impormncè. Gaution.- Ask for Brisiul's S.)rs,'ii,iiilj. aii.l sec that the writlen signntuie of C. (,'. BriéJi is ovei thecork nf the botile. iionopifier is n-enuine ForsVlp'-v W P tV J. Ur M,ViAril).THRÏ2SHIN& MÁ-GHÍNES. TUE íjubscnhors oes nc.v m,:!nii;iciurit)g; MORSE POWERS and TIJREüfíJíVG MAGlíJNES, cúnstructctl in díe bese nnd nnst durable marmer. The power is a finir hoise power, but ís also a first rate power for two horses when wnnted íor thai purpoee. Jt is entírely unlike anythai have ever beca o fíe red tn ihél puMic in thí? Staro "r elsewhere": nnd is believed to possess important .'idvnmagfs overany other power. Jt will work easíer, (that i?, wiih Jess streng'h o! power) tiíári other ppwers ; is more compnct and convenient '.o move ; occupyiiirr only íhree leet by seven. ond cor be Ioiidcd into a commo n wagon box wiih ihe thresher and diawn liy óne paírof horses. Économy, suengib of nia'erinl, nnd dúrábfiity, nre uuiied in the construciion olshesc Mnchines ; henee iliey crin aiui will. be sold Vl-'AIY LOVV , kwer than nny Mochines have ever heen sold in ilus State. We are anxious tb sel! rheir for CASH. nrnl those who canpay CASH nre especiaüy irivired tocnll on us. Tbecylinders R) the ihiesliers are all ion. Th is is the best power in exisience for Farmers to use. for threshiiig theirovvn i;r;h'n. and has been got up witli a view to th'eïr special accommo dniion. The ftcility with winch it enn be moved from one lice: 10 another renders ii very eonvenienï for several joint owners. Whenever n p.wer is wanted for two horses. n tlircsher of suitable size will be eonstructedat veiv short no tice. Two or utree Farmers, havilïg ifge crope totluesh ean oh of tlieie Mncliines jointly, at less cost to. each thnn the expense of job Ihreehing lor one yenr. The c-stnblrshmeiu is 2J miles wes' !rom Ann Arbor, on the Rail Road, on the Uuron. S. W. FOSTER & CO Seto. Jnne'7. ÍP44. i OifHAIXOCK & RAY3IONJB, FASHIOXABLE CLOTHIKG EMPORIUM, liesanytri Black, 127 J Jfrrson Aiunur.!= ' LL =- s i i ss ■ ?. ■ p " g -c g ? '-' Bif' -GS K c "2. "= 3 " Cr - Btew fU q "o f7j 74 M O clfsf g ' HU ■ g %fl! & H g 'S Mlllffll J# H ijs s re S a_5 "J " " irtrfi; % j Nw a& Ö h &.rL?tï 8 "=..i g, N C1 ft , w tij 3 x a - . ■+ v5 J ksnoh BHBi j Slffiif f 15 SS 3 fe 3 3 g 5' bs# fir 1 o o a 9B lliiiiïlii s íii}i s g jt 2 w fffifi i ft 2 2 lïtllfi: SS s; rïi-Fj '? s. c HVen Eslalíishiiieiit. THRESHIINIC ITCACHIBJES KA'AIT, UAVILAND & Oí w?id res pectfiiliy inform the (irinetsof Wnshtenaw aml the eurroundhfg couniies (huí iliey have estiihhdlicci iht-mselves ií) Lower Town. Aun Ar[)nr. (or ihe puipose oí manulaciuring Threshing M;:rliillCS. Hiivingbecn for nir.ny yrárs engnged in this business in Oliio, tlicy leel tliai ihcy can wiih confiduuoc recoinmeiul thoir won;. Thcy nre inaking the Bnrinll & Cnd2 Mneliiiics fimi Hose powcr; aleo Enstman's planaiary power,. (üíFcreni from any otlicr made in this country and enerally preïerred to nny other Madbihcc. u-liicli they intend to se.ll at such priccs nnd on such leinis as cannot Inil to give sansfuciion - they are detennined not tobe outdone by any similar establishment eilher in pricc, siyle or quality ol work. ''Compeiition is the lifc of trado" and all they nek of the Fofniing conimnniiy is ;o iyitrbn:7.e jriéwí so fnr as 10 give them an oppormnitj i supplping a part of the Machines ihat mny e wnniod. They are prepared to repair qlcl Mnoliines. Their is in the basement story of II. Patridge &. Co's Machine shop, where they niav he íound to answer all caljs. KiNAPP, HAVILAND &. CO. fti W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVII.AND, J. K. MC I.AIK. Ann Arbor, April 29, IS-Í4. Cml TO OX.OTHZSK& MAJVUFJWTURtiRS JYD MERCHJlNTS.rp[]E subseribers nre now receivinsr, ntthoir X siores. 188 JtfEírson Avenes, and eorner oi R.-imiolph and Woodbridge streeis, Detroit, a Inve mul Lrí-neral stock of AND DIE-STÜFFS. 35 tons Loirwood. Fustic. Lime woud. A'icar ras na. Uypernic Woud, ín ihe stick, ;?() bbls. crounii Cainvvood, J 50 do Fustic 12Ü do Logivood. 1ÜÜ do Rödwoods, 20 do Alum, C liluls Copperas. 4 do Hiñe Viti-iöi, 4 pipes Onibre and Crop Maddcrs, prime, f)00 Us Extnict Logwood. Ö00 do' Benjrnl. Madras nnd Cnrnccns índigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls. (Aücppo,) Ü50 do Powdered Cuicuma, ÖliO do Verdigris. 10 CarhoysOH Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortip. 4 do Spinís Sea SaU?, 4 do Nilric Acid, 2 cnsop Lac Dye, SQOIbs. B.inquo Tin, 2".O do rre.nni Tarrar, 500 fio Q urociron Baík. Toj;eilier witli a complete assortmentof all the noi" anides ín t he tracie. io v.'í: Papéis. Tenzles, Rruslic-s. Jaeks, Tent Jlooks. Dve Ketties, Pickers. Buriing JVoris. Nippers. Prussiaieof otnph. Sal Amoninc. Ssl Soda, Sucjnr of Lenri. Slecl Ilcr-ds. Cnrd Cleaner?.MACHINE CARDS, Sntinctt Warps. S'ienis. &e. Thfs enlírp stock hnsbccn purchased wilhin [he Inst iwoweeks, nnd sclected persoiially by ono of the concern, vvho has been n the business for. the Inst eleven years, nnd they nave no hcsitation n snvírn that the qunlity of these troocis ís unexceplionnble. They will positivly be sold at the Inwesi . New York jobbing pnces, with the. additinn of tmnsportntion only. The subscribers have the solo Ageney n thie Síntn for the sale oí ;;JARSON'S SIJEARINO MACFilNKS." andih'é cèUbnïëa :'LFJCESTER MACHINE CARDS," drtoideíliy the best in Bet THEO. II. EATON, &, CO. April] 1.1843. 51 1 f "basket ware. nnRAVKLLhXG BASKETS. &c - nt JL . RAYMOND'S CASH STORE. 148 Jeff. Avenue. Detroit. May 20. 4 TAKEUF UP BY the Subscriber in Websier on the sixrli instnnt. a stud Coli, supposed tp be Miree .e-irs oíd, fcrne white 11 the face and white lind feet. Said estray has been 'entered on the town book. JACOB ELANDEN. .7 Vin e 9. 18 '4.' 8-SwATE THE CASH STORE. OF R. &, J. Ei. 'DAVIDSOXf, #tm Jlrbor Lower Yillaqe FUST rccerved at the abovc eslablkhmenl, a . complete assortment of Groceries, Crockery, Shêïf Hnrdv;, Boots and Shots, Tuscnn and Snaw Bonnets, Flowciv, &. &c, all of uhich will be so'.d a cheap as ihey can he bnt.ght at any oihf-r store in Michigan. The above G)o s wete selected iih gre;it ciire, and ue feel assurèd that we 'can convinco pur. Iwsers of ihe truih of vvliat we say. The highest price will bt pnid for Wool, We will olso -receive all knd of producé in exchange for Goods t the liighe.-t mai-kef price. Purchasers aie respe ctful-lj inviu-d to cali and exumine for I ihcmselves. I 'Aun Arbor, May 0, 1844. 3.,f j- rpHE unrïersigncd, l.avirm bren r peatedly s. liciu-d to make sWe arrano-p■■ mcnts by wliich the Wooi, Ghoweks oi Wa-hienaw, and (Jie surrounding counny, could dispose o iheir wool in a manner that would be mututually Ixíiieíicial lo ihe Grower andihe Buyer, woulci be}? lave to snv, that tvc have just received a wejl sdected and valuable stock of Domesiíc and Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROGERIES, fre.b from New and, Boslon, which we purposc lo exchano-e for Ga-h or Wool, on ihe most renfsonabie lernis. To o-ur o!d custon.ers, and os rtutny more as choosp lo give us a cal) we give the asurance lliat e enn supply you wiih every niticle neces'arv tor family u?e as loiv as can be boughi thi side of Lake" Erie. and receivë yourWOOLin paynient -l a prlce perfecrtlv saiisfacfory. In addiiion lo our usual stock of Full Cloths, S .tineit--, Flannels, &c. we fiave Broadflotlis, (vnrying ,n price fiom tvvo lo ten dollars,) Cassi'meres ali kinds of Summer Clotlis, &c. which wc. propps 10 exchai'ge as above 'To all wl,o wish fornchöo..ds, reat hatgains md {ifg pncWf or WOOL we would say give usa call before purchasing elsewhere. . , T BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, May 14, 1844. 48w"■ ■ - - I -- _ WÁMES GIBSON . takes this mcthod of his 99 friends and old customers that lio lias aairT eutered fhe Mprcantile busir ess; and is now opening a. general aiicl splendid assortment of ■ GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SHEIV HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C. COITJVTRY PRODUCE will be taken in exchange for Goods. ,Öc Take no mau's word, but examine for vourselves at No 5 Huron Block, LowerVlllaee.. l ' Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4_6rrKNEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER ■ ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN.. ■-- : Q FELCH la removed hrs establ;shment from the Upper fo fhe Lower U Vii.lage.No. 4, Hm on B:ock,wheie he holds hiin'sdf in readm s io 'drsi ilie "umlerstaitdiitx.s" of very Man,, anrl Cnild wi.o wili give i,im a-'calï, in ihc neatesf, chenpesl, 'ariti b:st manner that can he done in Mn-liigan. LEATHER ond FINDINGS of rII kinds constant!? on hand. ■ CASÍT and HIDES, in any quantilies, for which (he liighest prices v.'i]] bè given. " A ötLet none purchase until ihey have called at Feích's, No. 4, Hurón Ann Atbor, May 4, 1844, 3.lvBOO& B2WDHB.Y-. ATTHK PlI'f.llMII.I. AKRTOMÑ) ANN ARBOR EBOüTH would respeciAiily inlot-m il,e inh.ibitantsvf Ann Arbor and vicinity tha lie continue? 'he hnsinffip "f BOOK BINDI1SG, t theolrl itnnd. in the Pnper JVlill. Old Books will he nently rcbound on short notice. AH kinds of RÜJJlS'G done 10 order.- Country produce taken in payment. AprillO. 1843. 52-tf. CVME into the enclosnre of the subscriher. the firRt of September lust, an OX. '' -rnily nbour eisht yenrs old, spotted red and whire. wiih a bei] on his neck. The owner ís requesved to prove propertypay charge and take hiin away. S, JENNINGS. Ann Arbor, MnylOih. 3-8w lotice to mcrcliants. rriHE Subacribers encouraged by the patrónJL nge they hnve hitherto received in the wholesnle depnrunent of tlicir business, will üie tsi day of Mny next. open the store now nccurjied by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Hu ron streef, and connecting with their present etore n Hip renr. pxcliisively fr n "WHOLE SALES ROOK, where ihey will keep ut all times a 'uil assortment of Dry Goofh. Boots, fy Shoes Carpcting fíats, Caps, Pnper FJangings, Bonnets, Crockery by the Crae, Hardware and Groceries, &c. 8,-c. Sfc. all of which willfle soldon as goorl terms as at any point this sde of New York Cuy. . G. D. H1LL& CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1544. 4tf. 'Clothing Clothing! Clothing HALJLOCK & KAYMOND have just received n very Inrpe nss"rt'iicrH 01 Reariy Made Clothing-, Consisting in pap of Cont.s. Pantalons njid Vests. of nll dcsenpti.-ns. snimble for the senson A iso. a largo and well secleeterl assonment ol Broad Cloths, Cassimeres. Vestings, Tweede and evervothor article suitable for gentlemen' wearmg appnrel. whicii ihey are prepnred t., monulncture in the' best nncl most Inshionabl nmnner. and ai the.shorieest.notice. Ilaving do termined to sell at the lowest cash prices. thov confidently ureo a!l in want of Rc.dy Mnd Olothing. or gnrmenis mnnufnctnrcd to order to cali and examine their stock, at the Fashionable Clothing Etnpr.rimn, corner of Jeflbrson nnl Woodwnrd Avenues. Detroit. 5 LINEN SHKETJiCGTTwo yards and a quo.r ter, and threo yards wide, at RAYMOND S CASH STORE, -,"■'_ 148 Jeiïl Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 Featüers & Paper Hangings THE 8ubscnber wiH keep a supply ol Geese Feathers constantly on hand. Also an asanri of Paper Hangings. Borders. Firebonrd Papers, &j. W. A. RAYMOND, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 WOOL AND WÖÖLËN CLOTHS. Iwill exchange woolen cloths of overy widrh and quality for wool, to be delivered in May or June, or after shcaring time. My stoc! of clothi8 complete, quality good. prices low, de. F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, February lst, 843. 41. N. B. It is important that wool be done up in good order, anii anv -'nformation will be given vhea 8ked fPETERS' PILLS. TRUTH. HAS PBEVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis lm ve now been tex yèars before the public. Düring lha pcriot they hnve obtaiiiedn celübrity nnpnralleled in tin histoiy of ihe most popular mediemos whicli hnve preceded them or h.ive fullowcd in their .track. - The happy combinación of vegetable ingrediente lo wliich these pillsowe iheir effiency, is the result of yenrsof ënrncst fctudy nnd experiment, directod by long ptevious etperience in the propertiesol medical subsiancee. the p;iiho)ogy oí disenso, the nature and modus operanjJi ol the various fluías which minister to the support and susteniince of the humnn body. and orgnnizniion by whieli those fluids nre pr.epnred. modified nnd distiibuied. Tlie triumph oi' skill. and patiem experiment lins been complete. Thmiiiihout the length and lirendth o( our lund. in British Americn nnd the West Tndies. and on the continent of Europe, the curntive vir'.ues of Peter's Vege' cable Pilis, are gratei'ully acknowledged. Ttn;y mny be called the medicine pau k.'cku,:,vck, ol the Southern State?. Their consiimplion south of the Potomac. is enormous. and continnfilly on theincrease. Nootherpill "goes down" there. however sugared over with hired puï's and hointmini u (iet ured eert i líen íes. Peters' Vegetable Pilis may be termeci a nniversn-í medicine, for there is scnrcely nny dera-jgernetu or obstruction of the orsans nnd functions oí the liumjn machine whjch they will 'iot allevia-e or eipoye when administered in flïci early seises ol congestión of the'stomach or Iknvela. they speedjlv relax those orgnns. reduce the niteridant fever. and restore the suflbrer tg liefilth. Containin? no initating or drastic síibstán'es. their e.xhibition is never followcd by tliat pros iratiun óf (lic bodily powers which chnmeterize the operation of most other cythartiuR. and they mav be administered without the süghtesr fenr oí próducing luen! ítifiammation. so frequéntly cnused by the purjrent compositions vended bv the quncks nnd charlntnnsof ihad.iv.ín almost all stages of-disense. Puters' Vegetable Pilis wij] be fbuiul of beneficial eTeer," bui they shonld nVways be resórted to wber. the firsi sympt m maUes fts n pp tam nee. The conques! of thecorTiplaiiu will. theh bc easy nn cl immediite. In billious di-ordera. remittnru or inlcrmittant fever. dispepsia, dysontery. cholera, chohe. (üarKoéa, dropsy. sour or feiéd eruciations, ehIntiroment of Ihe spleen, sinkheadache, all complaintserownngotit of impeifector too ropid diirestion. torporof thebowels. femnleobstruciions. habitual costiveness. nnd all oiher disensos ni wliidli n pnrffarive medicino is proper. Peters' Vpaetnlile Pilis vvill be fonnd tinrivnüed in the peed, certainty and ffentlencss of their operaiton. It la nsked npon wliat principie these extmordinnry eflecis nre pfoduóed? We reply thnt Peters Vegetable PilJ ac(s ns n purifierof the lil.xid. by purifying the cliyle and. other fluids of which blo'od is composcd. Cliyle is a milky fluid dcposiicd by the digestivo matter on the coais of tlio intestines; and which when conibined with the htlïinry pecretiori. is convoy i'dintothü veins an .! becoines the principie of lif'e. This medicine ncts directly upon the cbylel Irom which it cxpcls all acrid particles, and ah humoi-s detrimental to a henliby circulation. li cleatisesthi juices and fluids before he chemicnl change tnkes place which fits iliem fo die immediate purposes ol vimlity. This is bezinning ai the beginning. To ernbue the streams oMifr with liealth. it is necessary to purify them al their sourecs. ; . Sup.h is tbc radical mode in which ihis nirdicine performs iis cures. Testimoniáis whicli would fill volumes (mnny of them front íiigli scieniific nuihority) are iis vouchers, and it s nsed in the practico of the fiis't Physicians hert and nhrönfl.Forsnlehy F. J. fl. ■ Crnnn. W. g. J. W Maynard. .1. 11. Lmid. flarrip. PartiidLres &. Co S. P. & J. C. .Tfiwtftf, Dav.dson & Bcckcr. H. B'ecker, Clnisfinn Ebcilmc!). G. Grenviíle. D D. Wiitprm.-in. ff. J. Gnrland. E. T. Williams. Ann Arhov; Genrce Winner ffi Co.. D. G. Whiiwoofl. J. , MiHard & Sop. V. ÍT. Winir. Dcrfcr: M. Lcovi;. Paul R-nymond! Jirksov; BrorliPrsnn fe Kicf. Mavclt ester; D Kn_vs, Clinton: D S Haywood. Saline: Stonc. Habcock ■& Co.. Vpr-Uavli; Scimeroriod &. Co Plymovt'i; Pierre 7 ellen and T. ti. Eaton & Co' DtXrmi; ;,ho in Adrinn. Tccumseh. Brooklyn. Poniiac, Chicriíío. ana almos! evc:ry wln.-rc e]8e Ann Arbiir. Jan. 15 1844. iVA Fa ron ib r Sale, SlTUATFDin the town oí ínghnro, Inglinm .Counjy. Michigan. Said Fnrm cnntúns one hiimiied nud fiíiy peres handsomely ciiuaterl ín ihe midst ot a thrivmg sctilement.- 'í'ho Idíía is whm is usiinlíy cal led tinihered Lnmi. in Mlohigrin. he ninher being suyar. mnple. whirewood. beach, nshr onk. &c."a!l kinds oT tunber peculiar to the ijinbered Innd in Micliignn. Thcr? is on rliis tarín abont foriy mres of roorJ itnprovement: n good part of thi's is F'.n(H;í:l) Mn-l,,u. A 'sí S &iA LOG HOUSE ANÖD-NÈW BARN, framed, 34 ly 42 fect. woll linislied. Theie are nlso on the placo Inrminír utensils. sncli n? Chains. Próuglï's, Drng. Cart, Fannihg Mili. &c. which will be snlrl with the place. TER. MS OF SA LIC. One quarier of pnrehnse money down: the -onminrler in ton yenrs. if' necessary. vvjrh nnim. n interest For particulars en'quiVe of thé'eui)scriber in Dexter villnge. JÍJLÍUS 'RANNEY. March 20, 1PI-1. 48tfiBrïstoFs Sársaparilla. THltí aluolile medicine eojúítty celebra'oí' as a coitain cure for Scrofuia or Kinjif. Kvil. or ntiy clísense ariíing from impuiity of tíi blood. lias beeome so wel I kriown as to need n. piibl catión of thc numercus ceniricatcs now in nir jpossession. of the extniordinniy. euros late!) 'erlurmcd by t. biu f;nrmg thore mny lie somt :ersnns iiHc'cted wíio tmvo deon gúlíéd by usins lie iniit.-itiors rot up by others.' we wnuld rt-pectftilly request tliem to cnll on us and snúsh ■Urmselyes (f i.s many cures ijn similar í-nses- Ry pnruhnsii)r nf usilioy can )ply upon thc gen nineness of' tlie wliich ih'ey shonld be cnreíul to do. ns we are told there ís a spuriou.irticle of the snme narne for snle in this vicinity Re careful to observe that "BristoI's Extract ot Sarsapanlln, línfíilo," iBstnnipe .! upon the bot'los. and "C. C. RiistoP' written in his own hand over the Corlo W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dep. .r. 1843. 36 500 OOO Feet PÏME LUmBER. THE subscribers oíler for sale. Kive hun dred Thousand Feet SEASONKD PIN E LUMBER, which íiaebeen putupin the best. possiblo manwer. and is oí' every qiuiliiy and thickness. Per sons wishina to purchase Lumber thvt is fii fvrinivicriatc use, wil! do well to give usa cali, before purchasiníí elsewhere. HAZELTON & PATERSOiV. Formerly Agents forBeach &Co. Flint, Jnnunry 2?, J844.JLibeüty Almanack for 1 8451 TIJ EsnbscriLer is preparing nn Almanack ior 18-, 5, wliich will be made a general statisticnl and historicalrecord on slnvery and emnncipütion. A great variety of original nrticles in piose, and o choice seleciion ofeniirely new rnusic fór I iheriy Meeiings. will beinserted, triaking it a valuablo liook. It will nlso contain soine excellent orticles on il-.o subject of Temper.tnce. It will lie richly emliellislied wnh plntes,among which will bo the likenese of Jaíhks G. Birkky. our Liberty candidato for President, also a brieif history of nis life. We ariall be happy to receive orders fronv any C8tnbli8]imcñt desirin? quantities. It will be pulilisiied in August. Ptiblishers wlio wil) give th3 notice insernon for three monihs, shall receive 100 Almanacks, each. n_3m J. N. T. TUCKER. BIWGHAM de CHAPmAÑ, FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IJY DRY GOODS, CJ2OCERIES, f. AT THE RAir.-ROAD DLP0T, CitlASS LAKE. MICH. H. H. BINGHAM. G. CHAPMAN. 3m.TO THE VlCTORJBELO3NGTmi SPOILS" 11B ALTI1OUGH many preparationin th r of "POPULAR M.SD1CINFS h m been bcfore ilie public, clnin ing to liv ► r , and évèii cure the most inveteróte dieenep. none havo so well answered t,0 p,,tDo "„' Let SHFJtAlAN'S MEDICATLD LoKVr'i'' Dr. Slierman's IGES. "COüG.II LO2ENGES" cure the mosi obsiinnte caeee of Coml, : houre. Théy have cured a larce nuSe n? fW' sons who have been given up by their pM-s L-f' and fnends. nd many . who have bíJt I Á w the verge of the grnve by ',; ." Ief "et'd Consumption and Meeiic Fever f ■ lüod have hnd the rose ofhenlih rcsio'retl ,1 ,V "Se gard-choek; domt üve , p '[t0 'h,! hnproieeBoftlnsinvüluobJe medicine ir i 'C man's ' r' öMON WORM LOZEAGES hnve been piuvedin ilian 4(11 lun be iinllible, in fnct the only eer „in xjnscs tOi Mroying n.edicine ever di0 " ■ n", wil] eatthem when they. cnwnoi )P (1 V ieri nny o.her medicine, nnd SnSÍ 'lak the ndministrniioh of mëdiSH form is grent beyond coneption 'u!" '"J'"'6 nover been kiown to f'nil. Dr. Shermnn' "CAMPHOR L02ENGES." " reliovo Hendache. Nervoue Sick-hendnche P! pitanqn of the iieart. nnd sickness in few niinuics. Dr. Slu;,n-nn-8 Vcr 'TOOR MAN-S PLASTER" is ncknowledced by nl] wlio hnve rvnr „o 7 10 ,he best stren.thcnin. )&%$$$&L nnri n remedy for pains and weSffln the back, loins, eide, brenst. neck ,"k oints. rlieumntiim. Iiimbnco, &c Rn r Í) o procure the nhnve and all other'merf?, rCfft AVÜrirf you willbe sSeietlM nistake in quaniity or charpe AnnArbor.rtryTHE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SAI.VE, TT7"J-nCH Jikc a chnrni ml Bl'RNs hv T T fire or wnier. nnd every 1 nul' PAIN, IKFLAMM ATION, A?$?& ítBí liG ever yet found upon the linmnn fahiily ,„ u has been npPed, must alwnysbeT.Ut from Cometock a,H Co., olï f or the.r au.homed ogents. All are cu,ioW bc nvo,dedby knowing the one you buv om ron. Comock .& Co , w,o nrnow h proprietors nnd manuíacturers. ]nquire for Con. nel s, w hici is wa.rnn.ed 10 do nllit ever would when cnl ed l,y nny o.her nnn,e. or the pric I i be refundcd in nny case if t does not plo88e lo pace it reogh of all, the price. i'. l-oen reclnccd more tfy f0Ur fold, nnj S noï so t for 25 cents, .he.fe„mer price being ,00 ,T orlMtnnr. The 50 cent sixo now confoin. Í,: tmies s much ns the loimer. and the SI sil near ten times ns much. 2e No fnrnily ihot l.ns any tille to humnnitv. wffl fn.i to have Co.snf.í.'s Pa,„ KxlrncIor Oi { ' n waya at hand, to s.-ve Iife, alHcdr. nnd rcdu l all apony fron, nny bbrt in fiVe prOvi ded. 1 tey have Peen it used, or will believe thoe" who have usedit. e COMSTOCK CO.. n - , tí . 21. Courrlnnd Strpet (TT Bo snre, therefore, and ask tb) Con.ntIv as our pinte with Dnüey's name on it ha ',e(. s.olen.. and U.o spurious may appear vi.h 1),,, name on it. Know, therefore, that it comes ff. rectly from Comstock & Co., or ehuri it WM.S.&.I.W.MAYNÁRD. Agent for Ann Arfior.JBW-B.IRY. 1Rscm f lHh] siibscriber hoving SS1 -L jnst reccivpd n nnwadjL% 's5pj diii'on '.o his fonner stock of fp '(V Goods is prepnred to sell WAn os )]$ iliom ciie;ip for Cash, Aflföfe sápS '!'on? T'hich mny be iouml Gold Finger Rings, nnd Bosom Tins, IJ earts ind Crosses. Silver and Common 'I'hinibles. Watch Chnins and Keys, Pencil Cases; nlso. Spoons, Sugar Bows, Butior Knives, Tooih nnd finir Tnishce, Tuckct Books. Vml in Strinps. Needies, Pins. llooks, and Eyes. Spectaclcs. Fine, Dressing Combp. Sirle Cómhs, Bnck Comhp. Pocket Cornbs. Wmer Pninis. Mnrking Cottun. Sfpel Prns. and Tweasers. . Snuif & Tobncco Box5. El8ticp. &c. All oí" wliicl.i vill le gold as cbénpns nt any'other esHiKlisíf'íi'énT this side of New York. N. B. The siibsciiber thnnkful for so lnrpc a shnre of pnblic patronnje. still 6olicitsn continupncc of tlie prime. CLOCKS iNDWjtTCHES of every (icpcripiion repaiied iind wnrrantcd. Also, JKVVEI.RY rcpnired on short noiice.- Shop at his old süind direcily oppopite the Cenrt House. Cushpuid for old Gold nnd Silver. C. EUSS. . jAnnArbor, July 1,1844. 28-ly.npHE followiní: indispensable tcmily 'remedies X mny be louiid at Mayvard's" Druggist Store, n Anu Albor, where none will be solí! unloss krowr to bc of ihe best kim! nnd no counlerlcíit anide ever ofl'eied. patent medicino ínyaViahlv proriured ol the orign 1 inventor or nis regnlnr snecessor: 1CF No familj shovld bc a wctk without these remedies. J2R BALDNESS. Balm of Co'umJia, for tlic Huir, wliich wil stop it if FMTing out. or restore iton bnld places; riTul fin childi'ert make it crow rnpidly, or on tliosc who h iv" lost the hair from nny cnute. Ai L VjKMÍiV thotinfest the hends of chif- dren m schoolp. aic prevenid or killed by it rit once. Find -the nnme of COMSTOCK. on it or never try Pcmembcr t!iis aheays. PILES, &C. are wholly prevented. or governed if the attnck lina come on, il yon use the only true Hats' Lin imk.vt, (rom Comstock & Co A1I SORJES nnd every thing relieved by it that ndmits of an outwardapplication. It nets like a chwm. Vtait. RBEUMATISM AND LAMKNFSS positively cured: nll shrivelled musclcs and lin'bsareresiored, in the oíd or young, by t he Judian Vcgetnblc Elixir and Ncrre íiove Liniment - but never without the name of Comstock &. Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMÍFUGE -A-illeradi:nte all WORMS ín children or adulta with a jertainty quite nstonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kliwes- cures eflectually. Ann Arbor. Feh. 5, 1844. 411844. WHOLESALE & RETAIL.. &. WFJ1 il MIJEJT, BOOKSELLERAN STATIONEB, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFRRSOtf AVENUE, DETROIT. Ceepe constnntly for sale a complete nesortment óf Misccllancous, School and Claesical Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink, Sealing Wox, Cuilery, Wrapping Pnpor. Printing Paper, of all stzes; and Büok, News-and Can ister Ink, ot va. rious kindp. „BLAMZ BOOKS, r uil and hall bound, of every variety oi Kuling MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchante. Teachers, and otlicrs. buying n quantities. a large discount made. SABBATH SGH00L& BIBLE SOCIETy DEP0SIT0R 51 -tf. '.I ESTKAY. Camc into the enclosure of the subscriber on orabónt the 27th of June, abrindle Cow, with n etarin the forehead and line back, supposodto be about se ven yeare old. The owneris rcqueted to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. SYLVANÜS SIAS; Ann Arbor, July 2, 1844, ll-8w


Signal of Liberty
Old News