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Poetry: New Version Of The National Song--The Star Spangled Banner

Poetry: New Version Of The National Song--The Star Spangled Banner image
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Oh ay, do ye hear. at the ciawn's early light, The ehrieks oí" tlvose Bouduien, whose bluud is now streaming From the merciless lash, while our Baniier it 8glH, ' With its stars, mocking Frecdom, is fiifullj gleanung? Doyeaee ihe ba,cks bare, do ye mark every scon Of the whip oí the dnver trace chanada oí gure; And say,doih wr íátar Spangled Bunneryei wavi O'cr the land oí' ihe Fiee und the hume ul tlu Brave? On the shoredimly seun thro' the tnsu oí tijt dcep, Where Afnca's lace n fulse safety n-pises; Whuis thnt which the breois; it'vr tlie towennc stcep Asit headlessly svvt-cps lutíí" conceals. ha'íf ábJcJoses? jTb a Slave ship that's secn. Uy the rriáíning' first beam, And its tornisli'd refleciion pollutes now t tream: TÍ8 our Star Spangled Banner,' O, vviieii hm, it wave O er the land of ihe Free, and the hume of tl.e Brave! And where s that Band, who so vaüantly bore The havoc ófwar, and the hattle's coihusioii. For Liberty's swects? We shall know thein fio more: Thoír famc is eclips'd by foul Slavery's pollucion. No relugö is found on our unhallow'd ground. For ihe wretclied in Slavety'e manacles bound; Wlrilc our Star Spangl'd Bunner, in vain boasts ifi"to wave O'er the land of the Free, and ihe home of the Brave. Shall we nö'er hail the day, when as freemen liall stand, The millions who groan under matchlcss oppression? Shail Libcriv'a shouts, in our lieav'n-reseued i&fe 1 land, s ?' : ;vf 'r ■ Ne'er be shar'd by the sluve in our blood guil_. . ty natioii? -y ;3;?t Oh, let us be just. e er ui God iet dart trust, Klsc the day will o'ertake na. when pensh wi must; And our Star Spangled Banncr at half-mast shall wave O'er tho dcath bed of Freedom- the home of the Slavc. Battle Creek, Michigan.