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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Shiwassee County ...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Shiwassee County ... image
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Pursunnt to previous noiice a meeting ol ihe Liberty Party convened nt the house =of J. W. Gilbert, in Shiwasiee. July 19. 1843, und or4nn;zed hy chposing Klias Comstóck Esq. Chairnan nnd John F. Swairn. Secretary. O.i n oiion of Dr. Barnes, a Comniíttee wr.s .ppointed consisiihg of one from cach f ow'n rep.esentcd to make out and recommend to the meeting suitable persons tobe supporred at iho ensunL eleclion. Whereupon the following persons were nppoint"A on the committeer Mnnin Post of Sliiwossee. J. B. Bnrncs ol )wos8O? It. W. Holly of Vernon, . .Vliils of Perry, Mason BÏelpj of Ocióla, WilJian. Hammond ot Woodhuil, Allen Baird of Aniriin, John Gould of Clinton County. On moiion, n committee on Resolutions wos Iienappointed.consisiing of Austin Gnflies, Ja:ob Wilkinson and William Newhery. The Có'iiinittee of nominutions reported and he following persons were unaniniously noii)imted ns c;mdidates ibr the Mloving oliices: F-r Representoiive, Elias Comstock. Associate Judges. Apollo D'ewey, Phinent ustin. Judgeof Pr.bate, R. W. Holly. County Treasurer, John F. Swain. " Clerk. iNelson Forry. " Register, Jost-phus Woocüiull. Sheriff, Charles Locke. Surveyor, Philander T. Main. Coroners, Wüünm P., Austin Griffies. On motion of Dr. Baruca., a Couniy Corres ponding committee was then chosen. consisting fDr. J. B. Barnes, ofOwosso, R. W. Holly. jf Vernon, and J. F. Swain. of ShfoWséeV The co;Timittee on resolutions reponed the fillowing wliich wa3 adopted.Whereag. Slaver.y. as practiced and snnrtioned itnder the Go-ernmont of the United States s u nV'rnnt violaiion of the lavvs of God. nnd abase uifringeinen: óf ihe in ilic ;uble riyli s of man: nr d whereüs, oleo the government is one formed and susiained by ihe peoplo, ond we being integral j;irt3 of the wine, nrc instrumental in sustninin he vile sysieai oi oppic.sion, shile we. tlirougl. ur infliiPiice. dirtcily or indiieutïy, assist v. proguitig to any office in our nauonaï or State Cnincita. any person wlio is a sluvchulder urn 'li-nd to Ihe insiitmion of shivery. or noiher words, wlio is not a t.horough guing Ablitionas t. Res'lved, That we as citizens nud.chnsiT ing, will usü all our moral, reiigious and poilicul influence for ilie speedy overtlirw o! rhissystem of abominaiions, os practicad in tliis self styled fiee nation. 2. Resolved. Thnt we see a painful want of consistency jn .that man who is 1 .ir] in bis profe&yon in favor of Imman liberty. and then cstinis suffrage in faor of a notortous slave-hold er. 3. Reaojved, That ad our object is Lihtrti and Equul Rigkts, our niexns to acconij.lish itshali be the presen talion of Trvdi to mens' judginenl a-id conecience. instead of applVing Toles, Ln! Cabins. Hard Cider and tall Cc-ons to their pal sions.4. Resolver). That slavery n the United Siates s n greaterevil in pecuniary point of view tlian ihe existnce or non-c.xisieiice oí a TanfT, ü. S. Bank or Sub-Treosury. and in a moral sense niJivilehj greaier. On motion. Resolved. Tliat the procecdings o! ihis meeting be signed by ihe Chnirman nnd Secretnrv nnd be senl for publicaiion to ilie Owosso Argus ;ind ihe Signal of Liberty. On motion. the meeting mljourned sine die


Signal of Liberty
Old News