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WOOX.! WOOL! S CLOTH! CLOTH f ('HE Subscrihers? would tnform the Puh _L ilmt they will continue 10 manufacture go IE O &) _b, jia-JJÖ (pifo. 4fíf 9 l at 'heir Manufactory, two nnd a hall miles vv ol Ann Arbor. on iIir Hwon, on the followii TER MS. Until the first ihty ol January, A. D. 184 ihc piice will be 57 cents per yard. or hnlf' i eloth the vool will iñnke. From ihe lst of Jn unrv to the lóili of JVIay, 1845. the price w be 3) cents per yard. or nine iwctitietks oí t cloih the wool will mnkc. thtit is. 45 ynrds out l'.O maiïiifnctiircd. 'J'iie wool nill be nianula iiiri'if in Miin lid il niriy come into the lacUiry, nenr as mny be wiih reiercnce to the differe giíaífties. Any person who will furnish one more p:irccl8 of wnol trom 80 lo lüOponndsi une qualiiy cnn have it manufactured by itsd Wool wili lx; rece ved nt. Sci i. Wool sei !y Rnilroad will be auended to in the same in-ir ner ns iftheowner were to come with it - should hecnre.'uliy marked. We have mam l'nctured cluth during the past year lor a ver Inrge numbcr of customeis. to vvhom tve believ we have given very general sarisfnciion Wil these fncts nnd the advantagts ofèrïd by the loi price at whicii we offer to manufacture clotb, w hope for a large share ol ptiVrrin-git. SAMUEL W. FOS'I'ER A CO. Scio, Wnshtennw Co..July25. 1844. 3-t tCFAniong the many sinkuig prools of tlie ex cilenient of Bristoi's Sarsnjmnllii. not the least i (urnislied in the fact that such a multituc'e o í. 8pu;ious and ciiunto'irfc'it preparatiuns hnve beet is put forth. and some of tlieni by men that profes, r. a high business standing Uniess this medicin ,, had been of sovereign value, and its great suc cess beynnd nil quostion, it would have fbund nt e imitntiuns. People never counierfeit that whid ,,. is alueless. Whoéver lieord of a single coujd 'erfeitof the wild-cat currency oí the West - g Sierüng coin nnd s;ifety-lund bilis are counter,j (hed constantly. The fact that a thing is exe tensivcly count rftited. is prooi oí its vaJue. - ( Thesuccessof Bristoi's Sarsnparilla bas causeti it to be counterfeiied in nlmost all the cities and f towns ijl the Uuion. Spurious nioney is univeisally rejected. so shouíil spurious medicines ; be. No sensible pefson will take the false when he cnn get the mie. People who do not wish to be imposed upon, should obtain the genuino artic!;. Aitention to this sof ihe first importance. Caütios. - Ask for BrisioI's Sarsapmilla, and sec that the writien signatuie of C. C. Bris'ol is over the cork of the botile. noncoiiier is jjenuine. FprsnleKy W. S. &. J. W. MAVNARD. MACHINES. 1MiF. Siibeerihers nre now mnnufacturin? . JiOKSE POWERSand TUriEöiJiA'G MACHINES, constiucied in the best and most durable manner. The power is a four horse power, but is also a first rate power for two horses when wanted lor ihat purpose. Ji is eniirely unlike any thai have ever been ofiered to the public in tliis State v elsewhere; and is believed to possess important ndvnntages over any ether power. It will work easier,. (that ir, with Iss streng'h of power) than other powers ; is n ore compact niiJ convenient :o move; occupjing only ihree leet by seven. and caK be loaded into a common wagon box with the ihresher and drawn by one pairof horses. Econörhy, strength of nia'crinl. and durabiliiy. are uuited in the cnnsiruction of these Machines ; henee they ciin nnd will be eold VER5T LOW . l!)Wer than any .Machines have ever been so!d in t h is State. We are anxioua to skII tlieir for CASH. and those who can pay CASH are eepecially invited lócall on us. Thecylinders U the rhieshers are ail i'on. Tliis is ihe best power in existence for Farmers to use. br threshing theirown grain, and has bren got up with a view to their special accommodation. The fncility with which it can be moved from one lice to anoiher renders it very convenient for several joint ownere. Whenever a pnwer is wanted for two horges. a thresher of auitable size will be ponstructedat very short no. tice. Two or threo Farmers, having large crops to thresh can purchnse one of these MnchineF jointly, at less cost to each than the expense oí job ihreshing lor one year. The establishment ia 2 miles wes' from Ann Arbor, on the Rail Road, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER & CO Pcio. June "7. 1344. 9tf HAX&OCK & RAY1HÖND, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPOTIIÜM, firsnoyrrs Block, 127 J ff e, son An-vue.


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