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Clothing' Clothing Clothin HALLOCK& RA Y MOND hnve just' re oeived n verv Inrcre agportment of Ready ülatïe Clothing, Consisting in part of Coats. Panialoons nn este, of all snitable for the senson Aiso, a large and well seclected assoriment o Broad Cloths. Cassimere-. Vestings, Tweede and evervother article suitable for gentlemen' wennng nppnrel. which they ure prcprired t mnnulnciure in the best nnd most (nshiunalil. mannerj and at the shortest noiiee. Havine do lermined 10 séll at the lowest cash prices, thd conhdenily urge all in want of Reidy Madl Olothing. or garmenis inrmufactnred to order to cali nnd examine their stock, nt the Fnshion f , l?mg K"0""1 corner of Jefforaoi nnd Woodwnrd Avenues, Detroit. 6 LINEN S HEETING, two yarda and a qunr ter, and three yards wide, nt RAYMOND S CASH STORE, May 20. HB A Venue' Detr0tFeathcrs & Pajier Haningr Tl] E snbscribcr wil] keep a supply of Gees Feathers coriistaiVtly on hand. Also an as sort of Paper Hangings. Borders. Fire-board Pa pers, &o. W. A. RAYMOND, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 WOOL AND WOÖtÉN CLOTHS. Iwill exchange woolen cloths of overy width andquolity for wool, tobe delivered in May or June, or after ehearing time. My stock ol clothis complete, quality good. prices low. &c. A. A . f, DENISON. Ann Arbor, February let. 1843. 41. N. B. Tt is important thatwóbl be done up in good order, and anv :nformation will be piven when y p.


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