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Classified_ad: Samaritan Nervine Never fails

Classified_ad: Samaritan Nervine Never fails image
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DARBYS PROPHYUCTiC FLUID. A Hciisehold Articlo for Universal Family Use. I aaiCateS ¦ iMphtheria, SallHff A T AT5TA Hvation Ulcerated MALARIA. SorcThroat) SinaIl y-?Wy!'iBB8LÍ;?Tff3lP Pox, Measles, and all Contagious Disensos. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has nevcr been known to spread where the Fluid was uscd. Yellow Kever has been cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. SMAIX-POX sous rcfreshcd and and Bed Sores PITTING of Small ed by bathing with jox PREVENTKD Darbys Fluid. . , , , Impure Air made Amemberofmyfam. harmlcss and purifïed. ¦' ,yas taí:n ?l}h For Sore Throat it is a J Vsed Ae sure cute I Fluld ¦ the Patiënt was Contagión destroyed. ' ¦ delmous, was not For Frosted Feet, i P'u?.d' and " 0M Chilblains, Piles, i 'he house again in threc Chafings, etc. "cl;k.s. nd " thcrs Rheumatism cured. had " =}{ fl f"" Soft White Ph.ladclplna. _ ions secured by its use. DHHHBS9BK96b Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breatli, Birihtheiía Cleanse the Teeth, i,f wicii it can't be surpassed. ¦ ki Catarrh relieved and FreVeHteCl. g cured. mmumsaJÍ Krysipelas cured. ESSSfiKiSHIBQ liurnsrelievedinstantly. The physic!ans hcre bearg prevented. use Darbys F)uid vory Pysentery cured. successfully in the treuWounds hcaled rapidly. mcnt of Diphtheria. Scurvy cured. A. Stollknwerck, An Antidote for Animal ; Grcensboro, Ala. or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. Tetter dried up. I used the Fluid during Cholera prevented. ourpresent affliction with I Ulcers purified and Scarlet Fever wilh healcd. cided advantage. It is I cases ofDralh it indispensable to the ! should be used about room. - Wm. F. ihe corpsc - it wHl ford, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleas"T The eminent Phy B?l+ T?B ' slcian, J.MAKION ¦Bcarlet Fever ¦ sms, m. d., NeW I . York, says : "I ara CnTP(1 1 convinced Prof. Darbys VlUBU, ¦ propi,yiactc riujd s a LmmuJ yaluable disinfectant." Vanderbilt University, Nnshville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am acquainted.- N. T. Lutton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Eecommended by Hon. Alexander H. STEfnnN's. of Georgia Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Tos. LeConte, Columbia, Prof., University, S.C. Rev. A. J. Battle, Prof, Mercer University; Rev. Geü. F. Piehciï, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HO:.Ili. Perfectly harmless. Uscd internally or cxtemally for Man or Bcast. The Fluid has been thorouhly tested, and we have abundant evidenre tliat it done everythin here claimed. For fulicr Information get of yoüi Uruggjs.t a pamphlct or send to the proprietori, J, IÍ. ZEILIX & CO., Manufacturlili CfawBJMj, J'H_I_LArjELPHH 'Mh ifaa Bsis Icpy Dyspepsia, Opium umin, lllic.inmtiBm, Spermatoyi Thv, -r Seminal Weaknese, and flfty otlier coinplaintB? We claim it a speüflc, eimply, 'c-cause tlioviru3 of all dlgeawe i arinca f rom the blood. lts Ncrvine, Eesolvent, Alterativc anil llasativo propcrtiesmcetalltheconditiona herein réferred to, Jfs known world vide as iiSI@iji3 bv the restoraüonof activity to the stom? :h and nervmis sy.tcm, whereby tlie bruin U rohevcd of morbid fancies, which aro eveated by the TílSSC Literary men. Merchants cnVr ïadics and all tboïi whosc sede üary'cmpíoymcnt causes nervoua , proitration, of the blood, Btomach, bowcls or kidm'vs orwho requiru a nervc tonic. appctizeror ïtimnknt, SamabitaN Nebvine is invalnab Ie Th.ou.anda proclaim it fiwjtaoat wom lerf 1 im gCëüéCü Is Recommended i?y Physlciangj g i oo eswarTMIMIj We manufaotur andsellitwltba positiva euaranteo that It wlll cure any case, and wowill forfeit the abóte moum. intfaifsin single nstance. Itia unlike any othcr Catarrh remedy.aa 5tl? fia,ïk yourDruggist for it and HS-H183 For f by Eberbach & Son AYER'S Agüe Cure contains an antidote for all malaria! disorders Whteh, so far as known, is uscd in no other rcinedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance wnav ever and consequently produces noinjunous ciTect upon tho constitution, but leaves tlio ¦yitom as healthy as it was befare the attack. WE WAEEANT AYER'S AGÜE CUEE to cure every case of Fever and Ag.e, Intermittent or Chili Fever, Remittent Fevc-r, Dumh Aguc.Bilious Fever, ami Liver Co.nplaint causcd by malaria. In case ""¦ after doe trial, dealers are authonzed, b3 or circular dotad July Ut, 18S2, to refund Uic Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Loweli,IVIass. SoldbyallDruggisls. ¦


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