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L. B. WALKERS PATEN1 SMUT MACHINE. THE tiubscribers tnke ihis meibod oi'informni all sucJi ns are engaged ín the Mülin B husiness in the Stnie of Michigan, that they nn 'f now manufacturing in Ann Arbor, WnshtonaM I Connty, Michignn, L. B. Walker's II Patent Sinut Machine, wliich they would recommend tü tnkc iho Smul off ol whent as well or beller than any oihei mnchine. Tlus machine is a horizontal machine , -it retains all die fnction oí" (he wheai; and unic ting simplicify wiih dumbilicy. it combines the !)c:iiing, co uring-, and -blowing principies, dis ' uharging the dusi and nut as fast os separated IC ir. in the vvheai. This machine is perfectly se curo rom íire', and runs mïïcfi ligbter ihan any 11 oiher machnie in use. For farthor nformntion. ie sec large bilis. S!iop in Lower To%yn. Pnce D' to agren witli the times. AJÍ orders for Ma-' ehinrs will be promptly artended lo. 16 Address. E. O, & A. CRITTF.NDEN. " Aun Arbor. Washtenaw Co.. Mich. 11 July 8,1844. l'"1 majyufjctvrers md merrrHE subscriben? are now receiving, ar their JL stores. 1ÖS .k-fferson AyënuV, and corner ol RanÜolph and Woodhridge streois, Deiroit, a Inrsre and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STÜFFS. 35 tons Logwood. J'ustie. Limewood, Nicar ragua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, 30 bbis. ground Cauiwood, Ï50 do" Fustic lál) do Logwood. 100 do Iledwoods, 20 do Aluin, 6 hhds Copperns. 4 do RJue Viti-iol, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, prime. ñflO Ibs. Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal, Mminis and Caraccas Indigo. 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Alleppo,) .250 do Powtlered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris, 10 Carboys üil Vi triol. G do Aqun Fortis. 4 do Spiriis Sea Salt.e, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 case? Lac Dy. 300 Ibs. Banouo tin, 2;'O do Cream Tartar. 500 do Qnereciron Bark. Together wiih a complete assortment of alJ the minor anieles in the trade, to wit: Pïess Papers, Teazles, Rrusbes, Jacks, Tent Hooks. Dye Kettles, Pickers, Burling Irons. Nippers. Prussiatcof "otash. Sul Amoniae. Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Cnrd Cleaners. MACHINE CARDS, Satinett. Warps. S'iears. &e. Tb is 'en tire stock litis been purchased within the last two weeks, and selected personally by one of the concern, who has been in the business fo) the last eleven years. and they liavc no hesitation in sayine that ihe qunlity of these goods is unexceptionable. They will positivly'be sold at the lowest New York jobbing pi ices, with the addition of transportation only. The subscribers have the solc Agency in thi? State for the sale nf "PARSON'S SHEARrNG MACHINES," nndthecelebrqted "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," deeidedly the best ín nse. , THEO. II. EATON, &. CO. AprilII, 1813. 51 tf 1 Wfrigs! Whisü DKFP.N'CK of the Whigs. W!,i Almnnncs. Whig Songs, and Life of fienry Clay by Sargeant. For sale at Perry's Book Store. May 2?, 13-14. 5tf. FIRST rate Tea, Sngar and Cofiee, at the lowest maiknt prire?, at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 l "SINCLAIR &, CHASË7 ( TTORjYEYS AND COUJYSELLORS AT LAW, (office lower town, ann arboh,) Will ttend 'o all husiness in profession wiih afideüty arid despaich. ] Paricular attention .will be given to collecting. ROBERTP. SINCLAIR, EDWARD B. CH VSE. March 20. 1844. ly.


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