AADL Webcomics Lab: Writing from Life - Carolyn Nowak
Wednesday December 10, 2014: 6:00pm to 8:00pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
Malletts Creek Branch: Program Room
For Whom
Adults And Teens Grade 9 And Up.
Got an idea for a webcomic but don't know where to start? Having trouble finding the time to put into that comics project? Or maybe you just want a break from creating alone in your studio (or the coffee shop) and wish you could work along side of your fellow comics creators? Come to the monthly Webcomics Lab at AADL, where you can make your comics in the company of other cartoonists.
This month's guest will be Ann Arborite Carolyn Nowak. She's the creator of the weekly webcomic Lazy, contributing artist for Lumberjanes, and has worked for Cartoon Network. Carolyn will be here to talk about writing from life and how to find the storytelling moments. She’ll also give tips on where to put your comics on the web.

Library Event
Malletts Creek Branch: Program Room
Local Creator
Comics & Comic Artists