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In the toWn of Fwperior, Wiiíínnmw Cö. 'Michigan, on the Í5 h of July, J4 1. Ei.v.a. wifo ol Denu HAMMAM), in ihc l 0' h y car èfhei age. ' Slie Was flic subject of pr.iir.icit'dafflicu'pn, from vanoussourcis, whkljxhe bore witli ciuiitiun paiionco oud resigmtüon to ilin momeiit of her dcparture. DSrtiig hor rosick-nce in tSii country, slie' ïiiaiutiiined a pro.' bo as to induce those cquaintcif with lir;r to ncquainted wuh her u acküLwit;d;c Uiui bhu lind been "h-ith Jesus.-" Sfoe was a mcmbor of Jie Wcsleyan Methoiiret churL'h in i'aihor Frains neighborhnocl, tmich bclpvecl by lier brethren and sisters, and mw dceply lamentad bv thcni, olso by uil lier ncqunintnnceí, as wellas by her nfllictèd busbond. Shc hns Jet two sinaü chïldrcn behind hor; nmy they receive tlio protecu'on oí ilie Alnngiiiy. and ihe synipaihy of all thosecc, quaimed vriih ihcir melaneholy eireumstnncos. - Vcsterday morning at 10 ö'ciócR, blrn.ost all the neighbors and friends asscmblcd lo pay tl-eir last tribute f roepect to the rnemory of üic deccased. A sermón was prenched ly the outhor from 2 Tiia. 4: G. 7. 8. which wis üstened to with seriousness and doep feeliftg. May the iinprusston never wear nway, nnd niay we ail ;'die the deaih of the righteo'js, and niay our last end be like hers." W. P. ESLKR. Salem, July 13th, 1844. State Journal please copy.


Signal of Liberty
Old News