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DENTISTRY. THE Subseiiberagain offers nl3 professional services lo the inhabiiama of Ann Arbor. and ns he is an-xtóns to secnre the of all persons requiring the services oí au expyrienced DENTIST, will be pteafed io present te those calling upon hiru srtisfactory testimoniáis it liis long aüd successful pracuee in tho city ot New York. He wowld observe that encouraged by liis former success lie lias removed his lunuly to Michigan, and will ruake üns place his pruicipal location. liia terms will in no caae, be unrensonable; and a.11 opeiations warrameü E. G. BURGER, DcnlisL OITice at tbc residenee of Mr. Charlea Thaycr, Hu ron at.August 2, 1844. The foJlo-wing are a few of the numerous tes iimomals Mr. JBurgkr can present in favor of hu experieuee and professional abilitiea. From the Rev. J. L. Blake. Nkw Yokk. March öO, 1844. I have been persona lly acquaintetl with Dr. E. G. Burger forsevexal years, and entertain fot htm a feeling oí sincere respeci: wlicn living in-Easi Broadway, he was employed by my íamíly in several oprhtions upon lije leetb.. aiid 1 have fuli confidence of his skillin the severai branches o I Dentistrv, accordmg to tlte most approved modes of practica. J. L. BLAKE. Nf.v York. JulyS, 1844.It givea me picasure to state that my friend Mr. E. G. Burger, has be n well known by me fora number of years; that he s j-isüy regnrded amojigst the first in our profession in ibis city and snstaina a character of strict ntegrity aud nioral worth. J. SMITH DODGE, Denüst, 47 Bond Street. New York. May líf, 1S-J4. Mr. E. G. Burger having been employed by several of my friends in vaiious operations upon ihcir tceih. during a period oí tTlve yenrspasf. I taUe ileasure in addingmy name ín favor of his abiliücs as a Dentist. WM. S. TOMPKÍNS. D. 161 Bowery. Nkw York. May 20, 1S-14. Believing Mr. E. G. Burger tobe a gentleman well sUilled in his profession. and of ejcelleni characier. it üfiords me plenSüre to ricommend him to all who have need of tíie services oí an experienced Dentist. GEO. F. M. D. 2öl Third Atenué. CHUKSfOMATHtC I.VSTtTÜTE. ? Rye. Westchester Co. N. Y. May 31. '44. 5 I have been acquiiinted with Mr. E. G'. Burger, of New York City, Dentist. forsome len ar iwelve years, and it ijives me great j'leasuïe to bear testimony to ilie hïgh ino'ral w onli of Mr. B.. and to lus skill as n pmctiiioner n tlie Dental arti Such of iny friends as have lijrongh. my indivi'1ual recomniöndaucrn fonned an acjiialntn e wïth Mr. Burgei's praetiee. have sioken oi' his services with enurn saü'sfiiürion. Witb :ln. estimatiorj erf his abifiires. aud niy regard for him as a Gentleman, i-do most cordially commend him tu the favorable consíderotíon of al F who may have occasion to avail tliemsolvcs o( his professional services. SAML. U. BERRIAN. Nïw York. M:iy 22, 13 Í4. An intimacy with Mr. E. G. Durger. for tde last I8year8 enables me to add my testimony at 10 lus ntegrjty and moral worth. and having ava-iled inysëlf of his professional services to .1 considerable extent Jor tho last 7 years c;in; wiih pleasuie and confiJonee. recomniend I him to all who may have need of Dental I tions. E. A. VAN DER HOOF, Firm of Spcars & Vandeffioof, )45. Wmor st. .. Y. Fcathclrs Ál íaper lïaïis ings THE subscribe will keep a supplj of GeescFeailiers consinntly on hand. A-lso an assurt of Paper llungings. Borders, r'ire-board Papers, &c. W. A. RAYMOND, 148 Jen'. Avenue Detroit. May 20. ' 4 CHARLES H, STEWART, ATTOfiNEy AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AMO SOLICITOR IN CHANCERYi JEFFBRSON JVKNO1S DETROIT. 4ï)-lf. BIKTGHAm Sc CHAPMA3M, FOftWARDING MEllOIANTS, DEALERS JJY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, f AT THE RAÍT.-nOAD UKPOT, GRASS lAKK. MICH. [I. H. BINGÍIAM G. CïiAPMAN. 43-3in. Marriage certificates, OF superior quality, just prioted and lor Sala at th8 Office. Ana ArbT, Nov. 2, J843. BASKET WARE. TRAVELLING BASKETS, &c- at RAYMOiSD'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4


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