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{Clöt&ing! 'Clqihijks1 Clöthim " ! TTALLOCK & RAYMÜND havo just re ; ; J.X ceivcdayery largo assortment of Keacly Made Clothin, i Consistid in part of Coats, Tantaloons am ' Vesís. oí' all descriptions, suitable for, the season ■ Aiso, a largo and vvcll seciected assortment o Broad Cioilis. Cassiiüeres, Vestings, Tweede and cverv othcr anide suitablc for gentlemen'; ■ whichthey" are prepared t manufacture in the best and most iashionabli ■ manner. andat the shorfest iioucc. Having de termined to sell at the lowest cash prlccs, the) confidently urge all in want of Ready Mnd , Clothing, or garmenis manufoctnred to order to cali and examine thc-ir stock, at the Fashion' able Clothing Emporinm, corner of Jcflersor and Wo.odward Avenues, Detroit. ■ 5 - wöOirwööïT! CJLOTH! CLOTH!! rjííE Subscribers would inform the Public X that thcy will continue to manufacture good at thoir M;mufactoiyf iwo and a half miles weft of Ann Arbor, on the Hurón, on the followrn TER MS. Until the first day oj January, A. D. 1845, the price will be 37J cents per yard, or half the clothtlie wiol wïM inake. From the Jst of January to the 15th of May, 1845, (he price will be 30 cents per yard, pr nine twentieths of the cloih the wool witl mate, 'that is. 45 yards out oí 100 manufacttrred. The wool will be manufactured in turn as it may come iuto the lactory, ae near as may be wiih refcrence tb the different qualiües. Any person who will fuWniflh one or more pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 póunde ol one quality can have it manufactured by itsolfi Vool will be. rece ved at Ocia. WoüLspm by R;nlro.u] wíl) be attendcd toin the same manrieras ifthoowncr werc to coine with it- it should bc carclnlly marked. We have mnntifactured cloth during the past year for u very largc number of custoniois. to whom u'c beüeve we have given very general satisfaction. With tbeée (acts and the advantages oifered by.tlie low pnce at which we oíler to manufacturo cloth, wc hope for a large share oí patroneo. SAMUKL W. FOSTEIl & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., July 25, 1844. Il- tí few Hat Store. vt JAMES G. CRAJJÍE wouM rospecifully inform the Public, (hat lio uaa oi'eiied a fine etoek of Hals Caps, ISlocïcs, Cravals, JScarfs, Coïlars, Umbrellas and GZoves, at No. 105, Jeiferson Avenue, Detroit, nearly oppo8ite the U. S. Court Room and Post OfHce, whcro he will bc happy to see his friends and supply them with ns good an orticle in his line as èan be procured, ei:hor hcro or at tlioeast. and as cheap. Ccntlonien in the interior, wishing a fïrat rate fashionable artiele of IJats or Cnps, can be eupplied by sending fheir-size or ha,ve a.ny,etyle fur-; nished to order in a few hours. nnd icarrant'ed (o suit. Cali und aeo - it may save you a dollar JAMES G. CRANE. Dotroit,, July 12 1844. 13-6m


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