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I. B. WALKERS PATENA SMUT MACHINE. rTihUC áubscribcrs tako Uiis inethod of'informX ing all such as are engaged in ihe Miiliru business in i lie Siaie oí' Michigan, tnal tliey are novv inaniiaeiuring in Aun Arbor, YVushtenaw Couniy'y Michigan, L. B. Wnlker'a l'atrnt Smut Machine, wliich ihey would reeommend tij takc ihe Stnut olí o{ wheat as well or bel tur íhnn any othei machine. Tlus machine is n fíófizentñi machine - it rctains all ihe frieiinii ol tlio wheat, nnd xmline simjijicity wiih durnbility. it combines (he l'OMimir, 'scouiingj nnd bl'bWmsi principies, dis chai ging the diist nnd snutt aá ia.t ns sepanned (rom ihc wheat. This nuiclnnc a icrlcctly se:n: íroin fue, nnd rmiá mnch íigliier ihaii any oilior innchnie in use. Fnr Ixrther ijiformsition. si-c farge bilis. Shop in Lower Towti, 1'iifo l-to (igrec with ihc times. A II orders for iVlaf chinP8 will be promptly attended to. . Adchos,-, K. O. & A. CUITTF.NDEN. Ann Albor. Wusluenaw Co.. Micli .Tu!y 8.18-lt. ' IlÜín MAJS'UlwlCTURERX JlNl) MEllCHJiJ'T,S. f 1 í Ï 10 Biihsoribers lire liow loccívÍDg, ot'.heir X stores, 188 Jpfferson "Avcme, muí corner of Rnntlolph and Woodliridge sueois, Deiroit, al largo mid gonernl stock of DYE-WÖODS AND ME-STUFFS. o5 ton.s L"gvvoo(l_. J'uslic. Lnneuood.JN' . I ragua, Hypernic Wotía, n uie slick, fe8 hbls. groujd Camwood, ],"Ü do Fufciic 120 do Logwood. 100 do Rodwoods, 20 do Aluni, G hhds Copperns, 4 do Plue Vitrio!, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Maddere. prime, nilUibs. F.xirnctLoL'wood, (j()!.i do JJengnl. M idras uul CaraGcas índigo, j 300 do Bliíé Niügalls. (Allcppo,) 2Ö'1 do i'owdored Curcunu), 2ltÜ do' Verdigris. 10 Carboys Öil Viiriol. , dllvl (i do Arjun Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sm Sabe, do Nitric Acid, J 2 cosos Lnc Dyc, "HO l!,s. Unñuo Tin. 2ñO (lo Crcnin Tarrnr. i'OO do Qncrcciron Bark. Togetlier whli a complelc assorttnont of all the inor anieles in thc trode, to wit: Fyess Papers. Tca.les, llrnshcs, Jacks, Tent j j Hobksi Dyc Kcttles, Fiekers, Hurling '. Irons, Ñipper8. Prnssiatcof ï'ot nsli. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, I Sngnr of Load, SteelReeds. Card CleanèrsV' ' " MACHINE CARDS, l Snrinott Wnrps. Sherrrs. 5Lc Tliis entiro stuok has been purchascd within the last nvo wi'cks, and selectèd pèifsoualfy Lv onc I of the concern. who has been in the business (or i the last eleven years,and they liuve no hesitalion ín enyini.' that the qunlity of these, saods is un' c.xccptionoble. They wiïl positiviy be sold at ii:e liuvcst lVcw York jobbinir prices. with tlio adtiition of transportntion orrly. i Tlie snbscnbers hnvc the sole Agency in this { Staie for fhe síiIr of j "FARSOiVS SHEARI.VG MACHINES," f and the celcbrgted "LÉ 1 OESTER MACHINE CARDS," decidedly the beet in xise. THEO. H. EATQN, & CO. April II, 1943. 5hf Whig! TVhiffs!! TRFENCK of the Whigs. Vhig Alimnacs. -iLJ Songs, and Life of Honry Clny by Sargeant. For sale at Ferry's Book StorcI May 2.3 1844. 5ti. TJRST rate Tea, Sugar and Coflec, at the ■ UL lowe'st m'nfkfit pfirèp, at UAYMOiNDS CASH STORE, 148 Je(f Avenue, Duiroit. May 20. 4 I Sinclair & cháseT J3TTOBWEV8 AND LORtS AT LAW, (office loweh ïown. ann arbor.) Will tiend 10 all business ia their profession rwiih afidelity and despaich. Paricular attemion will bc givcn to colleetng. - - ROBKftTP. SIÑcr,.UR, EDWAKD K. CHVSE. Mardi 20. 1814. 48-Iy.


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