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Feathers fc Paper f langin SI npHE subscriber will keep n aopplj óf Ge i X Feaihers constnntly on hand. Also nn ■ srt of' l'.ipc-r llangings. Borders. Fire-bonrd r'he pers, &c. W. A. RAYMONI),' Vy 148 Jcfl". Avenue. Detroit nue, May 20. and i, Cíl ARLES H. STEWART, ckj ATTORNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW f SOLÍCITOS IN CHANCERY, Z ÍEFFEOSOM VBMHi DJSTfiOIT. jQ-tf HELP ME A LOÑG IN Tfl WORLD. Heli) those tcho slrive to help themseh by ffonest hulvstry. The (Joiiuiiii.inon oi '"flard Ttnies" urges i subscribe! to cry out Tor help. and to inlurm those whó are dosirons to Economizo, thai lie 1 jjen"l ii New ai.d Sr cour) ilnnd Clothiiiig Bstafeitshinent, On VV.oodward Av.eflu}, nexi duur io llydtAVilder's tíeiilc Fnctory. bet ween Aiwater ai VVoodbridge streeis. where hc will sell cloihii a litle Cheapcr ihan the Chcapest for Cas', lic wil I nlsf" continue to cnrry on the TA1L0RJNG AND CLOTHES CLEANIN BUSINESS. All persons desirous of bfiving grease, pain oil, pitcli. tar. &c. ren) o ved from iheir cloihii would do vell to cnll on liiin: as hia mode I eleaning 3 by a process of sienm. lie warrants 1 i eompJeiely renoviue ihe garments, and give tlici j the appeamnco of NEW, wiihoui cióing iijjur j to the cloth in form ar durability. Collars an this I Breasis of coais warrnnied to be kept in perfe j shape. Any kind ofeloihingaltered nnd repaire lia, I n the neaiest stjJe-. and on terms to correspon real witli lic reduced prices in other business, the He respectrbliy returns his sincere thnnks t 'Ac I thecitizcn8 of Detroit, and the public in genera ind j for their very liberal patronage tliat he has here tes I tofore received, and hopes that by a consiant exof I ertion and strict aitentiou to business, to tneri ihe I and continue to receive a share of public patrónely I age to help him along in the WORLD, nd WM. LAMBERT. uy j N. B. - New and second hand Cloth ing bought, I sold. exchnnged, or taken in payinent for clean'G I iog or repairing. Orders nttended to in any part of the city. All oi which is respectfullysubf mitted. I Don't frrget that Lambert's Tailoring and J Clothing establishment son Woodward Avenue, it. I next door to Hyde & Wilder' Scalo Factory, - 1 betwecn Atwaterand VVoodbridge streets. I Come LnwycTS, Doctors. Farmers and Mcrckants too. 1 Come briiig ynvr old garments and have them tnmie ncie. 3ml8 THRESHINGt i MACHINES.) I I TfJE Subscribers are now rnanufacturins' j HORSE POWERS and THRESHING B MACHINES, constructed in the best and most f I durable manner. The powr is a four horse j power, but is also a first rate power for twohorees when wanted for that purpose. It is eniireljr nnlike any thai have ever been offered to the public in this State or elsewhere; and is believed to possess important advantages over any oiher power. It will work easier, (that ip, with less etrengih oí power) ihan other powers ; is more compact and convenient to move ; occüpying _ only three leet by scven. and ca be loaded into a coromon wagon box vfith the ihreshor and drawn by one pairofhorses. Economy, strength of material, and durability. are uuited in the construetion of these Machines ; henee tliey can and will be sold VLRY LOW , lower than any Machines have ever been sold in this State. We are anxious to sell them for CASH, and those who can pay CASH are especially invited tocall on us. The cylinders to the threshers are all iron. This is the best posver in existencefor Farmers to use. tor ihreshing their own grain, and has been got up with a view to their special accommodation. The facility with which it can be moved fom one plnce tó anoiher renders it very convenient for several joint owners. Whenever a power is wanted for two horses. a thresher of suitable size will be eonstructed at very short nolice. Two or threc Farmers, having largecrops to ihresh can purchasc one of these Machines jointly, at less cost to each than be expense of job threshing ior one year. The establishment is 2J miles wes'-from Ann Arbor, on the Rail Road, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Seio, June 17, 1844. ytftFffí . " ïf &5f&Y -er . fc. S & illtï P S iffffí 2 " fe S E e3 lïif ïs s J Ñn &ii L O si ïP llfííi i. o. fin 1 O S _p f;& b S 2 Tg) A QD s -3 ffllll Ia' s fej b te - Mfl .lila." B oe S WS S S (; Pa 5 ? S aa,cr , W fe I i 11 II 5 te ► BS a&& sr. o k Si u-j N-j S4SSLO N-. ff) t fc hN, 2 Miy li-ll" ö ? fcl UK o - J o S9 H g, Ipfffi, N ij W j!yUa W ? i HRïTf !■ pb 5 Ifrfi & ? pfris-i s. s:


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