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ng r _.,.. v. v t sjf V - ■■ ■ ' VrmHP idLJH WMB mnV AT THE CASH STORE OF l R. & iï L. BAV1BSOH, í tim Jlrhor, Lower Tillage. e_ ■y - - ■ - es TUST receivcd at the above establishment, a complete assortment of CP - Groceries, Crockery, Shelf Flardware, Boots and Shoes, Tuscan and Sfraw: Bonnets, F]owci-, &c. &c, all of vvliich will be sokl as cheap as they can " be bonght at any oiher store in Michigan. The above Gooris were selectjr ed with great care, and we feel assured that we can convince purchasèrs of o the truih of what we say. The liighest price will be paid for Wool. We a will alsó receive all kinds of produce in excliangc for Goods at the highest market price. Purchasers are respáctfullj invited to calland examine for fhemsclves. r' Ann Arbor, May 6, 1844. 3-tf TAMES GIBSON takes this method of informing his ' friends and old customers that he has again entered fle Mercanfile busir ess, and is now opening a general and splendid assortmenl of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SHELF HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C. i i all of which will be offerred to the public as cheap as the cheapësf, for Cash or Barter. Wool and most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be laken in exchange for Goods. ! $& Take no man's word, but examine for yourselves at No. 5, Huron e Block, Lower VUIage.. i Ann Arbor, .May 15, 1844. 4-6m. j ■waiwnwnmii i n wuvwnunLiaiJiLmjiMMammmBmmmuu ■■ ■■■ , c I c NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER M A ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN. l K ■ II! R p 2 FELCH has removed his establishment from the Upper io 1he Lower D - Village,No. 4, Huron Block, where he holds himself in readiness to 'dress P' he "understandings" of every Man, Woman, and Child who will give him - cali, in the neatest, cheapest, and best nianner that can be done in Mich igan. c LEATHER and FINDINGS of all kinds constantly on hand OF CAS f I and HIDES, in any quantitiee, for which the highest prices will % be givea. m Ö@Let none purchase until they have called at Felch'e, No. 4, ?ƒ Flock. Ann. Arbor, May 4, 1844, fr; T- - i - ni- imm ■! ■■ ■ i in 'n - : aïi


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