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IVotïce to ITIerchants. THE Subscribers encouragod by the patronage they have Ijiithorto received in the wholesaïedepnrtment of their business, will the j first dny of May next. open the store now occu; pied by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Huron streef, and connecting wah their present store j m the rear. exclusively for a I 7TH0LB SALEO ROOM, Iwhere ihey will keep at all times a iull assortment of Dry Goods. Boots, fy Shoes' CctrpetI ing Hats, Caps, Paper Flangings, Bonncis, Crockery by the Crale, Hardware and Groceriesj fyc. Sfc. 8sc. nll of will be sold on as good terms as at any point this side of New York City. G. D. HILL & CO. Ann Arhor, Mnrcli 26, 1844. , 48tf. ■ Hiew Ylstahiïttihinvnt. THRZ3SHZNG MACHIMES. KNAPF, HAV1LAND cV6 Cü. would respectfully inform the farmers of W.tshienaw ' and the surrounding counties tliat they have ee-r I tablished.tlicjnstlves in Lower Town. Ann Arbor. for the purpose of manufacturing Tlireshing Machines. JHaving been for many years engnged in ihis business in Ohio they feel that they can with confidence recommend their work. They are making the Burrall & Cadiz Machines and ííorse power: also Eastman's planatary power, different from any other made in this country and generally preferred to any other Machines, which they intend to sell at stich pnces and on such terms as ca mi o t fail to giye satisfaction they are deterrninëd not to be outdone by any similar establishment ehher in price, style or quality of work. "Competition is the life oftrade"and all they ask of the Fannirigcommunity is ':o patronize them so far as to give them an opportunity ofsupplping a part of the Machines that may he wantod. ïhey are prepared to repair old Machines. Their shop is ín the basement story of H. & R. Patridge &. Co's Machine shop, where they may be iound to answer all calis. KNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVILAND, J. E. MC I.A1N. Ann Arbor. April 29. 1844. fími WRICJHT5S vlletlicatea Piaster, spread for immediate use. PRICE ONLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL. IN slight ailments, or where the patiënt prefers a less expensive article than the "Anti-inflnmatory and Rltcumatic Piaster," these will be found highly beneficia]. Being aheady spread for immediate applicaiion, tliey willsbe found very convenient for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Side.. Breast. Siomach, between the Shoulders, or wherever there is Pain, or where a Piaster is needed. They may be rendered more serviceable by pasting a piece of cloth on the back of them beforc they aie appned. Multitudes have been relieved of pain and suffcring bythese Cheap Piasters. For Salo at Mosely's Bookstore, ond by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Ageut for Michigan. ' 16-1


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