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Will bcpublished every Monday morning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, FoR THK MlClIIGAN STATE AnTI-Si.AYKBY SoCIETT. TERMS. One copy, paid in advance, or as nearly aoas maybe, Two Dollars. Fivk or more copies, toonePost OiHce, ifpaid in advance, at one time, One Dollar and twjentt-five cents encli. Tkn or more copies, to one Post Office, if paid in advanco, and at one time One Dollar each. Clehüymen', on paying arrearuges, ' eau have the Signul for one year for Oke Dollau, in advance. (TT All oíd subscriben?, on pnying arrcaraeee, can join ihe chtbs of' Five or Tkn at auy time, by forwarding the advance pricc. N. B. - All Club papers will be stoppkd as soon as the advance poy shall be exhausted. Al! others wiü be forwardcd until ordereddiscoutinued. All subscribeis will bo expected to pay within the year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For one square, oue nsertion, 50 cents. . " " caehsubi-equentinsenion, 25 cents. Legal Advertising by the iolio. Tcrmsof Advertising by the year or quarter m.'iile kuown at thooífiae. i , DU Manufacturéis, Booksejiers, Machin6te, Wholesale Merchante, and all olhers doing an eztensive, business, who wish to advertise, will find the Signal the best possible medium of coinmunication in the State. (O All Remittances and Communications should be addressed, Post paid, [CFSignalof Lihku'i v: Ann Arbor, Mjch.jrjj


Signal of Liberty
Old News