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Liberty In Vermont

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r. WeLavejust receiveda letter fiora a forf- mer Secretary of State of Vermont who wn e superseded in office because he refueed on anti-slavcry grounds to support Harrison anc Tyler- .from 'vhich we extract the foüowing n passage :-Li b. Standard. s 'The Liberty cause is ropidly advancing . here. We shall, I think, doi.ble on our . vote of Jast September, and send some twen 0 ty men to the Legialature who wil!, stand . fire," "uhiie there is a shot lefl in the lock. er." e Liberal avd tolerant -The last Jonesboro' . (Tennessee) 'Wh)gr editcd by a delégate to ; the Whig Convention at Baltimore, cotitains . the following editorial exprossion : 5 'Our opinión is that tbere is to be no peace !n tbiH vast country, till the Mormons and -' Calholics are extermmaled. , Lalerfrow Mexico War Vera Gruz dates are to the 14th July. E.uenstve preparntions are m-king for a movement of the Troops on Texas. Gen. Woll has issued hia procla; mation giviog notice of the termmation of he armistice bet ween Mexico and Texas, charging the laller vvith bad faith in treating for annexation with the ü. States. Supplies for the army are advertised for to be deJivered at Malraoras. It is very sickly at that place. Two gentlemen, noted for their fondneed of exageration, were djscussing the fare at their different hotels. One" observed that at hia hotel he had tea so strong it was necessary to confine it in au uon vessal. At mine,' said the other, tit is made so week t has not strengt h enougb. to run out of the teapot!' The Grcal Gas Microscopt.1 - They have in New York an instrument thls name, wbich it is said makes a Jlea appear Üfty fwe f eet long, his legs twelve ftet, the ha ira on them a 'ee' long; the head several feet 'm diameter - the eye a Jool, &c. ; Vote on the Central Railroad cars on Saturday: Polk so Clay 8 Birney s Frae Press.The Cars have Arrived. - On Monday the cars commenced their regular trips to and f rom this vilíage. No event ever brought greater joy to the hearts of all our citizens. It was a day of universal rejoicing. W'hen the train arrived in the afternoon it was greeted with 'the fire of artillery and the shouts of the assembied people. The trip from Detroit was performed ia eighthours; so that we are only eight hou re distant from the city.- Marshall Expounder. DonH throw away our vote. - You know that the Whig party cannot succeed in this State. Why then thi-ow away your vote? If yourvote is cast for Polk it will teil for slavery; if for Birney, against slavery; if for Clay, it will iell for nothing. - Ban. Gaz. The same thing is true in this State. - Let our Whig friends think of it. They cannot secure the vote of New Hampshire for Clay; but they' can takê thisopportun-ity to bear their testimony against slavery. Will you do it, friends? If you are abo-litionïsts, let it be seen. - New Hamp. Freeman.A Liverpool paper síates thaf a mar solí a number of birds as Cañones, whicfc were found to be only sparrows paintec yellow. is equal to the Connectioül pedlar, who sold tlie Wall síreet financiei a paír of spotled ponies, which tbe firsl rain washed into dirt) greys. ït is said that C rock ford, tbe celebrafed London gambler, who was very near his end at the time of the late Epsora races, exhibited irr his dying moments "a frightful anxiety as to the result." A London paper justly pronounces it a fearful case of "the ruling passion strongin death." According to the latest accounts, poïitical executions had commenced in the Roman States. Seven of the Ivventy individuals sentenced to death by the military commissioners sitting at Bologna, were shot in that city on the 14th inst. The best friends of the Papal government deprécate these executions. It appeara by a letter irom Algiers that the attempt to organize a corpsein Algeria, mounted on camels, which was at first a faikrre,has at length beerr successful. Three hundred men mounled in this manner, accümpanied the last expedition, and manoenvered to the perfect satisfactlon of the officers. Pass it round, That thö slaveaoíders of the South number only about two hundred and forty thousand, while the whole' population-of the Union is ot fax from twenty millions- so that the proportion of the slavemongers is about as one man to eiglrty of the whole people; yet this one manan eighty has ruledthe nation" fortyfour years out of fíie last fifty six, or four fifths of the time sinee the constitution was adoptad. Pass it round, That the slaveholders have ruled lon-g cnough.-Herkimer Freeman. It said that messengers havo been sent from Nauvoo to hasten the return of the twelve Mormon apostles, who will =hoose a successor to Smith 0 their arrival at the holy"ïou maytalkof the bonds of affec s tion,thetiesoffriendship, and all that " ( says Krantz, but I know of no strongér 3 attachmenf than that whicb a sheriff enr tertains fora poor debtor who can't fork over." r : Thompson's Bank Note Repórter states tlïat John Jacob Astor owns a tvelfth part I of the real estáte of the city of N. York Stephen Whitney also owns real estáte in the city to the amount of two millions of dollars A young slave was taken from one of the vesselsin Boston harbor, by a writ of Habeas Corpus. He was brought before Judge SfraW, by whotn he was set at Jiberty. When asked why he wanted to slay at Boston, he said, "Becausc tkere is more good her e. I want o le free." A wise choice, and a good reason- "because there is more good here." The drama ],M not been (Sr years at eo low an ebb in England, as at the preaent time. Thea tres, which have horetofore been good propcMy can now with difficulty find lessecs. " ' The Catholics expended Home Missions in the United States last year, 138,176. and the American Missionary Society, $9,000. Remember if you vote forBirney, yoü vote fpr the liberation of 3000,000 of your countrvmen who are in bondage for no cnmewhatever; if you vote for Polk or Cïay you rote for thecontmuance of their bondage. In England there are 1075 cotton factorieB: employing 183,253 hands; Scotland 156 factories and 32,580 hands; in Ireland 28 factories and 4011 hands.Box Injluence.- What boxes govern thé world? asks a New York paper; and it answers íhe question thus:- The cartridge-box, the ballot-box, the jury-box and the band-box. Handsome Conducf.-The True Sun says:- "We understand that Philo P. Rust, Esq., will not c)aim the $7300 damage assessed by a jury in the case of Rust vs Webb for libel. Mr. Rust L satisfied rzth lh(? Justice done to hiV characler by the verdict, and honorably and liberally deeKeed receiving the money." Northern farmers continue to flock fo Virginia, where land is so cheap, free labor so effective, and markets so near- The región back of Alexandria, whose importance is now daily increasing, combines the salubrity of an old settled country with the fmitfulness of a ncsv, and is destined ío a high career of improvement", About the best joke of the season is eontained in the Augusta (Me.) Age.- Tbat paper says that 'the South want Texas, not as asa means of extendingand perpetuating slavery, but as the_ only means which human sagacity can discover of geding rid of slavery. This may be the ground Mr. Calhoun takes in bis letter to Mr. Packenham, but weconfess we did not understand it so. More light! DUraUUlyof Cedar.-k cedar slvingle was put on the barn of Ensign Abel Bliss, Wilbraham, in May, 1740, and jtL ken offby his grandson, John Bliss, July 9, 1844- making it 104 years old and yet but little rotten.


Signal of Liberty
Old News