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JFcaíiaers & Papes? SI siagisage ?rT"VlE siibscTiber will Leep n rujipiy oí öêéBi JL Fenthei8 cóoBtoiuly on fannd. Abo sn as6(irtpf P)crMaBgings, Bwrdi rl Pa i"4; pera,'Ao. V'. A. JÍAY.MOND, y 148Juíf. Avenid. Dfetroít uo] M :v 2 ). 4 jntí ' CHARLES I-I. STEWART, k, ATTORNEY' AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND k SOLICITOR IN CHANCEftY. jnSFFKOSOM VftSDfi DETROIT. HELPMÏÏALONsl ITep tóöSö y?o slrive to help t.hemselves ky IToacst ïnctvsïr. Tïie ' t) i, íj.n,1 ' i h" y ffcí (r ahsciifT to cfv bift (br r.t i: -, V:fJ to ii non '! ?■ f ';i'i d to Í '■;! ;i u-, !li U la.On UmidwijjtJ Avtaüc, u s dur-tü íJio A 'A'iír'ts Scwlo F'-citüv, betmpim AiTc-r .-r.(i 1 liltle Ciu-dpcr liura' lif st ftr ÍVíV. - ', He will ü!so CPiwifitio t entfy t o i.': TAiLüñINO AND CLOTMES GLtlAriiNQ All po"ons i;o;i f rfene', pnint, il, Ii{;tl, !r. &C i'i i's r:oin tftcir cl'fr: ir wil3 do Vi'cl! to f ! (.;i fii-.-i; crs h- moáfi oi clesnin - Sy t pf-éce.s tff Öórn, h ü'áfíüíífá lo eöinpl;i iy ncBOVAie ?)." 'i?n: :r-?, atd ;ive thcfii ffae pieTuirc8 óf NLV, VíÍ!oi dH2 hyury '" lo lhi cii-ü! Hl (.;?( or ii;r; .:: y. Collar íxf.d "'6 Bíosüíí v C'ii"8 virpiranu ?r' ehrwe. Anykjqd;' 18 in ihc r,cn(c:n t-!e, aad on tiTjWü.to convor.d ■es w,jj ,0 5-ttlncefi prieel in other businfss. c He respéctfillfy niurfi-i hifi Sinctte ihscka to r"y ihcoiiifins of Detroit, and ;Le public in g Q" for their very lil)er;:! ... iirre!es tofore receivtdjiind hoprs that oy f consínfit et,oi ertioi and Btriet atter.ïioa !o ! to rñrít e and coniinus to rêcoivèi :i sL.-.-e of puWicpötron'' aga lo iiclp kiiu LÍong ia (he W OiïLD. id waaf: L-:.;;:KRT. a' AT. Ii. - New rf] ícoo{J hnöd clolBInñ bbugfit, cjI'J, cxchííígeri, or tafeen in pnj rnent ir cjcn" ïtg or rcpmriAg. ílrilers afteuded to m any prt of the All ol wiüchis reïpecifullyaubujitied. Dun't f'rtret iknt Liibí-rt' and ClütJjing cs.T-bi'gluuefrt isoa bödward Avenue, ] nexi door to Hyde & íc-hlií Factory, Utíivveen Aíft'ri'.r aiid Wo'pdbridgé strtie. CúfruLnryLfs, Voctvn, farmers. and Alen hanU to ',' . Come Irintr.. yiiir old gurmtTiU and hart t'.'rm '9 made vnc. . ïw.13 ,, Je. iïfcj itüar 0 MAC. S. k npiIE Subscr-ibera i-re now ïnnniicf.ii-in e X UORSK I-O'iVí.ííjí&üiITJííJ:.: K-J.G f .MACIJLf.S, cuüx'riKMfd in the tx:T íí.kí ost durable menner. The powefft a í ur bprse power, bui i aiso a Jirst power for fvvohor.s wlien wsiiiwj ili ihut parpes, Ji ie t-j'iirt:W unUle any (haf havt evèr'èeea oifcred t the pubiie in this S'taie or c!-fwLe;o; anti i t tlieveá to goejiess mporri -uiv siïy r-fher poiAor. ï t v. il wörfc eí'.-,. (u.a; i, uuh ..s streiv'.h oi power) than öther ;■■■.;,; i;. ore - compact öJid conven ient to move"; öècupying only ihree fect by even. anti er bi i. ■ .'■ mhi - corrinion won bojt u-ith ihe : rfiher rmd { drs wn by.-oae pair üfhíirscí :íth ' nf meicvisl, and durftilify, re unhc-ci i n the '; c(snt;;ruciioii oí'i-.C!--rí Michines ; heice t í ■ y can ! _ná wiil iceo]d VÍJíiV LOW , ;,r.y Mscbineshavecvor hfcns&ld in iiis Sime. Vc re smious to coll therr íar C.SH, n;d íuuso 3 wbo etn pay CAH aic eejxjcwÚjr iüvit-jd ocal] li on s._ The cylinácie to t iie ilirc.-.hcrs aie sil ron. c ThÍG is the best power in exisícnce íor Farmere to use. for ihreshing théij ov:i griin, and has beeo got up wiíh a aew to ibeicsfifldal ncco.mmo.dittion. The faciíity with wáich it on be - moved from oncplu'e lo anoiiier rer.cii'rs ic convenient fox er-veral join i qyvaera. Whei te , e r a p.weT is waiue.I for 7vo horses, a threshe-r. of - pitable size vill be cobsuucted at vory shórt pólice. T-A-o or íbrec, Farjners. tavlng lare crops tothreeh can piKchaee cr.o of these Mactóoes joiDtly, at Iess cost to each than iie eéñse -o; v job threehing íor óp.e year. T!.e estoblishítient ís 2 n:i!es wcs' frpm Aan Arbor, oa the Raíl íioad, oa the Hurón. 'i - S. V. FOSTLR & CO. r Scioí, June :7, 1844. 0:f


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