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Foreign News: Fifteen Days Later From Europe: Arrival Of The...

Foreign News: Fifteen Days Later From Europe: Arrival Of The... image Foreign News: Fifteen Days Later From Europe: Arrival Of The... image
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The Bteamer Acadia. Capt. Harmoir, irrited at Boaton on Sunday afiernoon, bringing London and Liverpool Jatea of the 3d inst. 1 he news is intesestiog' and important in tereral respecta. The Cotton market althoogh not rerj animtmated harl beon fully susrained. Money was plenriful and likeïy to continue v na no fears are entertainedof an export of bullion tnking place to meet orders for foreign grain and flour. Firat closs bilis are I and othera 2 to 4 per cent. The harvest this year (snya the JEuropran Times) will be eaiiy and product ie. Attempt have been made tu assassinate the kingg of Pruwia and Greece. The French appear determincd to continue, at all hazards, the waragainit the Eniperorof Morrocco - while tbe accounts from the Society Ielands, of the expulsión of the Brititfc Consul at Tathiti, havecaused great excitement ir England, and an apology bus been demanded of the Freneh Government. O'Connell continue in prison, and no decieion ha yet been made on the writ of error. The overland mail, with news from India ná Chinn, arrived in London on ;be lat inst. The account, represent tbe Punjaub as being atill in a feverish state, and in the preeent distraeted condition of that country, a colusión between tho Sikhs and the British iroops is probably not ditant. Cantón had been the scène of ome noting, which had, however, been speedily auppreeed, without any disnstrous resulta The State Prisoners have been allowed to haft a gymnasium erected in tbeir prison; and on each Tuesday, Thuraday.and Saturday,Mr. O'Connell and his companion amase and exercise themeelves therein. VlSIT OF THE KlIfO OF THE rBKfCH TO Eslak. - It is well known, eay tbeMornmgHerr ald, thatKing Louis Phillippe had promiwd t# pny Her Majesty a visit thisautumn. It ia now understood that His majeety will embark at Tre port in the month of September, for this country His Majesty wfll be accompanied by two ahip of 74 gune, and four or five sieamers, and wiB landnt Portsmouth, whence he will proceed by railway to the station neareat to Windsor. Hii Majesty will remain eigbt daya at Windior, ná will not visit London. ÏÏT The European Timea thu grouptthe foi eign iutelligence: A glance at the news ander the hea;d of Tahitii shows that tbe misunderstanding there between the French and the Englisb bas increaaed int the public attention was directed to It will afford Peel and Guizot a nut to crack during lh parliamentary recess of their respective coonirie. A good deal of vexation and ilUblood exi in England on the subject; but the affaire ia too paltry to set two great nations by the ea - albeit, great reeults have sprung from cause eqpally


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