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Ntw Yokk, Julyö, 1844. It givea tr.e pleasure to siaie ihat my friend Vlr. E. G. Burger, haa ben well known by oie fora numbtr ot'yeari; ihai he ís j latly regardcd amongst the first in our profussion n thia city and ustain ft charaoior of ilrict utejiriiy and moral worth. J. SMTTH DODGE, Datuisi, 47 Bond Street. JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOK AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL tiend to the sale and t-xcliango of Land, payment of Taxes, and redeinpion of Landa sold for Tuxea in vackson and adolning countiea, examination of Titles, Conveyancing. and all business pertaining to Real Esnte. Office in the Court House. Jack8on, Michigan. 17-if. Seeds. WANTÊD.- The following Sceds, to bo delivered before ihe lst October noxi, tor which a fair price will be paid in Frirn Trees, Shrubbery or Gooda: 5) Iba. Cucumber Saeds 20 do Musk and Watermelon do ' fit) do Red and Bload Beei do 25 cio Red and White Onion do 20 do Cabbago do 5 buah. Early Juno Pea, 3 do Early Marruwfat do 2 do Larga do S, B. NOBLK. Ann Arbor, Aug. 19, 1844. J7-6v.THE MJSSES CLAilKS' IToung Iadies' Seminar?, A.NM ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MARY II. CLARK, Principal. CliLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal,' MISS WEST. Teacher in Musie. J. F. SCHOFF, do of Classics, do do in Prench. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica. RHOBYE. CLARK, Teacher ot Ju venile Dopt. THIS Institución hns been in operation sinco November ld, 1839. Tlie scholastic year lubracing Wty-eighi weeks, two term, compn mg two guariere each - twelve weeeka in a quarer - a general examiuaiion at thö close of each rm - n February and Auguit. 'T'be lust (juarter of the present term cora nenced Míj 20th. Afier a month's vncaiion, il the close of" this qunrter, which ends tbe scho nstic year, school vvill be again resuined the first veek in September next. Tjii.m3 of Tuitioji. - För the English branch. a, $2,50 to 5 per quarter. No reduction made ox ainencc, except in case of sickness, and no upil taken for leas than a quarter. Extra chares are tnado for muaiu on tbe Piano, with the e o' the instrument, $8,00 French, :i,(,0 Latin, 3,00 Drawine and Paiuflng, 6,00 Funcr Work, 3,00 Board, ineluiling waehïng, Iights, Ac, $1,75 or weelt jf aid in advance, or $2,00 per week. Fpaid at the close of the quarter. Parents and gunrdians are invited to "visit the cbt)ül every Friday, when the studiee of the week are reviewed - a!so emi-numthly on Wed isday aftenioon, at readingof tbe weekly comoaitiona. Young ladiet desirous oí entering tho school ad pursuing ibe regular cours of siüdy, would 0 well to cornmence at tho begining of the erm. Haring purchased a healthy and commodioua uildingin a pleasant and convenient part of the illage, no pains or expense shall be spared te kcilitate the studies and render the siiuation of ïe young ladies profitable and agreeabJe. Belonging to tho school are a Library of be vreen ihree and four hundred volumes, and Phï-1. sophieal Apparntu?, Electrical Machine, Globes, &.C Seiemfic lectures are delivered before tb. chool at proper intervals. Tho Miases Clark will encfeavor, not only to romote the intellectuïl culture of their pupila, ut will auend strictly to their moral deponment. With a deep sense of religioös responsibility, thev would gire such a tone fo character, as shall eender it proctically fitte J for every station - yield ing toduty but firin to principie. Among the books used in rhe school are, Abercroinbio n the Intellectua! and Moral Power -Kane's Elements of Criticism- Wayland's Moral Science- Newman'e Rhetoric-Hedge'a Logic- Paley's Natural Theology and Evidence of Christianiiy- Comstock's Cheinistry and Natural Philosophy - Combe'a Physiology - Mrty Lincoln's Botany - Eatcn's Manual of Botany - Burritt'sGeography ofthe fleavens- First, Seo ond and Third Books of History- Mrs. WiU liard's Repuhlic of America - Phelps' LegaiClas síes- Playfair's Euclid, and Davie'a Algebra and Arilhuietic - Parker'g Natural Philosophy. Tho Misses Clnrk haTo tnught a Young Ladies School for several yearsin the Ciiy of Nevr York, andaré furnished wiih teatimonils from Rt. Rey. Benjamin Oírderoíonk. D. D.. and John M. Griscon, M. D., of New Ycrk, Rer. J. L. Blake. of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emrua Willard, ot Troy. N. Y. ; also, referenco is made, by per mission. to the following gentlemen : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry. D. L., Robert Rumsey aftd L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Detroit ; Rev. ltaac S. Ketcham. Centreville ; Rev. J. Hudonr White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Xotchurn, Marshall ; Hem. Win. R. Del and, Jack son; Puul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan, Adrián: Daniel Flixson, Climon; Gardino Wheeler, M. D., Howell; Rev. F. H. Cuming, Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Colclaier, Éey. A. M Fitch. S. Dentón. M. D.. P. Bngham. M. D Hon. Wm. A. Fletcber, Hon. Wm. R. Thomp' son, E. Mundy, Esq., John Allen, Esq., Geo. W. Jeweit, Esq., Col. Thoma Mosely, Capt, J. Perkina. Thomas M. Lado, F. Sawyer, Jr.f Esq , late Superintendent of Public Intiruction, Professors Whiting. Williama and Honghton, of the Universïty of Michigan. Ana Arbor": Jme Birdsall and Rev. Joirn Beach, Tlint; Amoa Mead. Esq., Furmington. The folfowing gentlemen, Rey H. Colclnzer Rev. O. C. Comstock, Kev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curt ss. Professors Whiiing and Wiíliamsr oí ihe University of Michigan, and F. Sawyorr. Jr.. late Superintendent of Public Instructionr have consemed toact as a visiting committee ol the Bchool to be preseut when tho weekly aiuJica are reviewed; but especiaHy to attond duriug the semi-annual examinatioK9. September 4, 1843. gtf DENTISTRY. THE Subscriber again ofièrs hia professional! services to the inhabiiant of Ann Arbor. and as he ia anxions to secare the confidence of all persons requiring the aervico oí an exponeneed DENT1ST, will be pleased to prwenttc those caJüng ifpon him satiractory testimonial; af his long and euccessful practico in th oitr of. New York. He would observe tbat encouraged by formcr success he has removed hia family to Michigan, and will m&ke thi place his prinoipaHoca-tion. Hi term will. in nö case, bo unretsontfl#; and all operations warrnnted E. G. BURGER, DentisU Office at the residenco of Mr. CharU Thayer, Huron st. August 2, 1844. The following are a íow of tho numerou ttf timonials Mr. Burger con present in farorofhi experience and professional abilitiea. From tho Rev. J. L. Blak. Nkw Yokk, March30} 184 I have been personally acquainted with Dr. E. G. Burger for severul years, and entertain for Himj a feehng of einuere respect: when livirig inEart Broadway, hc was employed by my famiy ir several operationa upon the teeth, and t havo fui! confidenco of hiu skill ín the eeveral of Dentistry, according to ihe maat pproved mode of practico. J. L.- BLAKE, m f r xi NeX. M-yl3, 1844; Mr. E. G. Bnrger havmg been employed! by Beveralofmy friends in various opeFatïODupoK their teeih. during a period of twelvo year-paf 1 take pk-asure in adding my name in-favor of hi bilities as a Dentist. WM. S. TOMPKIÏïg Ml Oir 164 Bowory; t, - t Srvr YoRK'f May 2(y, 1844. Believintf Mr. E. G. Burger to bea gentleman well skilletl in his professioHv and of excellen chnrncter. it nfTords me pleasuro to recommend him toall who have ncedoí the services oí an oxporienccr) Dentist. GEO. F. HÜNTrNGTON, M. D. Ö61 Third Avenue. CïTRESTOMATHlC I KSTITÜTR. fc Rye. WeslchfsteivCo. N. Y. May2J. '44: 5' I have been nequninted vrith Mr. E. G. Burger, of New York City, Dentist, for some ten-or iwelve years, and t givcs me great pleasuro to. hear testimony to the hifh moral worth of Mr.. B., nd to his-ekill as npractitionor in the Dental art, Such o my a have throughmy' indivHufll recommemlation formed an acquaint-. art e' with Mr. Burger's prnctiec, have spoken of his cervices with entire satisfaction. With thia estiiTintion of his nbiliti, aud my regard: for bim as a Gentleman, ƒ dt most cordially commend him tci the favorable consideration-of al whomayhave occasion ta avait theniseíves oi his. professional services.. SAML. U. BERRIAN. Njcw York. Mny 22, Ï844. An intimacy with Mr. E. G. Bwrger for the nst 18 years enables me to add iny tesrimoiiy as o his irrtegrity and mornf woith, and having aailed myself ot hi urfcásioaal services to a onsiderable extrnt lor the last 7 year an, with pleasuro and confidenco. recommend im toall who may have need of Dental operaions. E. A. VANDERHOOF, Firin of Spoars & Vanderhoof, 145j Water pt. Jí. Y,


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