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Liberty Proceedings In Virginia

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From a letter dated August 4th, 1344, Oijio County, Va., we extract the ïollowing : "We have taken steps to have 500 copies of the proceeding-s cf our on tlie 15th of June, and the addrefs. f-'truck offfor circulation. Wenoreed wth J. S. V hartón of the VVheeling Times, to do it for us, and he fpund nothing in the address or proceed ings very objectionabie;. but owing to tho Jpngth of them, he thought he could not with propriety put them in hi? wcekly paper. The tone has underone a gieat chango in regard to anti SJa very eince 1&3U.'' Cin Herald.OThc edifor of the Detroif Free Pre.-=s has been to a oreat Democratie Co.nvenlion, at Nnshville ; and while retratad at the iuxurious tables and m the fplemüd parlurs of the Slaveholdcrs, he hs lea.rhed, frQin conversa - tton vilh the mrtsters and mislresses, tiiat the Slaves are very contented and happy- -that they are 6e!dom nbned, rarely vëftasltd. finely dressed, ab!e to buy luxuries, some times have a glass of wine - thev are iltbe very cocks of the wnk," ?c. &.c. So bc writps home, as he snys to "give facts for the Information of Northern men,'' líe seeniü delighted with (he iristitmion. Suppose he testimony of the Slaves should b fieard, be fore judgment is pronounced in favor of the xnaster ? Some of them might teJI a difleieiit story.CCAt a great Whigr meeting in Springfield, Mass., Daniel Webster assauïted the Liberty party Tor the first time. Tlie fnct that the great gun was brought to bear upon it, demónstrales its grotving1 impórtanos. Webster only repeats the old worn-out story of 'responsibility,1' Sic. He "pronounced," among other things as folio ws: "I say distinclly, that every man who votes For Polk, gives a vote for (he nnnexution of Texas: and every mnn who votes for the third p.irly candirlate, pives half a voto for the ame object, bocnnse he places liimselfina powition, all of whose influente, ben rings and results, tend dirodly to that end. I qiWion not the motive of any man who cnRts such a vote, but hia act ie just what I pronotmced it to be, and if nnnexation does taire place, he isanswernble for il fo his conscience and his country." (Lond cheers.) Now we agree with Daniel, that he who rotes for Polk gives a vote for' anncxalion ; but is not the pame tnio of ft vote for Mr. Cly, who icontd be glad to see it," and who pronounces it tinwise to refuse" this "permanent acquisition" on account of Slüverv ? Even Daniel's mighty intellect cannot ehnw an essential diiference between the two can.didates, where none exisls.OCThe Inet Staíe Journnl conuins the ïiamea of 24 persons of this counly tvho caü fheniaelves "members of the Liberty party," rho nnnouivce tlieir determinaron tq vot? for Mr. Clay for the purpose of keeping out Te.váa and provériting1 tho extensión 'ofSInvery. T'hfiy had not eken Clay's last letter in favor of Tejfaa and Slaveiy. when they sig-nod th árticle in the Journal! How many of the nijjnérs have ever voted a Liberty ticket, or á'ny part of önó. vve know riot ; ns most of fliern are pereonally strangers to us. Our pnnr is full;' and we rritist defer furtber not'ce et the signera and their reasoiïs" till next week


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