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i The Mnlny )pples.Tw Malí saman : 'The Mffíay Apo.'e, n Érot linü.-m frnit, inow ra ived ar Vickvburgh, Missleippi. RKcientifíc nnriie is E(geiari 'lanihos n. ín UiíEast fndies, the r.arivo cllme fnr t'iis frnit. fhe íree grotvs loa hètg-lh of thi.-ry foet: at Vicksburír it is only five feet in isiulnii. The npplos are aböut tbè size oí" a feáf&íl peacíi. wiib a similar color, frosrrant erhell, and Ijuvfí the tate óf 'a vory swnct common applp, witf. one seed iñ (he centre, of the size and color of-a cliesínut." Fer? Gañil The iollpVing rpiluiion w.-i pnsseJ on the T2Éh oí June at Jackson, rIc!-:rgan: Rfso'vd, Thnt we camión al] our Lihctx 'friends to keep t'eir necks out of the horrtblf Polc, and their feét rom ihe miry Clay Dein. 'I wish Rfr. C!av,' Paid one óf dúr tim'ul Whigs to'ns yesterday, vvonid nol write any : more let! ers on Texas. Oiïly look at itfte is half in favor of annexaíion; he savs í=o in his Tufcaloosa leUeif' - Cindnnalti Ga'zetle.The editor then prncee-VMo show how unreasoiíablé this suspinon; It wónl do, npiglibhr. That letter lost liim'onc voter, ns we happen to khow-u man who Imd fully madeup his mind to support htm 'Gincinnalti Hr.rald'. T!:a letter hns'loit !iim" mnre tlmn ono vore'in this viciniry, ns we happen to know.- - Vennonl paper. The President of one of the Boston Cluy Clubs was ono of' t'e Iwo 'srnilemen of property and standing' who; n t líe great mob of 1886. tore down ilie sin of au nriti-slnverv office in Washington street.- Mul. Sldndad. Lovyell issnid to be the errentest miirryinH place in ihe country. Thre are thouatKls ot factory uU pining there, yfhía sm;il! fortune., Tor husbnnds. There were M4 nmonfi QInon? theiü during theyearendiiïy April 30. thé Missouri Reporter stn tes that thpre we-e fiftv deaihs in St. Louis, dn ring the week ending July 22d. Of these, thirty-fivo were cliildrc'n under fiveyears of no-e. A mannfncturer of wooíen combs nt New Haven, Conn., it ia jstated, has now on hand orders For no ]?ps than fourteen millions fn huridred thousand of these anieles. Beni'volnit - To work a slave frotn the tinif he can toddie, till he is fifty ycars oh), and then send hun out a miseionary to Liberia!- V - - ■ ■ ■ . - ■ . ■ ,,-. ■ - ■ , ... {n?A!I the cowarda will vote t'or ír. Cl.iy. They sy there is no dnnger of war, f he's eJècted, because he is under borida to keep the pence ! Oh, husfi! Liberty Party Triumph-in A'orth Carolina.- Vrtlli;im Slnde -says, the 'VVhigs tre the Liberty party of tho country;' nd frora al! Jtccounts ifie W'lngs have eurried North Carolina, üf couröe, then, Skvery will be jtbolislied n the State. We ehall see. P S. Gr.ihnm, Whig governor elect, is for tlie immecliaie Annexation of Tzas.- Loive.L Standard. Texa, flnd the dissolulion of iho 'Union, os the man sid 10 lus wïfe, when he was fimning f.r tho Subfne (o avoid the Shfnir.


Signal of Liberty
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