Herman K. Schallhorn Retires After 50 Years Of Embalming

It will be a new year of leisure for Herman K. Schallhorn, 82, of 552 Fifth St., who retires today after 50 years as an embalmer in Ann Arbor, the last 33 of them at the Muehlig Chapel.
When Schallhorn became an embalmer, horse-drawn hearses were used and it took several hours to answer a call out in the country.
Many times he was called out in the middle of the night.
He took his first embalming job with the late Enoch Dieterle on Jan. 1, 1904, Later, he attended the Haley School of Embalming in Detroit and received his state license in 1910.
He remained with Dieterle until the latter’s retirement in 1920. On Nov. 1 of that year he became an embalmer with the late Florian J. Muehlig.
After Muehlig’s death in 1926, he continued with the firm, which later was reorganized as the Muehlig Chapel, Inc., until today.
A native of Germany, he was born there on April 22, 1871. He came to Ann Arbor with his parents when he was 11 years old.
As a young man, he entered the employ of the late A.H. Holmes, who operated the Holmes Livery. The livery furnished hacks and horses for hearses. Schallhorn became acquainted with Dieterle in that way, and Dieterle asked him to work for him.
Schallhorn’s wife, the former Christine Feuerbacher, died in August, 1940.
Mr. Schallhorn has three sons, Carl, Fred A. and Edward A., all of Ann Arbor; and two grandsons, Donald and James Schallhorn, also of Ann Arbor.
Muehlig Funeral Chapel
Holmes Livery
Haley School of Embalming
Has Photo
Ann Arbor News
Old News
James Schallhorn
Herman K. Schallhorn
Fred A. Schallhorn
Florian Muehlig
Enoch Dieterle
Edward A. Schallhorn
Donald Schallhorn
Christine Feuerbacher Schallhorn
Carl Schallhorn
552 Fifth St