Fred C. Campbell Dies Of Injuries
Portage Lake Man Hurt On March 21
Fred C. Campbell, 67, of Portage Lake, died today in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital of injuries suffered when he was hit by a truck on McGregor Rd. March 21.
Mr. Campbell was born April 11, 1881, in Oak Grove, Mich., a son of Charles and Grace Young Campbell. He was married to the former Adelia Haab of Webster in 1909. The couple in 1910 moved to Ann Arbor, where Mr. Campbell, a tool and die worker, had lived since. His wife died June 22, 1948.
Mr. Campbell was a member of the Zion Lutheran Church; and of the Livingston Masonic Lodge of Pinckney and the Washtenaw Masonic Chapter of Ann Arbor.
He is survived by several nephews and nieces.
Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Muehlig Chapel, Rev. Howard F. Yeager officiating. Burial will be made in Bethlehem Cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel after Sunday noon.