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ATTE NT I O JÜtiV roceived at Uití General Depot, tor th sale of' Cloihiers Stook, Maclmiery, Dy Stuff, ifec. &c, íío. I3Ü. Jeffcrson Avenue Detroit, the ('oüowing large, well assorted, an arolully selected stock, vizt 10U bbls. Si. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Toas " 4' in Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons " " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. WooíÍ, Chipped, 50 Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, ' 12) " Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitroii fíark, 500 Ibs. NutgalU, 10 Cases Extract of Logn-ood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spunish índigo, 300 Ibs. Sümac Sicily, 3 Cask8 Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vuriol, 5 Casks Aluiru 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Crenni Tartar, 3 Carboya Aqna Fortis, 5 Oil Viiriol, 3 ;í Muriaüe Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 5J " Block Tin, Teasels, Twino, Copper Kettiea, all sízob, Parson'a Shearing Macliinea, Curtis' " " Serews and Press Pintes, Cranka, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tenter Kooka, Eniery, all Nu's., Olive Oil, Clothiers' Jacks. Sattinett Varp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles," Pickers, Card Cloaners, &c. &c. The above, with n variety of other anieles helonging to the trade, have been purchased th surnmer by the subscríbers from Manufacturerand í'irst Hands i tho New York, Fhiladelphio, ar.J Boston Markets, and evory thing having res ceived his personal inspection. he can with the i utmost confidence offjr them to purchasera as tkc best and most romjlr.fe st.ock in the country; and as ít is his fixed detennination (by the íow ratea ai which he will sell) to Drevent the necessity ot our Clothiers and Manufacturera leaving the I Stato to make their purchasos, h would mrly eay to the trade, CALL, examine the qoods and I ascertain prices before you say you can buy chenper anij icfierc e!se. He is also prepared to contract for CARDlIÍG I MACHINES made in tlus State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, JofTer8on Avenu, ri7-(f.1 Detroit.}DRY GOODS, DRY GROCERIES. Fcathers, Paper Haaagings, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesi cash rieea, at Raymond's Cash Store, 143 Jefferaon Avenue. De'roit. The undersigned haa just received a fiill a:oek of SPRING GOODS, of the mott dwimble Btylca and patterns, suitable for city or ountty Uade. AMOSO TTIUCB Am French Lnwns, Ginghatn Mualins, Musïin de Laines, Balzarines, Balzarine Muslins. Htriped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, of all qualïtiea, colora and patterns. Pnnlaloon and Coat ituffs, anch aa Gambroons. Swede? CassimoreSj Fancy Drillings, Linen Checks, Plaid Swedes. Fancy English Cassimere Broad Cloths, Kcntucky Jeans. &c. - ALSOJJlue Drills, do Linens, Fustians, Tickings, Checlv8, Linseys, Burlaps, Baggings, Padding, Canvass. Brown Sheetings and Drillings, Bleached Cottons, Swiss, Jackonet. Book & Barred Muslina, Wide Laces and Lace fldgings, of every deacription, ' Vestings, Bonnet, Ribbons, Linen Cambrio, Cámbrica, Hankerchiefs, Cravat8, &c. &c. &.c. Persons trading in the city are invired. at leaBt, to cali and look at this stock, and if ' the pricea are not as low as elsewhere, patronage is not expectcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. May 20r 7844. 4 6mTo Cloihicrs, ülannfecturers and ülcrchants. THE subsenber iijnow receiving at his stores. 188 and 190?3$fdrson Avenue, Detroit, tbc following carfully nnd well seïected Btock of Dtk Woods, Dfe Stuffs end Woolzh Makwacturer's Machinery. 55 tons Fusiic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'and Cartliagena. 10 tons LogwooJ, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Limo, 3 toris Camwood, very choiee, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 13D ' Fustic, " " 100 " Red Woods, " 120 M Camwood, " " 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 Blue Vuriol, 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tarler, 2 " Nutgalls. 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manüla and Gua tímala, 2 " Lac-Dye, 90 " ext. Logwood, 2 r Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Carboys Oil Vifriol, Spirits Sea-Saltsand Ni trie Acid, ALSO,Copper Kettles aml Clothiers' Screws, Tenter Ï'oo1i8, Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers, Card Cleaners, Weavers' Shears, Nippers and Burling irons, Comb-plates, Pickera and Bobbins. Wire. Worsied and Cotton Harness, Steel and Cane Reeds,J Broad Power, Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery, &c. Pasons' She;iring Machines, 4, 6, and 9 blades Allen's doublé and single Carding Machines.' Machine Cards. Leicester, The above gooda have been recently purchased directly from the imporiore and manufacturers, EXci.usivELr fok cas, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' prices, adding transporttition only; and in conïequence of the decline on many of the American manufactured articlcs. ■will, in many cases, be sold at fittken ter cent less tban formek pkici. Thirteen year experience in the Dye VVood business enablee the subscriber to say to his customers ihat he i prepared at all times to ttabrant hie goodsof superior quality. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wond and Dye Stu.T Warehouso 188 and 190 JefTerson Avenue, Detroit. The Ann Arbor Journal Ypsilanti Sentinol Fontiac Gazctte. Flint Democrat, Adrián Expositor, Marshall Statesmnn. Niles Courier and Republican, GazettPy Michigan City (Ia,) and h Enqairer, London (Canada) will each pubIish the above notice insido. the amount of Uree dollars, and send copy of notice with bilis to subscriber for payment. ]7-tf. BASKET 'WAKE. TRAVELLING BASKETS. &c- at MTM(?DS CASH STOREj W$ S-f 149 féff. ■ A vfe-rfw; Dbtwit,r DR. SMITIPS i ,. ■ ■ ■ ■ rrUIF.SE Pilis are prepared y Wm. M. Smiih, M. D.. laje ferpfesaor of Materia Módica and JL Phannncy in ihe Uitiveraiiy oí Lak e Erie. Oliio. Ui. fcniiih vvoukl say 10 ïlic publu, thnt ui offering ihcin tl. Pili, he presente no quaek nosirniu mat wil! by us irriüumg flirts upon ihestomncli and bowels crenie dise!1 wheic ilicie was lillle or none beiyre, bui onc thui 1 &iit;. mild. s.iJutnry und unilorin in iis eiïwcts upoii tlie wholesysiern. . He would eay that he has now spent 20 years ih research und nvesligaiion, dirtcled tq the Pa tholigv oi disenpt!, ind ilie propcriu8 üi inciJicinal subsiaiices, and iht:ir miapuuion (o úit removai of the malndies t) which flesli is heir. As tlie resuii of thuse labuis, lie is now ab!e u ive 10 the public a cornbinaiion oi' niediciial vegetable eubetances. whicU ia aa neai" perieuiiini. á cuío.u, tudy nnd cloee investigation, tet! ad expciiuiamw, cun briug it. He wüulti say to i'liyaician.s, t well as olhei6, try this piil; it will not docuive you. It is pecuHnrly adapicd io tie romovul nd preveution of the foilowing diseases: Biüous, Iniermittnnt, and JR.e:niitmn TeverK; Feyer and Agne, Cui'gh. . Liver ('o pl.iims, Sick Uuadaeli, Pnsive Dropsy, RIku iiawm, Enlargèmê'i üi iho Qpjen. Iuu-rual Tiit.:, C-uüc, Aciiluy oí tbc Siomach, Incïpiciit ))irnh(Ka. Hubituai C(tiveneie. and i u uil cases oi' Turpur of the Bowels, wf-i n urtihtrnc. apenen1,. or aliwutive.. is int di J. They aiv niild. yot ceriaiu in iUtir openition,.prodncinir "hf nausea. fiij)ii)g, uor debiüiy. The ageftta of tiloso Pilis re in! ruciad. b ce full Mti!aetion % noi given to fcny perron who ïuay purcliase them, that ihey slwll have nioiioy refuná. TESTIMONIAOS IN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M. SMITH'S ÜNIVEttSITY' PILLS.TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Woifei&B, Michigan, June 12, 1844. I Dr. SMrrn - Deur Rir, - Í tnfcc much picture in Lvinr my testjmony in favor of yo 8 ïaluable UNIVERSITY PILLS. 1 most cíieeríiilly recormnend them to the public aa . aafe, easy, and etricient catliartic for most of the dfoe'ugëa incident to thia región of countr . Il have made extensive ne of' them for fóur yeara in my prnctice, and I beiieve thein to s the BEST Anti-biJiouaCathartic or Auerient medicine ever co,-nbinwl and orFerod for ge e eral use. Yours, ice. GEO.RCÍE L ANDÓN, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Masillo-v, Ohio, Mny lat, 1844. 'I Dr. Smith - Sir,- I tke much pleainre in bearinty 'tegiiñioñy to Lhe efficacy of' yoi x I Pi)!s in removing büe f rom the slcinacfa, deiergin trie Liver, an( In a!l comploints emnha 'Itingfromthatsource. J. V. C. TELLER, M. D. I TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS, r f VVatehkoo, Micn., Mnrch 10, 1814. To Dr. Smith - 9ir, - For upnrds of six mantbs I wns cnieliy ajülcted with Fever nm ! I Ague, and durin thnt time could find nothing that gave me permanent relief; nt length bosv I ever your University Pilld vvere recorrnnended to me by one of the best Physicians in. these prt; and I am happy in beingf able to srjy, tbat from the use of one box I was permanent!)1 cured ofmy ague; since then a nnmber of', my family have been as Bignally bewtitted. Yuurs, RospectfuMy, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. I MonROB, Mich., June 1, 1844. I bereby cwtify that Dr. Wm. M. Smih hno been my Fumüy Physician for four years Ifa6tpaet: that he hns used his University Pilis 'm hia predice in my family wiih unparai Ieled 8uccs8; nd I think thetn pretemble to anv pi!l for bilious offection in the world. DANIEL GOODNOVV. hmkecper, Mucomb-Sl. House. TESTIMONIAL -OF'D. S. PARSMALL. Flikt, Mich., Jime 5, 1314. Dr. Smith - I urn hnppy to evf you my cordisl npproval of jour Univorsity Pilis. I [ am able to keep off Fever nnd Ague, nd-Fevera to wliich all of us ure subject in this VVëstern Country, by the timely nse ol' your University Pilis, Send an Apent this way as soon as poseible, for we nre all onr„ Yoürs, &tc. D. S.. PARSHALL TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND F l'FJÉLD. We certifv that wr ar aid hate boen nnminallv arnunintpfl vi-itli Wm XT Smih RTD., and knovv tliat lie isa man of euuiience in liis prolessin - and .that for four.yeara he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pímrmacy in the Willoujrhby Üuiversiry of Lake Erie, vyitfa honor to himself and saiiffactiou to the Trustees oud Fucnity, as vvell as te the Studenls of the above UuíversUy. As for hia Pilis, tliey are 'par excoüence." CHARLKS NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, IM; . B. F. F V FIELD. TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. This I cert'fy, thnt in tlie month of Seulember last, I was rutacked with Billious Fev'er (while avv-iiy from home at Owasso to buüd a water wheel) and with one dose of Srnith'a Unryersity Pilis, I broke it up; and as many uthers were sick at the timo, I administeed these Pii'ls to them, and in uil cuses it bioke up iheir levers. I have used liieta many times üince, tiid with great eucces. They are the best pilla I.ever used. RIAL B. CHASE, MUlwriehl. Shmwaseee Town, Mich. Jnne lst, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRÏGFiT. This may certify, that three years no I was attacked with Liver Complaint so s'everelv thnt I could ecarcely turn myself in bed; I used many specifica and lemerlies, such n's Brandreth's, Resurrectin, Oriental, and otber pilla, hut 'with linie or no effect. One year po, my friend Dr. Stnith called on me on his way to Boston, when he gave. me a box ot' his University Pille, which perfectly restored rae,.aad my lieulth hixs not ngain surtered from üke cause. ABIÜAIL C. WKIÜÜT. Rochester, N. Y., No. 13, Franklin Street, June 25, 1341. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN VV. MILLER. Dear Doctor - Justice requires me to state, thatl have sold your Univrsify Pilis for one end a half years last past, and that I can seil no others while I have them on" hand. The) have superseded the sale of all others - their eflectis truly wonderful. ' ' JOHN VV. MILLER, Drvht. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Sale by J. H. LUND, Lower Town, and VM. S. & J. W. MAYNARJ), Uprei Town, Ann Arbor. 13lvSö s 'y a # ï - o 5 5 3 w - ÏN S ■ O o L K o L5 S Ipil! "1 5 3 e = 3 "■$ igP . í !? = 2 5 = C Cb mm O l-s ii I - : 2iíS -El i-ís ílSIfi 132 a wn iifi-ji i g & E-. 8 1-5:3 2.3. S t vTj Fpi cil r Zfl miiïrlÊ " S' Cío J i V y 0 "3 KSTSSPV 5111? 5 Í %3 P 2 s' ggf itiii!1!? - M O 5' ËS# Sí1?oí O hy fcí jügj F gsa líiiii :i s1 fe ga m SB i a I i I I I m Ip Z. I.!P:E r S R Sfl lis s v?1 5 gg . M $ &é! AT THE CASH STORE OF iïnn Jlrhor, Lower Yïllage. i ...... i i JUST received at the above establishment, a complete as.sortment of Groceries, Crockcry, Shclf Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Tuscan and Sdaw Bonnets, FJovvciv, &c. fec, all of ivhich wil! so d as chéö as ihey can be bnr.giit at any oihrr si ore in Michigan. The above Gcous vvere sdected wiih gicat e;a-e, and we leel assured that we cahconvincë purthasern of ihe truih f what we say. The liighest price wil! bc -puid fOr Wooi. We will also receive all kinds of produce in exohange for :Goods ui the hihet market price. Purchasers are resptctfully invitcd to cali Ui,d examine for themselves. Ann Arbor, May , 1814.. ; . 3_(jpTRAMES CÍBSÓN takes this method o.f informing his w friends and oíd custoniers that he has n-ain entered f he Mrrcaniüe busiress, and is now opening a general and splendid assortment of ,,_ I Wi.l - 4„_„_ GIIOCERÍE8, CKOCKERY, SflEL? HARDWARE NAILS, &C.: &C. all of which uill he offcrred to the public as cheap as the cheapcst, for Cash or Barter. Wool and mosf kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wil! he falcen in exchnnge for Goods. #5 Take no man's word, but examine for yourseíves at No. 5, Hurón, Lower Vlllaire.. Ann Arbor, iJay 15, 1844. 4-6msi NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER ANN ARBOS, LOWEE TOWN. Q ■ FE LCH: has removed hs establishment from the Upper f o (heLower Viilage,No. 4, Hiuon Bloeit, wheie he holds hims.-If h readiness to 'dre the ''miderslanditigs" of every MaK,1 Woman, and Child who will give i,im a cali, in the neatest, cheapest, and best manner that can be done in Míen igan. LEATHER and FINDINGS of all. kinds constantly on hand. toa y CASH and HIDES, in any quantitiee, for which the highost prices will bt'. given. {jtLet none purchase until ihey have called at Felch's, No. 4, Huron Flock. Ann Arbor, May 4, . Í844, . 3_iyIoíice to IHerchaiifs. THE Subecribcrs encouraged by the patronage thoy have huherto received in the wtío.csule Hepannientofilieir business, will jlic i.'rst day pfMav n.uxt. open the atore now occupicd by Geo. 'Grenville; ' frotiimg on Iiur.on stréct, and connccting wiih their present store n the reár: iwc!tisiví!y f. ir a WHOLB ' SÁLSIS ROO3WE, where tliey will kecp ;u uil unies a luti assortnent of Dry Goods. Boots, .Simes Carpctiusr Hals, Caps; Paper Haiigings, Bonicts, Cracker? bij Uic ( rale, Hardware and G'oceries, 8fC. $'6 SfC. ill'of wlíich will be sold on as crood lerms as at iny point this IdeofNe-.v yirlt Qi'y. Cx. D. H1LL & CO. Ann Arbor. Mnrch W, Iw4l. 4Htf. w E'fablsshiiiirnt. mAOï-ÏIKSS KA'AL'i'? HAV1LANL & CU. woutd respectfully inforin ibe i'nrmers oí Wíishtenaw Tiid the surrounding countiea lliat ihey have E8ablished iheinséVves in Lower Town. Ann Aror. for the purpose ol'mánufacturing TJireshing Machi ncs. Having been for niany years engnged in this 'meiness in Ohio, thcy feel thiit they can wiili onfidence rccommcnd tlieir worn. 7'hcy are naking the Enrrall & Cádiz' Mncbines and '?O!se power; also Eastman's plan.-nary power, dificrent frosn any other rñ'ade in this country ind generally preferred to any other Machines. wtíich thoy intend to aell at auch priees and on stich terni8 as cannot fail to give sansfaction lieyaro deterniined not tobe ouidone by any imilar establishment either in pricc, style or ' H j n ! i ( y of work. ':Compeiition is the life of trade"and al] they sk of the Farmíng cornnmnity is ;o patronizè hem so far as to give ihem an opporiunnj f supplping a pari of the Machines that muy 'ie wantod. They are prepared to repair oíd Mnnliines. Their ehop is in the basement story of H. !t i R. Pati-idge Sc Co's M.ichine shop. where they may be (ound to answer nll cnlls. , KNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. i W. V. KNAPP, T. A. HAVir,-VND, J. E. MC t.AIK. Í Ann Arbor. April 99 lfl4. fiml WRIGHT'S I tledicated JP i sier ■, spreml for iniinvdiate use, PRICE ONLY ONE SHÍLLING, IN ORDEK TO - PLACE THEM V ITI1IN TUE MEANS OF ALL. ÍN slight ailments, or here the p.nieitt prelers a less e.xpen8ive anide iban t he 'Anti-inflamatory and Wioumaüc Pltisler," these wJl be found highly benelicial. Being aJready spread - for immediate applicaron, ihry wül be found very convenient for WK.VK Í5ACKS. Pain or Weaknfisa in the Sido. Breast. 8tomach. between the Shou-lders, or wherever thero is Puin, q or where a Piaster is needed. They may be rendejied more eerviceable by pasting a picce of cloth on rhe back of thcni before they are !)ü(!d. Multitudes have been relicved of pain and 1 surTerióg by ili.Re Cheap Plnsicr. J Por Sale nt Mosely's Bookstore. and by J. T. Slocking, Travelling Agent for Miehigun. 16-] yOLOTE! CLOTHÍ! TIJ E Suhscribers wouid inonn the Pubhc ilj.ii thuy wil[ continue to manufacture goou at 'hcir AInmiíactory,; Uvo and a halí mile we.t oi'Ann. Albor, on ihe Hurón, an ihe fuiíowin TERMS. Until the first dny of Kovcinber. A.D. 184J. the jricfe will be 'Í cents per y;nd. oí hnlf thi clo'htli!' .v-ooi II n.rike. From ihe )st of Nov eníber te iliii l.tli oí' May, 1845. ihe price wil i be 3!) cents per ynrd. or ninc iwentieiks oí thcloih ihe wool will mnkc, th;it is'. 45 yards oú( of 1(10 manufacturcd. 'J'he woolwill be niaiiu'i,;. tureil in turn is il may come into ilie láciory; n.-nenr ns may be with reftrenee to the different quitlities. Any person who will furnisli oí more p;irccls ol'uool from 80 lo K!() pouncls oí onc qn.ility cnn have it inanufiíctured by i tsolf . Wool will be rece ved at Sci ). Wool seni by Rnilroad will be aiiended to in the same m:inner as iftheownér were to come with it- ii sbould be carefully marked. We have manufnctured cluth dnrip the pnst year lor a very lniíre number of customers. to whom tve believe we have given very general satisfaction With these focts and ihe advnniagee ofíerecl by (he low price at whicii we oíler to manufíicture cloth, wt hopeior a large shaveot pairon;-se. SAMUF.L W. FOSTF.R & CO. Scio, Washteñaw Co., July í?5, J844. 3-tf LJew Hat Storei TAMES G. CRAiN'l-J wonld lespectfully inJl form ihe Public, (liat he has oponed a fine stock of Hals, Caps, Stocks, Cravafs, Scarfs, Collars, Umbrcllas and Gloves,No. 105, Jetfereon Avenue, Detroit, nearlv apposite the U. S. Cnurt Room and Post Office whero he will be happy O see his friends and mpply them with as good an anide in his line is can be procured, eithcr hoie or at theeast, ind us clienp. (' ■.il-men in the interior, wishing a first rate whionnblennicleof finta or Caps, can be eup)ierl by abndïnq iheirsizc or have any stvle furiished tii otder m a lew houis. and rcarrovted o mt. aHínidsce- it mny sHTe you n dollar . ' , JAA1hG. CRAiVR.' Detroit,, July 12 18-14. .QnLINEN SÍJKETING, two yards anda quarter, and thtee yarda widc. at RAYMOND S CASH STORE, ,, nn 148 Jgff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 Whigrs! JWhigsvT DEFENCE of the Wl,ig. U Hjg Almnnnes. Whig Songs, and Ufa of ilonry Clay by aorgeant. For aalc at Perry's Book Store. May -23 1844. 5 FÍRST rate Tca. Sugar and CoiJcc, at the lowcst tnnrknt prir os, nt IIAYMOND'S CASH STORE, -. „, 148 Jcff. Avenue, Detroit. Mny2Ö. 4THE M1SSKS CLAKKS' Young: liailies' Seiniiiary, ANN AKBOR. MICrilOA.N. - MAR Y IL CLARK, Principal. CMLOE A. CLARK, Vjce Principal. MISS VKT. '1V,:,Ihi tí .Miisic. H.F. SCilüFF, do of Cltibsics. dp do in French. F. MARSH, Tenchor of Mnthematics; RÜOÜYK. CLAJtK, Teacher ot Juvenile Dopt. rjTUlIS lnstitu'.inn bas been inoperation stnee JL JS'oveinher W, IK!!). Tlicscjiolnstie y'eur enibracint fony-oigil weeks, two terms. comprisirig two quarters vnch - ivrclv'f; weeeks ín a qoartci- - a gcnernl f.WTiniiuiüon at thé close of' eacli trni - in Fehniaiy and August. 'rho lust (uarier of the present term com nicnceil JVIüy 20üi. AAci1 a montli's vacalion. ax tne cloise of (liisqtmrier. which ends the scholustic year, scliool will-be again resunied the firöi weck in Kt'pioiiiher no.r. 'J' of TuVno.N. - For the Eiígíián branches, SÍ,50 to $5 per quarter. No reductiön made lor ;il)!3once._ except jpTfiase ofsickness. und no pupil lüktíii Tor loss tnari q quarter. Extra char ges are niadeïor music on the Fiatio, wiih the use o' theinstrument, $H.()( French, " :)i0i) Lutin. . 3)ü0; Prawing and Paintiflg, 5,00 Fancv Work, :'oi J3o.-..-(l. inclu.-lin wnüiing, lj.iïlits. &,c, fJ5 per week f jjaia in adyauce. or 62,00 per week il];iiil uthe close W the qiifriter Pareuts and yuardtans are invited to viait tiio school everv Fiichjy, _wh.en.tli.e studie? of the weck re reviewt'd- ;so soini-mnnihlv 011 Wvdnesdny afiernuoji, at readiug of' the wtlc.Uy composjtiotis. Younglacües desirotis of enteii-ng. thë sLtWrvl' iiui jimsuing ihe regalar ftfyraa ofjiiwltf Wctild dó wèll tó comm'ènce at the begiiúnf of the ter ti. ííaving pureJiaseda heallhy .and conimodious binltiingin n pietisant and convenient part ÍMhe viliíiijo, no pa i ns or expense ahalj he spiired to fficilitutc the siirdics and render the situation dj the voung ladies piofitahle nnd ngrocahle. Beloning to the echool are a Libraiy of herweon three and four htindred volumes, and Phiosóphical Apparatu?. Elecinc.'.! Macliint', Globes, &c Scicn.üfic lectures delivered. belore thé school at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endenvor. nor nnTy to promote the intcfluctu! culture of thcir pupils but will altend strictly to their moral deportuient. ■ Wiih a deepsense of relieious responsibility, they wo'üld give sueh a tone to ciiaracter, as shali renderit practically fitted for every station- yietd-' ing to duiy but nrm to principie.Among the líooks used mihe school are. Abercrombie on the Intèricctunl nnd 'Moral Power -Kane's Elements of Cri;icism- Waylaud's Moral fecience- Newmnn's Rhetoric- Herige" ?% - Püley's .Natural Theology anct Bwdftnépa of Chrisiiamty- Comstock's Chêmistry and iNatural Philosophy- Combe's Phy8ioloy- -Mr Lincoln's Botany- Eaton's Manual of Botan vBurntt s Geography of the Heavens- jRrei Sec ond and Third Books of Uistory- Mrs ' Wil' hard s Republic of America- Phelps' Leal Classics- Playair s Euclid, and Davie's Algebra and Amhineuc- Parkcr's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have taugkj a Younc Lnc dies School for several years in the Ci:y of New' York. and ure furnisheel wit.h tesiimonials from Kt. Kev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D.. and John VI. Gnscon, M. D, ofNW yc rk, Rev. .). L 3lake. of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Kn,mn Wjllord, ol1 roy. SS. Y. ; aiao, reference is made, by permission to the following gentlcmc n : Rt. Hf S. A. McCoskry IJ. D. Roben Rumse.y nn,l L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Deiroit : R,,v. Isaao S. Keichani r Ccntrevtlle ; Rev. .1. mtion. White Irgeon , R,.v. j. p. eievefnnd: and Octr.' Ketch-um Marshall ; Hon. W,n. R. üeland. Jnekson; Paul B. Rmg. Michig.-u) Ccn;re; E. H. Wingn, Adnnn: Daniel ihxsotf Clm.on: Gi.rdine. UheHer M D., Ijowell; Jiev. F. H. Cüunna. Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Clo!;izer. Rev A M Fiich. S. Dentón, M. D.. P. Bng'ham M D Hon. Wm. A. Fleichor, Kon. Vm. R. Thom" son: E. Mundy, Eeq.. J,.hn Allen. Esq.. Geo W. J.nvett. Esqi, Col. Thomas Möselv. Oint J. Thomas Jl, Ladl F. Snuyer Jr Ï-S(] . late Siipeiíntenrlent of Public insiruction Professors Whitiriir. Wilüams ond Hoifëhiori' ..f the Umversity of Michigan. A nn Ai hor' : Jan-iBirclsnll and Rev. .John Beaclï, KJint; Amoe iWeaa. Joflíf', Farmiimton. The foliuwmg gentlemen, Ret, H: Eolcl;zor Kev. O. C. Comsiock, Rev. A. M.Fiich. Rcv. Mr. Cnrtiss, Professors Wliitins nnd 'Williitins of the University of Michigan, and F. Sawyer. Jr.. late 'Superintèmlent'of Public Instrurri,,,, liave consemed toact asa visiting commitiee o( rhe school to be present wh.en ihe weekíy sittdies ure reviewed; but especinl.'y to attend during iluspmi-ani.ual examinntions. September 4. 1843. (jtfHELP MEALONG IN THE WORLD. Help those who sirive o help ikemaches by Hones't IndusUy. The eoiitinuiiiion ol 4li;rd Tnnts" urges tho subscribir to cry out (gr help, and lo -inform aii ihose who ar.é desirous to Ecunomize. that he haopened i New mul Fecond I-fnhil -Cïothrag'-' EsiafclBsSiKiciit, On Woudwiud Avtiiuo. nexi 10 Hyde & Wilder's Scale Factory, boiwüen Atwoiètand Woodbridge strects. where he will geil clftlfing a. little. öhcripcr than the for L'ash.- will ,-;!tiu continue ui caxpy on ilie TAILORING AND CLOTHES CLEANING BUSINESS. All persons clcsiious of prense, p.iiu;. oír, pitbh, tnr. &c. rè'nïovoH frpM-iheir cíoiIhim'.vould ilo.well to cill on him; )s i,is tiibèè o"l (jlc;iniiig is by a proceas ol .ichiik he wanants io r.üijipk-toly renovnie the garm'entft and glye them he appe.-irance ol NílV, whboiii tfóin injiiiv (o the cloih in lonn or (luriibiliiy. Colhns anii liryastsoreoais warranied lo be kopt in perfeci slüipe. Any kind ofclotliingalrered. and repaircil mihenentesi style. and on terms to correspond with ihe reduced prices in othcr bnsiness. He respectfully returns bis sincere thanks tu iheeitizensof Detroit, and the public Ín general for their very liberal patronage ihat-he-hAë hc-rotofore reccived, and hopes ihat by u constant exertioT and strict aitention tó business, to meiii and connnue to reeeive a sharc of public patronige to help htm uJong in iho WORLD at v, xr LAWBERT. ! N. B.- -New nmlsecond hand clorhins botfght. sold, exchnnged, or taken in poymeni lor clean' mgor mpairing. Orders .nitendcd to in any pnrt o the cay. All oi which is respcctluflysub' rilt! led. . ■ , . Dont f.-rget. that Lambert's Tailoring nnd ' Uothing establishment is on Woodward Avenue l next doorto Uyde & Wildei's Scale Factor beuveen Atwater and Woodbridge streets. Co?no, Doctors. Farmers and Mentíanla o-. Come hing ijour old garments and have them viada neto. 3m ï 3 vDR. OSGOOD'S IMBÏA CHOLA60GUE. AMUjNG the mosi uluable qualities ol thit medicine, is ijs restoring injlutnce, upon constilutions impnired and mjured by previous tutacks ol l)illions fever, or feVer and nguc; 01 ñy a long residence in those climales whicli produce iliem. There are muny constitutions which ecoiiic griidually undermined'by a mui smal influence. withoui even a day's actual eonllnement. Id tíiich coses, the Cliolagogue acia like n charm - tliesallovv complexión, luss ol dppetilc, hmtjuor, weariness and depression o( spirits, with other 'unpleaannt syniptoms which rendci life n buiden, all yield to this remedy when fnjtlifully uscd according to the directions of thencRompanying pamphlet. It is eniit-ely a vegetable prep aration, nnd njn-y be taken w'th periect 3t fëty under all ciictiinstfnices of the syotcni. Far sale by 36 W. S. VJ. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, f'or Ann Arbor and vicinity. CHARLES H. STEVVARÏ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEíTERSOrí AVBK0E DETROIT. 49. tf.march !" T)öct.-g: benjaminwSÏST;,lil,' wliieh have been se etei,8SelvT ' the New staUs the Paa e " in now making tifefir appearance a „on!ï ui ' art nntmgfron, the N Yokk Coimgf S SeBttand bing cornpounded by perfect n,,,'''" he finest quilines, from Z VPf-i'f lebrny omong the #%,L&$, of S"'y and ce; .pcrsede.nllothcrs. Tbecöhu,e,io„8 S' warra.ned to be êiit zJ lh2e _ ■swntiRte tji.s. we refer our readers tn K ■ 8ut ,ratlmouslv by all the iemSfe : mny he seen of great i.nportonce, VomJiL' seconcl lü none in the city' "Four DoBt _ pies involve ihe action of these Pils. "' princila. They are Diuretic, and ommr,', l - lnr discharge ol urine. 2d. Ü T'C the r5U.pitting carry off' the phleamv hJ?rant', and by of the natwrd faodj and Coarse? D„ lre8'fdl.UI pu.itios, by the stomadi and boweN T, f """ tKese propenie., nre not possewír I h „ Ce ' Pilis. These 'Sugurecl P t' ,vi y otllr the repilghance fel. at lhü L"L of „,'Lr P n" ' cuse they ;,ru ped wnh wfined suiï f' berate as p general dh.nic, a„d „uv nrtVnnId10P In case. of rW, they níe Té" : íf blüod' lalsoby femalcinádellcr.,8" Í " J ;7.v.v to cure eocry disese Wllh n, l' "5fr Coato Juut PUs-XS ,Smlth g Piffa are wonderful. For Scrofnl-, se the Blooï; cT, r : gZ?''! r of Appente: Sick Headache Tnfl ' 1(18S MOTHERSHMOTIIERSH! To voy ibis medicine is of G HEAT VALUF You wil esteem n Ui thousands ,low do, in New York, ior i havin s„atohed, a8 it wer " g! the grave, their sufibrine children Dr i ;ïi" -SUG AR COATED Kj#dSÖ mi gren. powers 88 much, f not more' Re TOTAL BKTtKMrN ATION of WORMS, thn nV otter d.sease. They are in ,heir adap.a Ln a deadly enemy ,o these detestable verinin W' cal upon mótftêrs; and all vlio have the cartbï SSSEh ' thi"rMt r f VJ'JJlviW'E. [feee the certificnié of Jncob Carlock, Ksqv one of our most worthy cmzens.] C h.l.lren wil] take them, and the hippy effects vvill soon be realized. P CERTIFICATES. We are not in wnnt of cerlificates of a ÉJ tourlT' COnlmS früI" tÜe mat 'CS [i'ron. a Ncphcw of the late Judge Thompaon.] r o , . lNiw Y()K May 15, 1844. Ur. Smith s 'Improved índinn Vegetable Pilis' have proven i volual.le to myself n..d famüv, irt the curcof violent hupachk. pain in the d . a storvVH: .For ehiklren, no better medíciní can be pro-lueed. In the case of our üük-cirl two .yen.-s i ild} the happy efiecis have resultcd from the.r use: í br,ve never known a medicine uhich 1 could so conlidentlv recomrnend ifiesepih. II. TOOMPSÜN, 56 Nonhmore St. The follovving hdy is too well known in New York lor her ntelfigence and philamhropy to bff Joubted: ' ST the WATRÜÍf Of lhe S Hospw Acctistomed fis I nm to adminisrer lo the stek í can.iipprícifjie a valcabie medicine. 1 i,ereb i medicine adapted to the nilmenu of Mankmd.. il ia ])r. Smi's Öugnr Pilis. I hava Wö'them and eeen them ïi&d wi.-h the 'niost nomsb ing resulta, m efeeral insiances wuhin niy vii.nvledge. -restoring the paf.ent from ex i reine owncfs and suffeifng lo strengih andheahh.- orladle (uring pregnaney. ihese pulsare 5?j9Ércffi7t .,. J recommciid them to all as a aluabJe Famiï.v medicijík.''"""'V VA Hl Wil llf TjU Jlfij fi. SARAH A. GOÍJLD, Mntron of fiie U S. Naval fiöepaibu BrookJLyn, June lÜtJi, J644. [Froin the Depuiy Sheriff of .ew York.J Dr. Smjtk'3 "S.ugared Iridian Vegeiable Pilis" have been iised ,n iho Eldnede-St. üebtors' Prison with uiK-omnion saiisfactíoo'. J have never" Rfefffl a medicine apokprt of with more interest by the aid; who have taken these pills. . JAS. J. BE VINS. Dep ui y Sheriíí. [AN EXTrcAORDLVARY CURE.] [ luve to rucwd an iñstn neer.. f unparalíeídd suffermg. uhicfi must hnve tentrinated rny exiilencc. Ik. d nol Dr. Sarrru's "Siigfirt-d' Indmn (■-■((íiblc Fifis' Bpme [o my rèscjie, Jn ihcltin 31 roV8j I had a scroulons aHbciior, whicli nearly cucr.-i! my body wiih sures. aid rendered me inilit dir l:fe. Jn ihc coursii! of two. inoiiths 1 wa Minfked witfi 'ever. hich niged wiih grent vioiuime; i uok mnny prescriptions, but wiihotrc lulief. Mv suflermg 'wnja great. Mis. Goul (whom I shall ever reinember wiih esteeni) advisgd me lo-use these Sugaied pills. whieh J took .n I;:rge doses a few days. when 'i!ie fever and painni)aied: I continued ihete pills in small o.-fs, about five weeks, when my fever nnd scro-" fula wérrj cured, my blood completely purified, and nry yeneial iienlih improved. I fnm certairr I owe niy lile, uuder I'rovidcnre, (o (he use oí thesií pills. E. M. PARK. New York. [Frpm Jd6. M. Turner, Esq., la(e of the U. S, I havo been nflücted several years with a weakness in ilio bieasi, cosiiveness and a clifllciilty of breathing. . Iwaslaiely more ihan ever tronbled ihouglj Ijfend taken maw presciibed rimedios.- Through the advice of a frieñd, I procured Dr. Smitii's Patent Sugared Pilis, which J used. and they have not onl relieved, but entirely cured my comphn'nts. My wife has also used ihem wiih the most happy eíTects. I beliove them the best medicine in the world.JAMES M. TURNER. 5S1 Green widi St.. N. Y, Rcfers to Hou. Silas Wright. U. S. Señale. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Our little girl, 6 years oíd, has suffered níl (be1 worst stages of worms; and we have never 'ound an cffiictual cure, uniil we adminislered Doet. Smith's Sugnr Puls, which oar little girl took wiihout the Iwsl resistunce, in doses oftwo at ff iimc; and we nevi r wimesserl euch ,a chango in so i short a time. The piüs biought away n mas of worms, and she at once ; improved. Siie i nuw in J0V0U8 health. We have also found the greatosi benefit from (hoir use. JACOB CARJLOCK, SStaple st., N. Y. Wo Imve inany certificates of cures in case of WORMS. [From a lady wcll known in New York.} I have been troubled for years with dizzines and pain in ihe head, aitended with depression dimnessof siglu, Sec., which have been entirely cui.ed by Dr. Sjiitd's ';Stigared Lidian Vegeta-ble Pilis." I prize ih is medicine nhovenll other. SARAH DOUGLASS, Coner oí Ludlow and Walker-St, For tale by' G. & J. G. flill, Detroit; Thos. May, Jr., Plymouth: Perrin & ÍJall, Northvillo; Lund & McCoJJimi. F. J. B. Grane, and VV. S, & J. W. Maynard, Ann Arbor; also in YpsilarH ti, Dexier, arid throughout the United States.- Office dcvoled cxclusively to these Pilla, I? Greenwicb-St., New York. CAUT10N.- Beware of itnitations. 20-Iy


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