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Will bepublished every Monday morning, in Aan Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For the Michigan State Anti-Slaveby SoCIÏTT. TERMS. Ohk copy, paid in ad vanee, or as nearly soas maybe, Two Dollars. Fivk or more copies, to one Post Office, if paio in advance, at one time, One Dollar and twen Tt-rivjc cents each. Tkn or more copies, to one Post Office, if paid in advance, and at one time One Dollar eacb. Clkkgymen, on pnying arrearages, enn luivt the Signal for one year for One Dollar, Ín ad vanee. flTAII old eubscribera, on pnying arrearage. can jotn the clubs of Five or Ten at any time, bj forwarding the advance pricc.N. B. - All Club papers will be stoppf.d np oon as the ad vanee pny shnll be exhausted. All others will be forwarded until ordered discontin ucJ. All subecribers will be expec:cd to pny witbu, the year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SIXG. For one square, one insertion, 50 cents. " w each8iibequentinsertion,25centt-. Legal Advertisinij by the folio. Terms of Advertising by the year or quarto. nnde known at theoffije. OManufaciurRrs, Cooksellers. Machinists. "Wholesale Mercluints, and all others doing ai rxttnsioc business, who wish to advertise, wil. finrl the Signalthébest possible medium of communication in the State. O All Reini(tance8 and Comtnunication houtd be addressed, Post paid, OSiNAr. of Liukuty; Anh Arbor. Mich. j


Signal of Liberty
Old News