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Branch County

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The friendá of in Union City, and tícinity, in thi couniy, have laf.ored fur the antislavery cause hom the beginning with nn union, oonsistenc?, and porseTeranee beyond those of any oiher place witnin our know'edge. We cannot butbflieve that their eíR.nS wití be eminently sucCessful. One of them writes ua a full account af thé state of things in that Vicinifjr, from which we extract the foííowírjgi 'Thecampaign opcnerl here bj a movement of the Liberty pnrty, calling a meeting to orgnriize a Liöertv Association, rhe objec-t of which hould be to diácuss tho principies of the Liberty i'nrtr, rircutute papers, and tracta. get pcoplo calmly lo conöider our principies, look at ths causes that arn already ín operatiön, at othera which sonn will be, and judge whcthèr succees willnot be cèrtain, nnd that at no diatánt day.-The Associatton was orgnnized, and agreed to hold meetings semi-monthly. and publish a paper to be cnlled the ' Liberty Bulletin." Don't be dlarmed, gentlemen, our ahet is hot weekly hke yotirs, but only ssüed once in. two weeks: heides; it canfidt boaSt of the typogrdphical neatnessand beauty of the Stennl, büt is executed with the pen. ond matead oí having the associated talent and skilj of ttvo experienced gentlemen in haa but one whose beat qualification and ohly merit. pèrhapê, is his zeal in the good cause. The Bulletin is open for free discusaion, and cohsiáte oí writteh commünications from friènds nnd ottierd, arranged and read by the editor at ench meeting of the Aseociation,Wo made up a subscription for 04 campaign Signáis, whieh we hope will convince their readerg not only of the goodnees of our principies, but that our plans are feaaibie The Whigs hero present n spectacle similar to that or a Uead bodyon a dissector's table, under the influence of tho galvanic battéry starting up into aomething like life.glaring wildly áfound thern, putting forüi á fcwconsulsiveefibrta nnder the exeiiement of thrf presidential canvafie and the hue and cry about Heary Clay and Texas, tó relapse. I fear. wl.en these shall pasa awayj into art lm.'ïflerence and" apathy ihe more profoundin regard io the dangers thatSürround the free institutionff of our country. Thë Democrats, for once, seem f.urly ashamecl of the men nd measures of their party. Polk and Dallas, with Texas at their heads, is n littla more than they con swallow. The unblushinë 9ürv,lity and brazen faced impudence of the Éaítimore conveniion hnieiariled tlïem, and they ore disposed about 'here to keep prètty quict, up no meeunga to defend thèir favorite views on the tanff ei-ën. büt fètting al! go by defarlt. Liberty men here are full of hó'pë, contení of the final result, and determined to labor until ihe end is accomplished. f bat end' how desirable and excellent in contemplation! how happy and gloriouswill itbein fruition, when milHona cf our fellow citizens shall be eet free trom bondage, and permitted to enjoy their inalienable rightsnd our beloved country be rëdceuied from (hé curso of slavery."O The Detroit .dvertiser saya of C. M; CJay's speech oí Birmingliam: "His reíerence to the private chnrncter of Heríry Cay aö eípeCÍalfy hapfor; He fefK)ke 6f fa regular attendanceat ti,e Methodist CharcH- of thefót thftt he haá been st-lecied ná tfie CHn.frman and umpire in thé grent ecciesiasticnl OÍS cussnatLexingíonlast year-of ihè letters of he Rev; Air; Bascomb, nè Pfirè a mar. as ever '.ved vvho had knoun Mr. Clny for thirtV yenr8; AIL tkese he artihictd as irresistible 1tfutatians of üic reUtrátédslande s of a palluted press." If "regular attendance ni ihe Methoríiéi Ch'urth"' be an "irresistible" cWence of good moral character, it enn rèadily be "adduced" by aome of tbe gieaíe8t Bcourfdréfa rf the (and.


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