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The Liberty Party In Virginia

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Hl e net Cincinnni Heruld bn'nga ua die Aildrew of the reren! Libe y Cunvemion of. Obio Cuun(y to the people of Virginin. Jt 8 too long fr üs lo copv. but lakes (lic full.grouud for Jiirney nnd Minia. TTie iolfowirig ure sooie of the OJItO HfiüpKHl! Restïlpèd, Thai n orgnniain n Liberty party ■n ih .Stuif of y.i. Wf .() u ii. ui) o Hfn?e ofdun : 0,1(1- ii f i . J He deiermlned tu eupport no man r pnriy n ihe itiiuttjgcinËni ol' pofitJerxl iifTiuif, nrihe? hen meaüürea firJ men in office, nn (■vetned ly die Jïilile, winch we lakc fls aUi -iiprane l,iw, to which all oiher bivs must con■ irji. Hesolvcd, Thai vo cnn no loner give aiii voifs lo elevíuesl;ivelnldb)-8 lo oirlce, nor H8 t;ither of tlie political pames, ao long as tho)suBtnin slavery. Resolcei, Thnt in our opinión, ihc removul f slavery froni itsmilucnca in our general gov ernmeut, would reii'ove the greoi riilficulry. uhich be?ets lts Iciis!híoii. nnd consefjiicntly lentler more stublu tliu policy ui aaid uvavn'iti.'nt.ReFö, Tiint our ( xpcrience !i!lv corfi n 'is in the nssertinn Mini 'lie use oí the buUm oi iieslnvc's rcdemption. in n (jisiinci orgun'z-'ition. a deinandt-d oí' us B uue jt;'uII:cuhs, ns ciiriüuus, patnoisaud phikmiliropistt:." 'i'ho electoral ticket oi tlic State is as iolvs: 1 Josepli Bryaiif, 2 Tliomns Ficemnn. 8 Josse JJ:ii.'.:i!I, 4 'nuiK-.iict Binsliear. 5 David Clydc, G John ParkinsöH', 7 Jncobxiiss, n Wilüiiu Waiiace. 9 John Wilwn, JO Snnruel 'I'liornpson. 1! Tho'sW. -iküian, 12 Ihvji lironlee, 1 3 Willinm Wriglit, 14 Gcorge Whitmnn, 15 John Dixon. IG J.imes Clc:nens, 1 7 Thomns 'Woud. This movernont is one of'ihe highest import ince; and it will doubtloss be soon folio w-ed in Tötinossee. Kentucly and Dclnw-nre The old iKjuwy, ;;wliy don't you gr to the South," will ücit bc appjiciibji nnicli Uxmvr.(CRev. lliram Wiisou writps us from Dawn Müh, West Canada, Sept. 4: "I am hnppy to in'orm you thai onr Manual Labor enterprize in -his pl;ice for tlie e!ev;tuiti cl'tlie rèfugees fn m stövery is onward. Our prospecté aré lrujy cheering. Thoy wcro Oever morp f.o tlinn at tlip pro.-ein time. Tiie Govemor General of Cnnntia, a eierling friend oí tlic oppressfd, liats liintily comributcd Lio m aid of the school, ond i-xprp.fped by a cornmniiication throng-h liis privute Stcrotary the ■ leep and Jivtly interest he tnkrs iri thp Insti'inion and thr wel fa re -of H;e colorêdion of Canaria. Ont lniely a gentleman was here on a visit from New Have, Con., who spent tliree c'ays w'vh ds, niïd very ge.rier onsly lefi behind him 50 in iiiíl ofour'w(k. We haveSOO acres of exrellen' Inrd,'Vot.'5fl uf which litis been cle?i red of t be heavy timber, nnd bronght uri'e.r cultivación. Our wheat erop hns in some nr-asure faIe3 f.hiö seasnn, hut ntlier prodnclions of he eanh nre bountifnl. We have enlargvd our school room, nd plkcp of worsliip the past purrruier, erecfed un e!írr;.p; (V.-irfied barri, 3() by 40 feet, and made ifiO.ono bricÜs. Durinfr the ];ist winier, wr had 60 pupils unver iho care oflime tpachrr?.. ha'f of rlipm iidnlls- most of thp ]iifpr f rom bonda-e. Durinjr iheFuitimpí fihou; SO - n ni'.j. Tity r.f tiipn ciiilfln-n. 8liaH nroh.-ibly linveirj ilio ndjlt nt;d jmenile dcP'trmiPi t the coming wiofpr about 100. Ttmse int-truc'pd here, ne wéll os in otlier nart? of -Cunada, have-penernily made gaod [iroficiency in ihe studies to which tliey havn :t tended."(tThe foilowing parngraph is goin? the rounrla of onr exchanjres, and Ji;is alrpndv reoched two hundred thoupsnd rradprp. The Gozeite should have pnhfiied the name óf ;his hopeful orator. Perhops Mr. H. Clay will compnssionniply tf;'ke him n as a " ieh 'i alare,' if lie will muke upplication: Slave hy JY(jtue - The Ko'ajriftzoo Gnzetre repons the foll.nvinír s a sprech ol' h Whifr orator in thut viciniiv: "Mr. President : Witliin ilu'Sf4 veins ronrsp the blood of two nohlp grn hft_5i'iê&botTi iif whnin wrnered the h;ittle field nf ur rrmtifiy i'h 'i)f-ir blond, firrliiini_r n ih plurions ctnir-e ol American l:he-tv: vpi. Mr. Prei!en!, prond iJ3 I nin of'mv brHirioht from Mirh nnggi.r,y, f hnve ofrrn t.iiqiigjijt rjjal I should be u-illino cUténsè p!;if's vviMi the mèfinpp slnve of" ionry Clay, in order to bc conLinualiy by the sic'e of thnt gvent nnd groori man."flCWhilft tlif Northern Wliig-s nre upinnpvery effirt ?n prove fimn Mr. Clny's Jerters '.haf. [ie is oppored 10 Ann'pxauqn fnr reasons of eterna! fl ree, the SouMiern Wjbjg papers quote the en me letters to prove the reverse.- Here s an cxiract from the JS'orth Alabarni an, the paper which first pnblislied Mr. ClayV: ükird letter, und is a part of ihe introducti'or to it : 'He nlso ptnrto rest thpclntnor, which hnp Wii r;iispH oams' iim by hip eiirmw. iu tlio South, for h tmppoiwl urtfriendly feeliri to'varri Tp.xns, bnd on an unjusifi,ibieí"confrudiipDof iiis Raleieli lerk-r. Tlie aaserci) hüs been mndp overoud over apnin from :e sMirnt) and the .r ss in th qimner, Kat tiie annpxaiicn of Texiis" tn the Uumn, onder ■ in clrciimsforfcoèf woöld Be likply to find faw.r wi; Mr. C!nv: and Htafricmh have bren (itfird TO PKOVR THB ■ RRVEWST?. TlltlTproof s noiv furvishrd inlditgyiige too clra'r f o tid'"' ' oj fv rther mhamsii vltioH. }iis In nrji m o'e lf' - l typ? no hfsnalion in srrtjirer, hal go' f'trjroiv. haviiig anyvewmal óljecltqn to Ihr ('hvexatibrC of Te.i'S; f should bk glad to uk rr.' ■ Is this lanuage sufficicntly


Signal of Liberty
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