Ann Arbor Mayor William E. Brown makes January official polio month, with members March of Dimes drive committee, January 1956

Ann Arbor News, January 2, 1956
Polio Month Proclaimed: Mayor William E. Brown, jr., signs a proclamation making January official polio month. And, from these volunteer March of Dimes workers, he receives a "blue crutch" pin. Gathered around the mayor (from left to right) are the following workers of the Ann Arbor drive committee: Mrs. George D. Dibble, head of the drive in Ann Arbor; Harold E. Groves, jr., small corporations division; William C. Lighthall, large corporations; Mrs. Paul D. Hogg, mothers' march; Oliver Johnson, factory employees; Mrs. Roscoe O. Bonisteel, jr., special gifts; Mrs. Gerald V. Barrow, special gifts; Lauren J. Jedele, city employees; Mrs. Douglas K. Reading, schools; Mrs. W. H. Winkelhaus, clubs and organizations; Mrs. Julius Schaffer, business and canisters; Mrs. Howard R. William, dime cards; and Mrs. Aaron R. Edwards, special gifts. Another member of the special gifts division, Mrs. George H. Lowrey, is absent.
Polio Month
Polio Drives
March of Dimes
Ann Arbor News
Old News
William E. Brown Jr.
William C. Lighthall
Oliver Johnson
Mrs. W. H. Winkelhaus
Mrs. Roscoe O. Bonisteel Jr.
Mrs. Paul D. Hogg
Mrs. Julius Schaffer
Mrs. Howard R. William
Mrs. Gerald V. Barrow
Mrs. George D. Dibble
Mrs. Douglas K. Reading
Mrs. Aaron R. Edwards
Lauren J. Jedele
Harold E. Groves Jr.