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Last vVeck -wt' pülilislio&.si Ie: rör tt-om Henry Cwy, disavowing leriain Èèutimufta ostíribed to him by Ciua Mi CUy.irt a ítittír m J. 5. Speed, ofUtica. The tallowing is the malorial part of [lenry CN.v'b let on 'Mr. C. M. Clay'ï lf.ttkr was WRtTTEW WITHOUT MY KNíVLKUOH, WiTHOUT ANT CONSULTACIÓN WlTH Mg, AIVO tVlTOOtT AWV authoiuty í'iuiM 1 never tavv it iintil I rend it in the public prints, That gentleman is on ii}f!opefiidpiit ciiizon, lavng a perfecl 'f!it in pn'prhún end nvn bis otvn npiuions. I AM NOT ÜK&ONSiftLrë K)H THEM,Ap tJií tö kot röRÜtiNfi. KO PAR AS HE VEN'! URES T( ) ÍNTER PRET M Y PEEL. INGS, hE IÍ AS EiNTIRELY AilSCON CEIVEO f HEM, I BKLIKVK HIMTO BK KQUAI.LV MISTAKEN AB TO THOSH IN TH15 C'RCLK OF MT PKRSü-NAL FKtüNDS AKD NHIGI1BOUS GKNERALLY. In my speech, addrfssed to thn Rcnale r.f 'hp Uniird St.-ite?, and iti resoltitrons vvh'ich Í n(e-el to iFint biuly, in my nUlroes to Mr. Mftndenhüll, abmu ivv-o ycvirs ugo] nwl on va rious othcr pnblie ocrn.-.irn.í, i hw folJv, Freoy, nd cxi'licniy nviwed my sontimpiíts hik) ij'inioni:, nn-tde Miliject CtJio HHirini. n vï fjjftyery and ab(.!iuoi. I ADIIERE TO PliEM, WITHOUT ANV RESERVATION. I HAVE rsEITHER ENTERTAINED NOR EXPRESsED. PUBLIGLY. OR PRÍVATEI.Y AY OTJIIÍKS. And my friends irtd neiihBors generaify, s far os f have in;prclinnrrf) .--entimciifs with thf.'ni, oiucide enurf'ly with me. The seniimeTiii! nnd opiniön?, fo expressed ly me ui! v b'ë biif-SV smird fo be: l'st. That Conirross luis rr power or aufhorifv over the in-sliiuiiou nt Slurery. 2L That the existaiice, m'.inienanc e nnd continnance of that 1istiluiioi) deu(nd rw?Jn.47e!y the power nnd niulioriiy of Hm i-ve Scaies, within wjuch it isMtui'tèd; And jL Thai Congress cnnnn! inierf'crc wnh Slavpry in the District ff Columbiii, wifhnnt a violation of good faith Jo iheStale f ütfnrylainf and Virginia, mipüed, if not è.vpre.s:l, in the -terms, bj-"c:s, and pitrpo.-cs of tho orant óf ten miles square toihe Goierul CJoVcrnmont."Toasconnin ih full forcu of ihis !navownl. is requisite tu know whnt Cassius ditl write concerDJjpg Mr. Clny's "feeljngs." 1. the letter o Cfassius, the lullowing expiessioiiit occur; ;iCnn it hepcssilk thfit whWe Mr, Ony shali oe soine thu-e or four slive ;.res which wprc tii.e tc hun by njpcriHg Texas, that lhc;e snot suffjcieiu apirït irecdoi, h'ónor. i,,( É "I Iniil. ui UierlWih lof cafry those large Slaiei wlwn; h)8 sunfpsi w,-j beion; doulttful? Mr Clny and hisj'rhmd Inleen high uni hola gro.ind.'' - i-J :! ni-t mnnn to -iv ihnt Mr. pkj ia,qn '■■:n:,ci),;iií !u't ƒ iP; :.[: ners ar, wi''i Vit cause. I Imow ilí.it U.$. foéi iiffatffÍat'!y wiiinii lus ii.flnenc? íi;ijotíi:.íiie u rnysel ii! 3.:!i!iuic'iH uon tné suiijëct óf slitveiy." ;;S. fk.'' myè fíénryl :is 'ie vornurestn ui lerpr. t n.y Wtfliiiggj hc h'is " , ty d-isoonceive.' tliei:." VVbII. h , ;i li(fl ha vcnurod''? - VJlV. lïO lii.j KHÍ.1 ihit !!!!:) u-;,8 ppoS:(liO 'l'r.zus. aul tJ}y lus eoüiiirs in íüí:', ,hj cátese of i.manci puiion. ín (hese rêspects] ilien, PJetny 3.iysr he s "MiSTAKi iT:'" iml hns '-KNTIRLLY miroiia: v.rf" !vs vicvd Tliis avow nl c.) -eis the wln.le gr.Mmd. Ue euy. in sub stnnce. liiui 'ntsins vvns tn:s;al;en in II his in tn-pretations of tiie ..rini,)ii8 of Henry coinaimd m tlin; lei :cr. The disavownj s ge.neral n...t piiün!. C..u (l n-y thing bo moie expiicir?Bal Mr. l.lny recnpiiiiluits liis sentirnents on ilavery "Gongress luis no power ir ?inrhiiiy ver tlie insiitution of slnvery." Oi' coustC n j.ess h;is --do power or ;uuh n;y" ro )ii)üh t ni F!or.j;i. ..r prohibir ihe Sl.-ive Trade on ile JighSeae -L'èttHose who voie for liim nevé nsull liim by nskin for the nelion ÓT n Wh. "ongross ng.-iinst slnvery in ïny way: 'or fienn Cay 8flys it has "ni pncsr" to act aguiiisiHe furiher snys 'hnt Congress cnnnot interfere - inurk ilie word - "Congress cnnnpt ihtjbk fkre witrTSI.iveryin the Distnci o' Coia u!. a wiihout a violíuion of gnod fuiih" Au.' 'flus... roursèpruliilHsem;iriciatioh in tliè ü.strict i;i, on tlie consent of Viiaim.uind Mnvylaüd.qrer. It 2oes more. I ;iisd i'enOers.'the Slayk 'kade perpeiiKii. Mr Cimv nrgucd (or'úte 'p 3tri?h here tnkf.-n wiien n mlrii1 r .,ƒ" ilie Sciimip "il n forrn il resá!ii[on to tlft'l t'lT'ct wig ,n$sn'. Wp Ciy votiny n i he niriui:nt v. nncl Dauit Vehser.n the nt;;rii,ve. W!i;ti (j Wcbsie .-, ':ihc ijieiit cynaiUiiliorfl c.p.ui).lt;r" e.iy o' ihis miserable prcext? Mcnr liim:■I cnmi-r opcnr m .this cesftluiíon. I (! n, kmM at y rri iltar of fáti. or anij grmitid f '-g,:mcit mi wiiifjli tina, ntfirmniioii of pliglnt Hifíi cari he usiain-ií. :íi does seem 10 me i i;ií tf.'thfe rpsr,lun..n. m irs míe. rftoiíirri 'Ilavejy m ey lyuíher pr,n oí íhe worJd bhnil b. {iboMvfjéu. yel ín Míe ineirupoüs oí' ti s gren reii!)lic. it -s csiahlished ffi i-icrpi f imtt. " "Tlx .uc-pr ie 'jo set uu n pMgc .ƒ tf,fí public, fait o ti' i h sa ni ■ rfltcc s con&foitionol pi-ohi nim, ín fenns would do. '! know nothin ic -=i))ort ihis lüirinnuon: neiihcr in tlio íicts o' t-essínn. n' líe ncr of Con reí nc'ciptíng i!n Disirjci: iht in uny oifier d-.f-iímcnr. ETisKJJ niblic ilion or _ iraiurtclion, do ] know n sing'l ip or sim! ríiiin snpp.ning tliiá proposiiioii, a m.eniíinjr 10 support i." StMuId Mr. Cloy be ecctM. nrid should'n mn oriiy ufboih Iíodscs passnn act aboüshing slave y r.nrl the .S'nvc TrmJc n he District ri Cohim liin, he won!, he b, uiid bj. his duiy as President. lo put hs ykto 'upon it: or he ennnot innocently sanctiotí íiny violntion ol' good í?íith by th nmion, esppci-illy one tliot g'rows out of the Constiiution itffllf, Cearit in niind, then. when you vote fir Mr. Clny, you volé for' one w'lio wifi interpose th Presidencial indiiénce ngafrísl evè'y plan for "inInrfcring" with Slnvery by Congre38. ín nv.y way. or lour years tu eome. Cmgress,sny9 Mr. Clay. ins 'no power or (niilioiity over it." I.r yo'usennments correspor d with h, you con consist ntlf vote lor him. But liow cmnny one wh. li is n Épnrlt ofnrttidlnvtry nb ut him. eupport. tbr Siten n s:tuïition, so deadly an eneiny 10 nll nnti-l.iverv nel ion? We nvpt] n..i qii'phis MendeühaU sperch. u vl.irli cites us. to show ihnr lm s in fav.r o iarp:efu'ji1 ëÜiWfy in nl! l.e Sii:es whete lïv Anck r.-cv p-ovnil rffeti'iy pittlisheil t in füiji. n i,e. Siifti 1 oí Atus! JK wilt bo ibund largc xuacs i'roru iia s}íc5oi m 1839, wliioh he here nee , tdo'9 solHu.nfy uvowü io Ijy j true axleasion of lus opinión Shulí we helieve him. r fihs.'l we ticliovf iliose potiiieiiins, wlio have iefl i représelo fij'rt is an arni-slüvery man? - i does ë' en ta ua'h:t the various,. o. ten rrpentc(, and opf ;cii de"Itrntions of Mr, Cln, n fav'r of corítiiuiirijí Slnyeiy, nnd ngojnet tli nfjsliivery ngitnno, miglu to h,nye some weglit nh ilms" wliop aas tú (ipliovoliim to be mn !nuh and veracfjy. We hnveone quesHon to put to WhTgs whicli e do ir alifoburnew YoMbave Éiaïd (or a longlime, .ruly; i1B[ t0 roiTr roio for slniyí 'uta CT Cari yod e.W íkdt Polk „ P_D for alaVer-y tbrtti Hcnry . luy? Can vn. ?RTBe The cry of the Whiss has been (hit pojfc foranneaing Texas, and Wy,end . ry. Tliis Wo. Inie. And i8 no, Mr Q Wnltffng TeBa condi.lonally.withou, pcm ," ;M,G subject of Slnvery tooflèct tl.o quejj ' knawledg. rhnt ,Ovr crndulnro i9 a ' 1 " SlBvery n9 Polk. Tlen whv Ilot be Ilonch own it nt once, fíke rcngonable men? ' a' Aa w the Anncxation qneaüon, n cnreí, 1 inatíon oí Mr. Clay' leuer wí ,how ?f J opposition o,' a considcraWenumber ,"' ualsW "otbeabnrIoít)ifi)esl0ll"IlfThe opposition of toó ac w,-j{ Ro( T!ie -oppníítiort of scvcraí 8ta(„ 'W n vent it. The opposítít.n oí a 'e-naiclcr I ■ Pr8' Kei óf .he Stnfes wül noi prévéh', iinníT"?'14' shnl! consiitute "a considerable porton "7 I ronfracy; nor will even rtrfr oppos:tion0 g ■ ny nless ibe Uniónshnll thereby be C riovshj jfíopardcd' ' f Tlms. as ndvocwes of slmenj we canso üfferema betwecn Cly and Polk: 08 advoca" of iMadm, Polk 9 for it vmmtúUtú v CU would be glad roscu ir without war, ',h ti ri)mninn consetu üf Ifie toíba, nnrf suc& enn. ns ƒ. moy choose to pronottnCT nonoraü!e: m SM (air.ind'wtll not thc vote oía mïjof Con-rress for Annexnfion be nn expreseion of 'compon eowent," when that will be the onh? modc ín whiotí r will come beíbre ,ho peonli The oniyAfi&Pence tü.t we can se,,, i8;lhatJsr will be apt to do up the business with mor'o tac ' abüity, aid discrction, than his opponent We daimrthf cbat every hpnc a'nd 8,W cere opponent of measure is bound to vm w.ih the L6erryprtjr for B.rney, becaus he e ihconty President eatïdifiateoppojed, Dow ink' forever, to that nefnriouyscheme.IC? The Democrnts of New ïork are rej.icmg over tb nomirw.tion. of &jjas. Wright for Govf -nor. They coneider. tJtat ibe whole forc of iheir pony CTn be Mllied ,nder him, a8 hoi liqstüe to theAixtoof Tezae.. and 8 n favor of ihe modific;.tion of the present 'lariff Mr Wriglu wn8 „e,cr accned oía predispoai.ioc toAbulmomsm. but, but our own Whia Señóte, Woodbriilfe amt Porrer, hs suffereï' a atnndingQAO exist in the Senwe for jwra, wuhout one word of remonstrnnce. The nomi-1' beé ior Unit Governor Addison Gardaor pf Rochesier.(IT They have Anti-Slavery discussions all over Europe. H. C. Wright wrifesto Garrison from the Coldwatef Infirmaryin GrafFenberg, Austria: "Amríd thse Stfesian mountains, w&have great talks about American slavervv' t comes up in a thousnnd wnys. Hardly a day passes in the saloon, at inner or sappe, in whtch sorne qnestion is' not raised ahoyt the state of society, the institutions and physicol resources'of M mericn; and begin wliere it wil), italways endsin America sla very- in immedfate abolition-rjn the movement of the abolítionists, and often in yourself, as the prime mover in the enterprise for hu-v manity. Enquiries after you, have beenJ mode by Russiáns, PoJesj! Hungariansf Prussianv Austrians. Frenchmen, and Itolians. I just give you you r d e- no more as Í t hink. 1 teil them there aromany gathered around you, equally d&-'voted tp the redemption of mankind from all human bonds- to the enthronemenf. of God in heaven, and the abolition of slavery on earth. God speed you and them in the mighty work, and enable you' all to hold on your way."


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