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The Cash Plan In Full!

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in cpmjijiapce v. uu the wishes of inany íriends and subsenbers in cjuTerènt sections.of the State, we have concludoii 'LÜ dispense with the Club sysíem altugether, and put our paper at o-xgje upon the cash plan at ONE DOLLAR A YE AR? Our reasons for this course are, 1. The extensión of the knowledge of Liberty principies, by plnciiig iíe paper within the rcach of eccry man. 2. To save ourselve.s, from the.GKEAT fexPEsES, ueay i.oPSEH, and sKEiors EJiBARRAss3:rNT3 inseparably connocled with the system of newspaper credit? 'm common use. For the future, the, our term, v, ]] stand thus: For orie ycor, if paid in ndvnnce, Doll.ak: if not paid in advance, Two Dollars. Frota tiiese terms there wil] be no vanuit.Oíd subscribers can nyail ihernseJves oí öur cash tcrms as soon as líiey piease, by baying all arrenrages. and One Dollar for anothcr ycar. Let none eomplain of thedisproporíion in price, whilo íhey can have íheir paper at either ráíe. Tiïs 'dltproynrtion is no! grcatcr than Ihat whick aclualhj c.vlh. - One dollar in advance is v.oríh as much to ua as two dollars, after ve have waiieu for it one or two years, paid an agent a poríion of it ío go several times a hundfëd rniles fbr thc balance, and he ofteu returns with a story fhat the debtor is gene to Ñau voo, or Texas, or parts unknonn, ór.iádea'd, or insolvent, or oever took his papers from the oílice! Yet [his is rrequeatly our eacouragememt. We take this course on the supposkioníhai.the l'riends oí' Liberty wil] excrt themselves to increase our list tó 3000, which is requisito ta make tho establishment' meet its Iiabiliíies.We have been 'sending to severa! iiundredsu'bscribers for tlireé and. si x monlhs, whosc lerms wil] soon expire. We should be glad to have them continue. The Signal, at the pnce we offer is decidedly the chcapcM japer in ihe State. - -VVO have not made tiiis offer without being fally awore ot' hs mmnentous consequences: We shall be vvftölïy dependent upoïi tlie co-opeiation and aid of ouifriends to enJarge our Jist to tliat cxleat to which we can live. lfeach subscribcr will procure onc , -ore, which can readily be efTected by a little exertion; the vork will be done at once. Shall it be done NOW?{L7 Sonio Vv'higs öe(?in to tiiiuk all Liberoien as utipriqcipled as ihemsclves. Ütfers are frequent'y made thtit if they vi!l go tbr Clay now, the Wftigé vtíÍÍjto for Bídícv ertfitftcr. o can"t trust vou, g-entleinên . Your offt-r itself bhows jour o.rnipwon. Vo are inftfrmed tfrat aii fioliiirabJe Wl.ig g4nUeman r Woriroo, who calid h'irosél uu AboÜiouit, bul says h&,rnW go for Cjay -'flus odcc,' while or a tour looknigup iheJSiroey mon, m:icJc th8 prüpositioM to one ofthein: i(lt' you v.ül give us your fjelp tiiriv, l'll pledge you my vyord tliat 1 will go wiih you ncXt fnll-yoi, .ürciw!" Tu.Uiistlie farmer replied, "Ido iiotbelieve you, and if I did, I would not do it for ƒ have too much regard for principie!"


Signal of Liberty
Old News