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Foreign News: France And Great Britain

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The London Times, of the Intest date, says: "We beg to congraul&te the country on the truly.gratifying ntellifrence of a probable arrangement of the Tahiti qnestion, and a termination to all feafs of a ropture between ourselves and Franco. The qnestion nppears to have beon éttled in r way oqually honorable fo both cmintries. The indigoity to Englnnd has been cunceMei] without the srnallest loss of digriity to Franee; we hnve got every concession that we could jtistly demand, and Prance has only given what she could not in justice witlihold.'' O'Con.nell's Cask- Sentkncr confjrmkd. - The Snglish judges (House of Lorde) in the case of O'CoTinell and the state prïson ers, have confirmed the ji.idgment given by the Irith court of queen's bench. The lord chief justice, who read an elabórate papen statetl in substanoe thatall the English judgee agreed to pronooncing two of the coonts in the "monster indictment'' bad, and four of tliern unsnpportable inlaw: neverthelpps, with two exceptions, the judges weré of the opinión that the verdict and pnnishment. founded upon the gord connts, was valid in lnw and ouglit to Ptand. The two disfentients from this doctrine were Baron Park nnd Justice Coleman. Mkhkmkt Ali. - The larest accounts from Egypt state thnt MehemetAli hadabondoned his intenlion of resigning power. Uis abpence losted but four daye, and he has returned to Alcxandria to carry on the governrnent as usual . Expulto-v of Sisters of Charitt from Ru.--sia. - Several sisters of charity have lately arrjved at Berlin, having been conducted to the froh'tiers of Prussia from their convent at Wilna, ín Russia, which was suppres8eil. Theyare young womeir of education and jood families, and will return to their principal convent in Frunce. They were put ander the charge of Cossacks, of whóse treatment they make severe complaints.Thk War betwken Feancb and Moroo co. - The Prince de Joinville has followëd up the bombafdment of Tangier by the bombord ment and occupation ot' Mogador, on the I5th. After the destruclion of the town and forts, ho took possession of the ïsland and port. On this occasion the Moors do not ap pear to have avvaited the attaclc of the French, bnt to havo fii'ed upoh them before ttiej' could bnng their gum to bear: and the coneequencca, to the French accounts, is, that eeventy-eight men, of whom seven were oflicerj!, have been killed and wounded. The war in Circassia, which has now cohtinued so tnany years, doea not appear yet to be nbbut to fermiriale in the conquést of the country. O.n Ihe contrary, the Ruesians have experienced a fresh defcat at Perdigorak, near Koubarï. A general rccruiting is ordèred in Russia. The western provincès nrè to furnish five men for every thousand of the populalion. Jlbdkalion of Mchemet Jlli. - The most extraordinary item of intlligence is that Mehetnet AU, tbe Pacha of Ëgypt, has abdicated h8 (hrone in favor of his eon Ibrahim, and hae gone on a pilgnmage lo Mècca. Thérè is a great deal of curiosity expres'Sed as to' the causo of thÍ3 singular movcmcht.' The óld 6ovcreig:rr was in excellent health, and, up totho hour of hts abdieation, and full of Jife, projects, and plans as ever. The nbdication occurred immcdiately nfter a Convenlion had boen concJuded with Sir H. Hardmse, the English Governor General of India, who stopped at Alexandrw on his way, by which the sovereignty of Egypt is guarantied to Meheniet, in consideration of his allowing a passage to the English throngli Egypt. The London Timea thus spenks of this event: Since the Emperor Charles V., retired to the monostery of St. Juef, the vvorld has scarcely witnessod so singular and unexpected an act of voluntary abdieation as that of Meberait Ali, which has just been nnnounced by the French telegraph. Although the retirement of the Pacha of Egypt from public affaire to the precincts of the holy citips, connot be compared, in political importance, to the seciusion óf ihe anglist head of the House of Austria in the I6th centnry, yet, as an instance of individual Torce of character, it is not less remarcable; and it would seem as if the most signal renunciations of political great ness were to crown the lives oï those men who have been most eager in pursuit of it.


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