Donald Schorling Receives Posthumous Silver Star Award

A posthumous award of the Silver Star Medal has been made to Sgt. Donald Clark Schorling, son of Prof. and Mrs. Raleigh Schorling of 403 Lenawee Dr., it is announced by Maj. Gen. H. F. Kramer’s 97th Infantry Division in Yokohama, Japan.
The award was for gallantry in action near Obersterg, Germany, on April 14, 1945.
As the leading squad of an attacking rifle company approached Obersterg during darkness, it received heavy machine gun fire from the village. Sgt. Schorling, as assistant squad leader, aided in deploying the squad and instructing the men to fire at gun flashes.
With his squad leader he then moved into the town and circled to the rear of the enemy location. Opening surprise fire they wounded one enemy soldier and captured fifteen others, allowing the squad to quickly secure the town.
According to the 97th Division release, Sgt. Schorling’s gallantry on this and a similar occasion in which he gave his life a few days later, reflects high credit upon himself and the armed forces. He was 22 years old at the time of his death.